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Zefer Nova Vice Commander Resignment


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As you may know I Transfered my Rank from Nova to RG. 

Let me explain my mind set here. 

I'm getting really Close to Retirement from Gaminglight as a whole and my time right now is actually being spent on irl things it's why I been on so many LOAs lately. With that being said I just didn't have the time to be shelling out 20+ Sims each month we'll also dealing with Health problems with my Back and legs being as Frail as they are. That's why I Transfered to RG cause the work load is far more doable with my schedule. With that being said I want thank a few people who help me during my time as a Vice Commander. 


Mercury: one of the kindest Commanders in Gaminglight ngl it took me some major convincing myself to transfer and 90% of it was cause I didn't want to upset you. You've done so much for me in my time in Nova and I thank you. 


Comet: you were a huge supporter in getting me to Vice Commander and I know I have Disappointed you and I'm truly deeply sorry but with that being said thank you for being there for me through my time in Nova. 


Valoons: I hope one day you get Nova Commander your leadership skills are way beyond my own and you have a way better judgment then I could ever have. 


Bon: one of the Kindest and most understanding High command members in Gaminglight history thank you for being a role model to me well I was a command member 


Keegan: I've said this many times your last week in HC helped Nova so much and all though things didn't work out I hope you have a great future. 


Death: buddy you were there from the start of my Nova career to the end you were always exsited to see me when I was online and your inthusaum was something I couldn't get over with and still can't Good luck with Naval and also pick up your Nova activity I know your starting to just keep it up. 


Kio: a rising star in Nova I hope to see you in Command someday I know you can do it. 


Suns: respectful eager and willing are the words that come to mind when I see you I hope some day you get Officer. 


If I missed a few people forgive me I'm running out of time to write this.

Thank you Nova and good luck in your future. 

SCP/Medical Senior-Command/Manager/Head of Field Work 




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Zefer I will become one of the Best Nova Command Members for you! 

We'll make Nova the Best Damn Battalion on this server!!


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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