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Kraut's Gamemaster Application



4 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this application worthy?

    • Yes, Kraut's Application looks to be good and well.
    • No, Kraut's application does not meet the Gamemaster application standards and needs work.

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In-game name: Kraut (Second Life: Brisket)


Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: CSM

Have you donated to the server?: Yes. (Lord T3)

Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No

Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No

How much time do you have on the server?: 175 hours and 12 minutes as of 5/26/22

How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I have watched all of the original trilogy and I know a bit of canon from forums, videos and such. I have not watched any of the new films or series but am willing to if needed to be a better GM (I haven't had access to Netflix till recently. Like ever.) 

Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I love the Gamemaster concept and I'm pretty creative at times, I personally like the Moderator/Gamemaster system in this server. I really like helping others which I can do by assisting with SIMs for other Members on GamingLight ImperialRP. I also like expressing my ideas and am open to criticism either constructive or not.

Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: In RP i am a CSM in the Imperial Starfighters and a midshipman in Naval, I am also a moderator with 0 warns, bans, or kicks. I have no intent to abuse my powers for my benefit or others, and I have no intent to use my powers to impede on other members fun or experience 

Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes

Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I have no former experience but I've participated in multiple events and am friends with a few GMs and Iearn more and more about how they function either from them, spectating or participating in events and event/sim set-ups and the little bit i can learn from the Gamemaster Guidelines Handbook.

Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: 

Medical's research department is being assisted by a ISB scientist for a new aging syrum and healing method when a failed syrum gets loose and a few troopers consume it! Weird things happen to these troopers, either it be height changes, insainity or the desire to eat every object around you! (the last one can be used for chewing things like helmets or blasters) ISB and medical have to work together to contain the spread of these serums before it reaches someone like High Command. 

OFF-SHIP (more directed to Spec-ops and Black-ops)
ISB boards the ISD-GL with important news, while they were scouting nearby sectors for a new supplier, they find a Slave trader with a redacted trooper and another ISB agent. This is unacceptable! A rebel could come and buy both of them and get redacted information for thier fleet which would be horrible for the empires secret operations and ISB's security. Once the Empire reaches the planet they find out rebels are already there attempting to buy the captured Empire assets several Rebel droppods come in and the ISD-GL ends up bombared by rebels narrowly escaping with the redacted unit but tragically being unable to save the ISB agent, The empire will have to find the slaver trader once more to end the trafficking of the Empires assest and troopers.

Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give <player> <weapon>

Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model <player> <model>

Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes.

(sorry if the event ideas are bad, not in a good mood currently so no creativity)

ImperialRP GM and Moderator

SF SWO Yrica Quell

RoyalGuard CDT IV Orphan

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                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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- You seem rather eager to join and help out the community
- Your app is ratheer decent though it could be better explained
- You have read the GM guidelines and it shows as you have answered the questions correctly 
- Decent Event idea

- The only bad thing is just getting your time on the server up as i dont think your in game time really meets requirements 

Ex. Grand Inquisitor   / Ex. Lead Administrator / Ex. High Command / Ex. Support Advisor /  Ex. Senior Diplomat

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44 minutes ago, CollectiveWorld said:


- You seem rather eager to join and help out the community
- Your app is ratheer decent though it could be better explained
- You have read the GM guidelines and it shows as you have answered the questions correctly 
- Decent Event idea

- The only bad thing is just getting your time on the server up as i dont think your in game time really meets requirements 

I + Support, but I have seen you Minge around a lot so I'm a little scared to have you on the team.


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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19 hours ago, CollectiveWorld said:


- You seem rather eager to join and help out the community
- Your app is ratheer decent though it could be better explained
- You have read the GM guidelines and it shows as you have answered the questions correctly 
- Decent Event idea

- The only bad thing is just getting your time on the server up as i dont think your in game time really meets requirements 

Good luck!

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