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Nu7 WO Application-Destroyer


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Your name on the roster: Destroyer


Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): SM


You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no:  Yes, I do!


Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: Nope I don't




Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): From the start I loved this branch and didn't want to play as anything else. My dedication to the branch is high, my activity is at the highest level possible right now. I am a really friendly player, I have a strike, however it was a accident I know some command lost trust to me there, but I changed. I will try to minge less and overally my behaviour will be better. I see my disadvantages and im currently working on them, so if I become a command member I will be just better. I think my trust from SCMD is higher right now, since I became a DHTR. I belive you can always rely on me, I will help everyone with their problems. I belive I can be trusted as a command member, if no you can just demote me to SM I think its a good idea to give me a chance. When I joined this server its the first time I started to love playing garry's mod and I want to be in Nu-7 community for a long time so I think with all that mentioned you should trust me. I really didn't belive people would trust me being a HTF member, so I think I proved to be in command.


Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words):  I belive I deserve this position, because my dedication to the branch is really high and I want to become a command member to make this branch even better. I already saw things that I want to make better in any way I can. I really want to fix the disorganistation, because its really bad right now from what I know. I am a active off-hours player and there isn't many command like this so I belive I would be really helpful with finding players that play on off-hours and want to get promoted, CPL and below may have a hard time making command to see their activity and dedication. I know how hard it was to get command to see your dedication and activity. I would just like to make tihs branch better, how I can make it better. As I mentioned before I love this branch and I would love to show everyone my dedication and love to the branch as a member of command it would make it really easier. I may be promoted yesterday but with all that activity and dedication to the branch I belive WO would be a really good position for me. I also want to make branches relations better, because right now they aren't the best, since I have people that I know in for example CI command like Tydrix, I can make Nu-7 and CI relations better and maybe some cross PTs with CI. My leadership skills are at a really good level. With all of this said I belive I deserve this position.


Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words):  I think thats the best option to apply for Warrant Officer at this rank, because  Sergeant Major is the rank below Warrant Officer. With this said the experience is higher than for example Sergeant. Since I am already a SM and DHTR I think its the right time to apply for a command position that is Warrant Officer. I may not be a really serious player but thats when nothing is happening and if things that are serious are happening I can be REALLY serious. However I belive I already have proven myself to be a command member. SM is a good rank to apply, because people from other branches know me and I have a good establishment on the server.




You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: The first thing I would do is pull the PFC aside to talk to him and ask him whats the problem probably in teamspeak I learned something from SavagerY too. This is REALLY important to ask them whats the problem before giving them something serious like a verbal warning or a strike. Then I would inform him that his behaviour is really rude, he may be unaware that his behaviour is bad and not respectful. He may just have a bad day people are known to be rude and unaware of the situation, telling him to calm down is the best thing to do in this situation. I would also inform him that it isn't a really bad thing to just act like that, because of having a bad day we all know that our emotions are really out of control sometimes. If he does that again its a bigger problem, because toxicity isn't tolerated in our branch. I would be forced to report him to a staff or tell about that situation to Senior Command and whats their opinion on this, since I can't strike I would leave the situation to SCMD+


You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: The same thing as before I will pull him aside to a diffrent channel in teamspeak and inform them about the situation and whats the problem also their explanation about the situation. What I have learned from SavagerY I would patiently wait for the response and their side of the situation. I would gather the evidence and the judgement from SCMD and/or HCMD what action should be done, it may be just a strike or even a removal but thats the worst thing. In my opinion it should be a strike if multiple verbal warnings occured and also depends on the severity. It may not be their fault its always important to hear their story.


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Good app

Great guy to chill with

Would make a great WO

SCP RP Former ~ Retired AMM Dagger | Certs/Sub-Branches: SFTO, ACSM, MMF Jan 2 Febreze DGR6, HLPR Bot dG6 | RRH Engineer Whiskey Retired MTF Nu7 2LT Dagger | HTF A4 Reaper C5 | SCA Valkyr DGR6Enoch Approved | Certs/Sub-Branches: DHFTO, SFE, SMCU, STR, SBHM, JCBRN | Former MTF D5 PFC Dagger DG6 | Former CI LCPL Dagger | Certs/Sub-Branches: Hotshot/CQOP 

Imperial RP Former ~ Former SF SP Dagger 0268 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Regimental Engineer, Cobra Squadron Captain | Former Purge SSGT Dagger DG21 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Brawler Tactical Specialist | Retired ST 2LT Dagger 0268 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Scoutrooper Senior, Shoretrooper Captain, Regimental Engineer | Former DT CPL S19/DG6 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Seeker Company, Sarlacc Company | Former Royal Guard II Dagger | Former IQ Lord I Dagger | Former Imperial RP Moderator

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+ Support

+ Great guy to be around

+ Amazing app

+ Active

+ Overall just a gamer

Current: CI Military Private, Junior Maintenance

Former: Nu-7 DHFTO 2LT, Delta-5 WO, Research Supervisor, RRH Analyst Alpha 19SCP-RP Event Team Member, SCP-RP Senior Moderator

Jetstream Sam Enthusiast | Gloveless Individual


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Very active

cool guy

You were given DHTRT for a reason, I would love to see you in command

SCP-RP: CI 2LT | SEC 2LT | Lumberjack Union Chief Logging Operator, S4 Avium SL1 | Retired Research Supervisor | Retired CI 2LT, 1LT | 2x Former SEC 1LT, Retired CPT Former WC Nemesis | Former Nu7 HFTO MAJ/A3 Tesla | Retired Admin

CCs: MTF Rev 26 'Vigilant Hero' | Vonzen Plushie | STARS | D-9177 'The Pill' | CI TF2 Heavy

Achievements: Staff Of The Month | 11x Staff Of The Week

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active and competent

good luck!



Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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Good Activity
Does a good job 
Is a Sub-branch lead so has promise and can handle responsibility 


Former -{Longest Purge VCMDR} {EXP Researcher} {CI LCPL x2} {Maintenance Professional{CI RnD Supervisory Agent}{MTF Nu7 1LT } {HTF Zealot}

OWNER OF {The Eternal Twins{Phantom Squadron{MTF Kairos-01 'Sola Fide'{A Group of Psychos}

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On 3/28/2022 at 6:22 PM, FeaR x Green Pikachu said:


+True gamer


+Mingy but serious when need to be

+Still have no idea how you got HTF

+ Decent answer to scenario question



SCP-RP | Maintenance Expert | HLPR Bot bT5 | Senior Researcher | Senior Event Team Member

Custom Classes | Umbrella Corporation Operative


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