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EMS Suggestion - Denied


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What you want to see? - Spike strips added to EMS LT+

Why should we add it? - People keep illegally driving into our driveway.

What are the advantages of having this? - Prevents people from ramming into EMS vehicles, which in turn would increase EMS response time.

Who is it mainly for? - EMS LT+

Links to any content -  N/A

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-Smart to only give it to command.

-Will help EMS deal with people who constantly ram our cars or just speed down our driveway.


Ex: EMS: Captain RRU: Advanced Rapid Response Medic Staff: Senior Moderator 

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1 hour ago, Randy Gow said:

+ Support

Keep the minges out of the EMS Driveway! Makes our job easier.


57 minutes ago, Joe B said:


-Smart to only give it to command.

-Will help EMS deal with people who constantly ram our cars or just speed down our driveway.



Im back


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Will help stop gov being called because people keep getting rammed. 

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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1 hour ago, Tactical said:

should we add gas to ems too? come on guys ems dont have spikestrips irl



PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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