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 = Application Format =


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 = Application Format =

What is your in-game name?:carol

What is your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:551886767

What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:Petty Officer 2nd Class

What specialty are you applying for?:Aviation

 What Naval HC (Commodore+) gave you permission to apply?:SSO Rear Admiral Sauce

What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? in fighter combat "good at gta dog fighting"

Why should you be trusted with this position?:because ive never done anything bad in a rp surver ever

Why do you want this rank?:to fly

Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:yes i do understand this.

What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:to help when i need to help in a time when it is needed

 current- DT M36- GM Current Staff-SNRMOD
 former-Royal Guard XII Carol 501st HVYL Carol 501ST LTCOL Carol ST 2LT Carol Staff/GM team Former-MOD GM IIx2


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This does not meet expectations for applying for a specialty. I suggest you go back and edit this. I think you could be a great Aviation Officer; it's just this app is quite lacking. If this is revised, I will consider supporting this. Best of luck!

Former Moderator. Admiral Garrick Versio, Security Director, (Longtime SSO) Nova BHS Major Falkery NT05

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21 hours ago, Parkerxxx said:

- Support 
This does not meet expectations for applying for a specialty. I suggest you go back and edit this. I think you could be a great Aviation Officer; it's just this app is quite lacking. If this is revised, I will consider supporting this. Best of luck!


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 5/23/2022 at 11:06 PM, Parkerxxx said:

- Support 
This does not meet expectations for applying for a specialty. I suggest you go back and edit this. I think you could be a great Aviation Officer; it's just this app is quite lacking. If this is revised, I will consider supporting this. Best of luck!


5M: EMS Captain, Sentinel
EX: Rescue Squadron Vice Marshal, Deputy Director, Director of research, medical COL, Shock, ST, Inferno. Starfighters, Naval, LOST MC X2, Mafia, Triad

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

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- Support

  • Incorrect Title Format
  • Does not meet the expectations of applying for any specialty.
  • No effort at all.

Overall, you could be a great Aviation Officer but with the effort you have put into this application makes me think that you may do the same when overseeing SF. The questions that you have answered have very short answers and answers that do not answer the question well.

Good Luck.

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