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Cecil's Inferno Squad NCO Application

Cecil Stedmen

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Edit: Ignore this application, was promoted to the first NCO Rank Senior Agent on 3/21/22, requesting a forums diplomat to send this application to the archives


What is your In Game Name? Cecil/Eximus


What is your In Current Rank? Agent


What is your Agent Name? Bad Apple


How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? I joined last week on March 11th.


Why Do You Want To Become An NCO? [100+ Words] Well to start with, I guess I should explain why I wanted to join IF in the first place. I’ve always loved doing interrogations and Inferno advertised itself as an interrogation/rp oriented black ops unit. Since I’ve joined Inferno I’ve had a lot of fun which has made me want to play it often. Which contributed to me leaving SCPRP ET and joining the GM team. Since I ‘ve had a lot of fun in the regiment, it makes logical sense to want to see the regiment flourish and prosper and becoming an NCO is the first step I can take towards showing how much I can contribute to Inferno Squadron. I have a lot I want to show to the IF command and believe I’d do great within the position of IF NCO.


How could you assist Inferno Squad with this rank?  [50+ Words]  First off, I have a lot of time on my hands; meaning I can assist with ensuring there is a steady flow of tryouts with relative ease. Secondly, I can ensure new agents get acclimated to their new duties as quickly as possible. As some of IF’s duties can take a little bit of time to get used to doing if they have never done inferno or a black ops such as teaching them how to interrogate suspected rebels and gather data. Lastly, a watchful eye is always needed to ensure Inferno Squad is remaining professional at all times and not causing issues for other regiments. As an NCO, I’d be able to assist with keeping a watchful eye on the lower rankings and ensure that no harm comes to our reputation and help keep the regiment one of the best places to be on the ISD-GL.


How many strikes do you have? 0


Do you have any experience being an NCO/leading? If so, explain. I have a LOT of command experience on gaminglight servers alone. While none of  it is on ImperialRP, command/NCO’s do a lot of similar stuff on the other gaminglight servers such as keeping their lower ranks professional and helping them whenever needed; along with contributing to the recruitment of new members whenever possible. I’ll list all of my current and former command positions on Gaminglight over the last 12 months and when I left if applicable


Current Positions

-Research Administrator (Equivalent to around Senior Squad Lead)


Former Command Positions



-CI RND Chief Inspector (Equivalent to Squad Lead) (Left February 2022)



-FBI Assistant Director (Equivalent to around Deputy Squad Lead) (Left November 2021)

-EMS Captain (Equivalent to around Deputy Squad Lead) (Left November 2021)

-RRU Rapid Response Team Leader (Equivalent to around Deputy Squad Lead) (Left November 2021)


What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad NCO Team? Well, in terms of qualifications I can bring to the table. I have a lot of experience in doing training/tryouts for the respective units I was command for, meaning it’ll be easier for me to pick up how to run Inferno Squad tryouts when compared to other NCOs. Secondly, my many experiences in leadership makes it easier to figure out solutions to various problems that arise during day to day operations. This also means I can quickly understand when it’s time to bring a situation to a higher up and exactly how far up the chain I would need to go so as to avoid breaking the chain of command. 


Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 1 Week Trial Period?  Yes I do.

(Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion)


Edited by Cecil Stedmen

Former SCPRP: CI R&D Chief Director of Operations || Research Administrator || RFA Operations Advisory || RRH Analyst Xray 77 || CI General || Senior Event Team || CI Lieutenant Commander || Exemplary Investigator Award Recipient || STF D4 Poseidon PL7 || A1 SPC "Quantum"

Former ImperialRP: Naval Captain || Security Director || GM VI 

Former PoliceRP:  EMS Captain || RRU Rapid Response Team Manager || FBI Assistant Director 

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grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

-Head Agent Blood Raven   

Former RRH Analyst Delta 17 

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22 hours ago, Yohan Drinker of Booz said:


grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

-Head Agent Blood Raven   


Ex. Medical Commander Zug
Senior Admin | Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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22 hours ago, Yohan Drinker of Booz said:


grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

-Head Agent Blood Raven   

Good Luck Cecil!

ImperialRP SMT & Head Admin

Former Marshal Commander

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On 3/20/2022 at 5:12 PM, Yohan Drinker of Booz said:


grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

-Head Agent Blood Raven   

Goodluck hope you get accepted!

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 3/21/2022 at 8:12 AM, Yohan Drinker of Booz said:


grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

-Head Agent Blood Raven   


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On 3/20/2022 at 5:12 PM, Yohan Drinker of Booz said:


grate worked i've worked with him in the SCP server one of if not the best members their was i can say with a shred of hesitation you want him in NCO he can handle the work and hes Active as hell and from my time in IF hes on regular he dose as told and has common sense get this man in NCO it would be a waist to not have him

-Head Agent Blood Raven   

Youre NCO now but here anyways nerd

OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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