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Richards 501st Vice Commander Application- Denied


Should I get 501st vice commander?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think

    • Yes Richard should
    • No Richard should not

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

CPT Richard

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

501st Vice Commander

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I want to be a vice commander so I can help my battalion thrive, as I have been in 501st for a while and it always makes me joyous when a new recruit, or NCO, needs help and comes to me, because I enjoy people asking for help because that means they are learning. I also enjoy helping people and I think being a vice commander would aid me in fixing peoples issues in the battalion. I also have great ideas to make the battalion a more enjoyable environment for everyone, such as a game night each week for team building, rewards to active NCOs and enlisted,  and finally keeping the battalion as neat as possible so people want to join and look up to 501st as a battalion. I also want to become a vice commander so I can support anything positive my NCOs, and enlisted do. I also want to have more of a say of what happens in the battalion as I think I have great ideas for the battalion that I listed up above. Another reason I want to be a vice commander is so I can better myself in real life (management skills), and in game (by working more with command) I believe this is a mountain  I must climb on my journey to greatness. The biggest word that comes to mind for why I want to become a vice commander is improvement as I think I can improve the battalion in a good way and as such will make it a safer place for everybody so to answer why I want to be a vice commander it is so I can improve the battalion, give people motivation not to give up and quit, making 501st a more accessible place for everyone, and making sure everyone feels welcome. 

How much time do you have on the server?

469:58  from when I made this applicationhttps://www.battlemetrics.com/players/994510517

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of a vice commander is to improve their battalion in any way possible and I feel I can double everything a vice commander should be doing. Some of the things that vice commanders  should be doing are

-Editing the roster frequently and diligently

                -Assisting anybody with the problems they may have

                   -making sure the battalion doesn’t have any minges

-being a good role model for everybody on the server and not just their battalion

-making sure everybody feels welcome

I feel I can improve on these a lot and it would be a great honor to do so. If you do give me the opportunity to be a vice commander I really want to take this to heart and improve on it a lot. I think it is important to take all of these to heart as it hurts the battalion when there is a mingey command member.

Editing the roster

I think editing the roster is a big part of being a vice commander as it shows dedication to the battalion. There has been a few times where I was accused of faking my rank because the roster wasn't updated. I find that to be a slight issue as it can be problematic at times if somebody was accused of it and the roster says their rank is different from what they say it is.

Assisting people with problems they have
Assisting people with problems in the battalion is an important part to keep a battalion active and alive as it can be problematic when there is an issue that's causing people not to play. This one means a lot to me as 501st is a battalion I love and would hate to see die.


Making sure the battalion doesn't have any minges

Making sure a battalion isn't full of minges is important for what the server thinks of a specific battalion. This doesn't mean you remove everybody for a slight problem. This means that you make sure that they know what they did was wrong and they wont do it again. If they continue to be an issue then that's when they should be removed.

Being a good role model

Being a good role model is important so people don't think minging is okay. Something I have noticed is when somebody starts minging other people start joining in even if they have been doing really well on the server beforehand.

Making sure everybody feels welcome
Making sure everyone feels welcome is important so nobody feels like they don't matter as much as somebody else outside of RP. I think ImperialRP is a server for everyone and 501st should respect that. It really makes me sad when somebody tells me about something another person did that was meant to be mean towards them and that needs to be stopped at its early stages so nobody gets warned or banned at all. 

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I feel I should be trusted as a vice commander because I have some experience leading people and I will take responsibility for my actions. I think a reason I can be trusted is because I am a trial mod and a TGM. I also feel I should be trusted because I enjoy 501st and would love to see it grow as a battalion and be the most active battalion.  Another reason I feel I should be trusted as a vice commander is because of my almost clean record on this server. I really think it shows how dedicated I am to this server as a whole. Another reason I can be trusted as a vice commander is because I have zero strikes on the battalion and I intend to keep it that way. Another reason I think I should be trusted as a vice commander is because I have very creative ways to deal with problems and how to improve the battalion. The last reason I think I can be trusted as a vice commander is because I like to think I'm very calm and approachable as that’s something I think would give not just high command but also the people under me and above me a reason to trust me. I do feel trust is subjective though and it takes different people longer amounts of time to trust a certain person and that should be taken into account as a new vice commander. Overall I think I am a trust worthy person and I can gain your support.

7. How often can you be Online? :

I can be online from 2:40pm EST to 10:pm EST on weekdays and usually anytime on weekends I will be accessible through discord.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

I have 1 warning for attempted RDM from when I started playing 

Edited by philipwmwhitaker
I was not happy with my application.
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-good dude but app needs some work

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+/- support
-he moves alot meaning he likes to change battalions alot might effect him
+ very active

 but he has always been a great guy He would do good in the position I feel, besides the things I stated.

Edited by sharky6798
app was updated

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“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

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20 hours ago, sharky6798 said:

+/- support
-app needs work
-he moves alot meaning he likes to change battalions alot
+ very active

 but He has always been a great guy He would do good in the position I feel, besides the things I stated.

If you can update your application to give some more info and make it overall better I may change my support.

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


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On 5/17/2022 at 4:58 PM, sharky6798 said:

+/- support
-he moves alot meaning he likes to change battalions alot might effect him
+ very active

 but he has always been a great guy He would do good in the position I feel, besides the things I stated.

Don't see you on much (Most likely due to timezones)

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Thank you for your interest in joining the Army Command Team.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
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