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News purge vice commander application


should i be vice commander   

7 members have voted

  1. 1. yes or no

    • yes + support and please state why
    • no - support and please state why

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What is your IGN News


2. What Regiment are you applying for

purge vice commander 


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?       

 I want to become a vice commander for purge because I've been a COL for 3 months and doing my best and I want to make sure the Battalion does live up to its reputation as the Soldiers of the Inquisitors and the killers of remaining Jedi and I know i can hold the responsibilities and duties as a vice commander I have taken a lot of time out of my life for purge and im on basically all day and try to keep purge active up along with IQ with sims trainings and I know I'm a good leader and love leading people to victory in battle and always make sure purge and IQ are following the rules and if they aren't il explain what they did wrong and tell them to read the SOP. I always keep things under control in pcp and  ec after the event on ship I have all of purge line up behind me in ranking order and we patrol around the ship and I have done a couple private debriefings and  Always help people with purge trooper tryouts tell the tricks to make it easier. I all Ways keep my eyes on all of my fellow troops to see if there do good and deserve a promotion. I think a vice commander should also represent all of Purge so a vice commander needs to be a good example of how players should act on the server. A vice commander should also flag up the troops and maintain a consistent activity among the troops  and I know those small interactions at PCP truly benefit Purge And conversation is the best way to make boring tasks like guarding PCP more fun. Engaging with players in TS or in game really improves the overall comradery within and between battalions.  And kashak, Lucas, and vertigo have inspired me to get this far so im trying my best.


4. How much game time do you have on the server?

about 10 months or more. 


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? 

 purposes of a vice commander is to inspire them to keep playing on the server and do roster updates also to make sure Purge are following the SOP and making sure there doing there job. And need to giving Purge amazing sims and giving out prizes money, promotions, and guns to keep them playing and so they have fun also set an example to the Enlisted, NCO, and Officers and be involved with them and to help the battalion with anything they need help with a vice commander. making sure the troops are happy and entertained is a really big priority and should be one of the most important purposes for a vice commander. 


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I've  done a good job as an Officer but I  could do more as a vice commander. Im always making sure if people need help im there and make sure if people are braking rules they get punished or talked to by me. I help people around the ship and make sure new people feel welcome I do a lot of sims trainings and have proven im a good leader and I respect everyone. Iv been a COL for 3 months and think i have what it takes I haven't been kicked band or striked warned.


7. How often can you be Online? :

All most all the time I have decided my sweet blood and soul to purge and im only in purge I try to be on as much as i can usually im all most of the time some times on 247  


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : i do not have any warnings star-wars-the-dark-times.gif.8e1f1ecb876a5d6014641fdac25098d9.gif

Edited by halo-news117


-ST VICE COMMANDER               



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-App is very short and has grammatical/spelling errors
+ good guy and has shown effort in/for the battalion

                                                                          ~~~~~~Ghoul ~~~~~~

                                        Imperial Sith Trooper | 2x Eighth Brother, DT MAJ

                                                 E11 D4 STF, Senior Moderator

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+ Friendly and usually on guarding and interacting with purge troopers, enforcing the rules, and has shown a lot of effort for the battalion 

Edited by Blaez

Current: Apprentice I Alastor/ RG CDT I Vox/501st PVT Vox 4556

Ex: Purge BTO CSM Blaez 24BD/Shock ERUO 1LT Blaez SK556

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48 minutes ago, Ghoul said:

-App is very short and has grammatical/spelling errors
+ good guy and has shown effort in/for the battalion


Ex. Grand Inquisitor   / Ex. Lead Administrator / Ex. High Command / Ex. Support Advisor /  Ex. Senior Diplomat

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News has been in the community for a while now and has shown that he can become a true leader for Purge through his determination and kind heart.

Don't get me wrong though, to become a great leader in IQ or Purge you need to step on peoples toes from time to time and people did hate me and him for doing so, But you have to cull the weak to make the Inquisitors great again. News has had so much backlash for being a stern player on this server but that is a good trait for being a leader as long as you can backup what you dish out. 

If News becomes Purge Vice Commander then I know we will still be feared to the end of eternity.

Also if your gonna complain about his level of grammar then you sir need to look in the mirror and say well I'm not good either and I can improve through learning and being around positivity. 

Edited by Jax1994

I could not have made it this far had there not been angels along the way.


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+ Support
News is an active and respected officer not just in purge but around the ship. I've seen him work and will vouch for him. He's friendly but is capable when it comes to being a leader and able to be serious when required. A great candidate for the position! 
-Application just needs a slight touch up grammatically

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