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Vacander Jax/ Joslin's Vice Sovereign Application- Denied


Should I be accepted?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes if I should, no if I shouldn't

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

SHGO Lore Senior Guard Vacander Jax


2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Royal Guard


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

First and foremost, I want to help lead an already unique and fascinating battalion in the best ways I know how. I love to teach and pass on knowledge that has been personally accrued by myself or passed down to me. With this in mind, I would like to be the person that any Royal Guard member, regardless of rank, can approach for guidance in any aspect of the duties that we carry out as well as personal issues that might be affecting them that they need to talk to. I believe that it is essential to help with mental well being if we are going to lead a battalion with efficiency as we are people at the end of the day.


I feel as though this position would grant me a broader spectrum in which to implement my style of leadership so that I can put my best efforts into making this the best battalion to be a part of. In addition to the things I mentioned in the first paragraph, I also want to be able to have a direct influence on in a leadership position such as this so that I can be a voice for all of Royal Guard. This is directly in tandem with the aforementioned approachability aspect. I have been in several leadership positions that encompass both video games and real life and I have always enjoyed having the ability to be there and go to bat for those placed in my charge.


With all these things being said, I also want to become a Vice Sovereign for selfish reasons as well. That sentence tends to come off as a bad thing, but I will explain. I take great joy in doing things for people that make them happy. I have no care for GC or items which usually all go towards giving a new player a leg up in their future with Gaminglight or to fund sims which I do to keep things interesting within the battalion. There needs to be a sense of giving when in a position of command and I know and want to bring that to the table as a Vice Sovereign and hopefully beyond that position, if its in the cards for me.


Experience also counts for leadership and I have plenty of that to go around. I want to take that experience and share it with all of Royal Guard so that we can all achieve the greatness that this battalion is and has potential for. I also want to use this to mold future leaders who will hopefully take my spot after I have vacated from it. In short, the main reason I want to become Vice Sovereign is to further strengthen us as a battalion and a family.


4. How much game time do you have on the server?

I have 5 weeks in total as of right now


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

This has many answers, as there are many facets to command. First is to lead the battalion and keep it running like a well oiled machine. Doing this requires swift action and judgement. Handing out punishment is the dark side of this, but the better side is handing out merits such as promotions, rewards and more or different responsibilities. People should be eager to get on and play on their Royal Guard job and should get a sense of enjoyment out of it.


A different aspect is to go to bat for those under your command. What I mean with this is that you should be willing to sacrifice anything if that person is in the right. I would gladly sacrifice my rank for anyone in my battalion as long as they are in the right. This does not mean, however, blindly sacrificing for no reason. This is where good judgement comes into play as it is essential for anyone in a commanding position, regardless of if its in real life or in a game.


Having tact is another facet of command. If one cannot talk to those in command over them in a respectful but direct way, then they are lacking as a commander. Balancing compromise with rigidity goes hand in hand with this. If a commander is a doormat, the battalion gets steam rolled, if they are so rigid that they cannot see the point of any compromise, the battalion still gets steam rolled. With this in mind, a commander should be able to know the perfect medium between the two and be able to use tact to relay to higher command where they are willing to compromise and where they are not.


Lastly, a commander should understand that, at the end of the day, they are there for the battalion and those in it and not for themselves. The commander should not dictate policies that no one else in they’re charge agrees with unless absolutely necessary. With this, suggestions should be welcomed openly from anyone in the battalion.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

First, I have been in this position before and know the duties and responsibilities of a Vice Commander. I was removed from position about a month into it, however. Most of that stemmed from an inactivity period that was spurred by someone with which I did not agree with who is no longer on the server. It ran deeply within me and I could not justify trying to help lead a battalion while having to beg for scraps of information about what was happening with different situations occurring within my battalion.


With that being put into the open, I do have reasons that are very valid for trust to be extended to me for this position. I do not back down and I am willing to stand up to something that I believe to be unjust. I have no problem doing this, but if I am shown that I’m in the wrong, I will see that and immediately back down. That being said, I also know when whatever the decision may be, if its for the best of the battalion and people in it, I will endorse it to a fault.


My experience is a huge factor not only in regards to my past positions held, but also from my real life positions. I am a veteran and have led my fellow service members into real battle as well as dealt with administrative things back home when we were not deployed. I have also been in leadership positions in a plethora of civilian jobs as well. These experiences coupled with my love for this battalion enable me to bring a lot to the table as a leader that I think will only help to benefit Royal Guard and someday, maybe the server as a whole.


7. How often can you be Online? :

I can usually be online every day at the end of work. The time that I can be on depends on my schedule, as being a truck driver tends to make my schedule erratic at times. I can usually be on for two hours at a minimum everyday, but I have also been know to sacrifice sleep so that I can stay on and help lead or do sims for my fellow Royal Guard.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

I have zero warnings

That Guy Joslin

star wars hate GIF


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Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.

Edited by Katsimaru

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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9 hours ago, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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22 hours ago, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 4/10/2022 at 2:11 PM, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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On 4/10/2022 at 9:11 PM, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


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On 4/10/2022 at 2:11 PM, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


Past Medical LTCOL 2x / Past Havoc Vice Commander Past Shock Vice Commander / Pass GM,Admin

Lord Scrubby!



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On 4/11/2022 at 4:11 AM, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


Senior Moderator  Walker  Death Troopers  HX7  Royal Guard  Shadow Guard  Walker  |   EX : SHGO Lore Senior Guard Walker/Vacander Jax | EX Shock Command  Lieutenant Colonel Mayhem & K2S0 

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On 4/10/2022 at 8:11 PM, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


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On 4/10/2022 at 2:11 PM, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.

Good guy and very responsible


 Past Vice Sovereign Alum Frost | Past Admin 

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On 4/10/2022 at 2:11 PM, Katsimaru said:

Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.


Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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Unfortunatly, After High Command Discussion We Have Decided To Deny You Into The Command Team, Do Not Be Discouraged. You Are Always Welcome To Apply When Applications Open Again. Thank You For Your Patience And Effort
-The Grand Inquisitor, Name

Ex. Grand Inquisitor   / Ex. Lead Administrator / Ex. High Command / Ex. Support Advisor /  Ex. Senior Diplomat

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