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Magic - False Warn Report- Denied


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Your In-game:MiniEpic

The admin's name in-game: Magic


The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Magic


What warning did you receive: FailRP


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198350909959


Why do you think this warn was false: Reason why I think this warn is false is more many reasons which I am going to point out. During the situation I was in with Soul,Magic,Incept was a kidnapping, I was kidnapped at spawn by Magic and Soul then Incept join as Temp UMC. I was taken to a Location which I had no idea where I was since I was blindfolded but let me point something out, I was not blinded until we got near Yellow Warehouse Outskirts at the exit near FBI and they then drove to Cafe (I learned this when I was freed from Police) to hang me on a bridge. I was then told we were at a general store by them so what I did was stay there and I did think I was welded to ground so where ever I moved I couldn't go anywhere. Then they told me they were going to move there car which is kinda pointless since you have to advert where you rob gen store or crate robbery. I was then there for about 5 Minutes or even 6 minutes without any contact with all 3 hostage takers, I heard no sign of contact of a Camaro which was there car and a Black GTR that followed such Camaro. So what they were doing was just keeping me on a bridge for about 5 or so minutes ruining my experience to do anything at that time. What I then do since I haven't heard a hostage taker or even general store robbery or seen adverts or anything I then called police and told them I was somewhere outskirts at a Gas station. Now let me tell you why I called Police, reason so is because they didn't say anything or even heard footsteps and nothing around me so what i thought is that they left me here so that's why I called the Police.


Any extra information: I would love to show some screenshots of the situation in DM's and also i didn't even know I was warned until I checked the bans on the forums.

Now I do understand the point of "As long as it goes by server rules" but would you keep someone here for about 15 minutes at a black screen hoping police go by? which non came by.


Screen Shot of some of DM'S : https://prnt.sc/1igmevg

(Now I did say some words to them in per anger because they did just drive up to me when I just joined the server and was trying to switch jobs, then Soul began to say "You should have switched jobs Mini" laughing when he was saying that to get me more madder at them.)


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You called the cops while your comms were smashed, that is FailRP as you didn't have a phone or any way to notify the police. The reason we hung you was because you kept disrespecting us, that is also why Soul was saying you couldn't switch jobs fast enough. The welding part we were just joking about you can't weld someone to the ground you were just being dragged. The reason he knew he couldn't move was because he was pressing esc and seeing through the blindfold.

Edited by Mag1c

State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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  • Head Admin


Calling the police, PMing a friend, or even communicating in discord or TS that you are kidnapped is considered FailRP if the kidnappers advert that they stripped you of your comms.

The warn is valid.


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4 hours ago, Pillow said:


Sorry mini, while I do understand why you called the police, it is still against the rules. If you could provide a recording of the situation that would be nice.




its a valid warn and there was some exploit in there but i dont think a warn should be added for that i believe it should stay.


$500+ Donator

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