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not Jay's RRH Guardian Application

not Jay

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In Game Name: not Jay

Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427): STEAM_0:1:78897698

Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

Current RP Ranks Held: MTF Nu7 SGT, Former LR

If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Whichever O5 is on but if I had to choose I think Hoovy is the most fun to talk to so I would choose to guard him.

If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A

How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 1

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I would like to join the O5 staff team because I already enjoy helping protect and escort O5 personnel because every O5 has their own interesting personality that I would like to hear about(without all the redacted stuff I shouldn’t know about). I just enjoy walking and talking and protecting people. It's just fun and relaxing.

Why should we accept you: I believe that I should be accepted into RRH Guardians because of the hard work that I will put in to make sure that whichever O5 I’m protecting is safe and can get wherever they need. I believe that all of my experience with combat from my Dclass CC days have made me skilled enough to not only handle myself but also protect those that require protection. I don’t like to mention skill but I would say I'm better than most at PVP and more than capable of protecting most O5 Staff(Skela might be another story). Even if Skela is being mingy or doing something dumb as long as it’s not against the rules I will protect him with my life and my next life and so on. I will dedicate my time as RRH to protecting whoever needs it. I quite enjoy escorting people because it allows me to talk to them and keep them safe, which means I won’t flag off because I'm burnt out or something. Whenever I’m on the server if someone needs to be escorted or protected I will flag up to do so. I know I’m a low rank in Nu7, but that doesn’t mean I won’t dedicate my life to save the O5 member, I will always give 100% whenever I am on or off the job. I will always follow the rules because I hate getting in trouble, it causes me a lot of anxiety.

Thank you for reading my application, all feedback is appreciated.

(There is not a word requirement, however a one-two sentence application will likely get denied)




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Overall +Support

-Great dude

-Extremely active

-No recent warns (only warn is from 5 months ago)

-Listens well to command in Nu7

-Great at combat

-Only an NCO

-"Why you want to join" section could be longer

While the things I point out in orange are something to consider, I think the positive things I pointed out outweigh the negatives.

Former: Deputy Head of Research | MTF Nu-7 Captain x2 | SCPRP Super Admin | MTF O-1 Major


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On 7/17/2021 at 7:06 AM, Nydekore said:

Overall +Support

-Great dude

-Extremely active

-No recent warns (only warn is from 5 months ago)

-Listens well to command in Nu7

-Great at combat

-Only an NCO

-"Why you want to join" section could be longer

While the things I point out in orange are something to consider, I think the positive things I pointed out outweigh the negatives.

Yea I agree with nyde here, only one issue he's bad at tf2


Best regards Soul....


Demonically Inspired ..Nu7 CMDR rem love GIF


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On 7/17/2021 at 4:06 AM, Nydekore said:

Overall +Support

-Great dude

-Extremely active

-No recent warns (only warn is from 5 months ago)

-Listens well to command in Nu7

-Great at combat

-Only an NCO

-"Why you want to join" section could be longer

While the things I point out in orange are something to consider, I think the positive things I pointed out outweigh the negatives.


Operations Supervisor | Event Team Member | D-0721 | The Man Behind the Slaughter | TF2 Soldier

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On 7/17/2021 at 6:06 AM, Nydekore said:

Overall +Support

-Great dude

-Extremely active

-No recent warns (only warn is from 5 months ago)

-Listens well to command in Nu7

-Great at combat

-Only an NCO

-"Why you want to join" section could be longer

While the things I point out in orange are something to consider, I think the positive things I pointed out outweigh the negatives.



Former: | RRH Sierra 47 | | E11 LCPL | | MJ | | AR | | Gensec SM | | CI SFC | | CI IA | | M | | Nu7 DHFE Lieutenant Colonel | | HTF A4 Z Viper A4 | | AH1Z Viper |

SCP-RP: | Former staff: 6/18/21 -> 11/18/21| | Staff 2x 2/26/22 -> 10/28/22 | | Joined: Apr, 2021~ |

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On 7/17/2021 at 7:06 AM, Nydekore said:

Overall +Support

-Great dude

-Extremely active

-No recent warns (only warn is from 5 months ago)

-Listens well to command in Nu7

-Great at combat

-Only an NCO

-"Why you want to join" section could be longer

While the things I point out in orange are something to consider, I think the positive things I pointed out outweigh the negatives.


Former: O5-10 "The Mad General" / SCP-RP Head Admin / CI 2LT / Security CPT

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Congratulations, this application into the Red Right Hand program has been accepted. Please speak to O5-5 'The Treasurer' to receive initial training into the Red Right Hand program.


Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

Current SCP:RP Head Administrator

"I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon"

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