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Appealing my ban.- Denied


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First off , I hope you are doing great. So yesterday was halloween and it was fun. But it would of been better if could of came home after a long night and have been able to play my favorite Gmod rp server. I came home to a PERMABAN telling me that it was for MAS RACISM, I was so confused until I went and asked my little brother if he was playing when I was gone. And of course he tells me THAT HE GOT ME BANNED. After almost losing my mind, I asked him what did he do racist. So he tells me that called someone the n word (not hard r) and that he called the admins crackers. Which had me really confused because WE ARE CAUCASIAN OURSELVES. If you didnt already know calling a caucasian a cracker is a racial slur. Me nor my brother were not raised like that so I don't where he picked that up from. I was gonna appeal earlier but I didn't know if you would believe me. He will 100 percent never play again and I really hope I can get back to my favorite server. Thank you for creating such a good server. MUCH LOVE 🙂

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Follow Format.



9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:

And of course he tells me THAT HE GOT ME BANNED

Keep your computer locked or sign out of steam so that this does not happen. Even if this was your brother, it is still your account and you must face what punishment is given to you for what happened on that account.


9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:

n word (not hard r)

It does not matter if is was the hard r or not. It is still a discriminatory word and will be punished accordingly.


9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:

a caucasian a cracker is a racial slur

This can be taken as offensive and is a discriminatory word toward Caucasian people.


9 hours ago, jy4341669 said:


Being Caucasian does not matter. Discrimination is not tolerated, period.

Edited by Darby
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First off, literally anyone can say they didn't have control of their accounts after being banned. You have no proof. Cracker is considered hate speech since it refers to a very bad subject towards Caucasians. The rules broken happened on your account so you are to blame. Doesn't matter if you didn't do it. The account in question should remained permabanned do to the rule breaking happened on it. If what you say is true then you need to protect ya neck and ya pc so your "little brother" doesn't cause issues elsewhere.

Gaminglight:$2200+ Donations Gaminglight Legend | Community Member since April 2020

                                                               "Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

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2 hours ago, Burner said:


First off, literally anyone can say they didn't have control of their accounts after being banned. You have no proof. Cracker is considered hate speech since it refers to a very bad subject towards Caucasians. The rules broken happened on your account so you are to blame. Doesn't matter if you didn't do it. The account in question should remained permabanned do to the rule breaking happened on it. If what you say is true then you need to protect ya neck and ya pc so your "little brother" doesn't cause issues elsewhere.

Follow format.

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- Support 

I’m the one that banned you and got Phil to extend it, here’s a great clip of you sir. 



PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
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22 minutes ago, 00 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 00 said:

- Support 

I’m the one that banned you and got Phil to extend it, here’s a great clip of you sir. 





Also unfortunately your responsible for your own account regardless who may or may not get on your PC else anyone can use the excuse that "it wasn't me it was my bro" and try get away with any rule breaking

That bald Aussie Guy

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11 minutes ago, Phil said:



Also unfortunately your responsible for your own account regardless who may or may not get on your PC else anyone can use the excuse that "it wasn't me it was my bro" and try get away with any rule breaking


36 minutes ago, 00 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 00 said:

- Support 

I’m the one that banned you and got Phil to extend it, here’s a great clip of you sir. 



what these guys said -support from me


$500+ Donator

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2 hours ago, Sourg said:


Reasons Above



                                       Former SCO19 Chief Inspector Sergeant Major                                                                                      


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11 hours ago, Burner said:


First off, literally anyone can say they didn't have control of their accounts after being banned. You have no proof. Cracker is considered hate speech since it refers to a very bad subject towards Caucasians. The rules broken happened on your account so you are to blame. Doesn't matter if you didn't do it. The account in question should remained permabanned do to the rule breaking happened on it. If what you say is true then you need to protect ya neck and ya pc so your "little brother" doesn't cause issues elsewhere.


UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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- support 

you were already denied a day or two ago for no format. once again you have no format and evidence has been given 

its your account and anything that happens on your account is your responsibility 

Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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  • Head Admin


No format, and you are responsible for any and all actions taken by your account, regardless of who is behind the screen. No to mention, we wouldn't know who to unban because you didn't list your SteamID; even if this were to be accepted. 

Perhaps you should read over and fill out the format next time?


Edited by Will


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