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Travar's Resignation.


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[I posted this in staff section, putting this one here so others can see as well.]
Real life has started to get very stressful and jam packed, I haven't even touched my computer for two weeks because of how busy I am. Work has been picking up, school is ending which means I need to prepare for college, and also have other matters to attend to. I can not find the time for the server, and definitely will not be able to uphold the responsibilities I was given.

[A few words]
Event Team: My time here has been pretty great. I became ET like my first few days on the server and I liked it a lot, so I focused hard on then became the ETL. Through my time in ET, I have had the pleasure of working with a lot of talented people. As well as training and mentoring other people to build up their event skills. There was so much more that I could have done for ET, however time now does not allow me to achieve the goals I had in set for ET. As well as no time brought my activity down to 0. It has been a fun time, and I am especially thankful for Catsro for even letting me in at all, especially how new I was to this specific SCP server. As well as I would like to thank Phill for letting me move up to ETL to help him out a bit. These two people are why I was able to move up to where I am today. I have been granted many opportunities while I was here, and I am very thankful for being able to experience them all. I hope you all have a good time and enjoy the server while I am away. I will come to visit though.

Staff: I became staff halfway through my term as ETL. I joined staff because I saw they needed help and I felt the urge to assist every way I could. I do not have much to say about staff, but for any new staff reading this listen. Be patient with other people, do not be afraid to ask, and do not assume things without proper evidence. I thank everyone who helped me while I was in staff. As well as thank you to all of the JMT/SMT that helped me throughout my time here. Especially Rang/Igneous.

If you need anything, just DM me. Have a good time yall.

  • Gaminglight Love 4

 Former D5 VCMDR Travar | Former Event Team Leader ||  Former Admin || Former Nu7 HSU Commissar Requiem || Former RRH 

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That's not very cash money of you sir

Imperial RP] Ex-Gamemaster| Ex-Starfighter Corps. Officer| Ex-Onyx Squad Officer| Ex-Inferno Squad Squadron Leader| Ex-Shadow Guard Officer VII| INO Chad. 
Retired-Nu7 1st Lieutenant| Ex-GENSEC Master Sergeant and Junior Warden| Retired-Chaos Insurgency 1st Lieutenant| Zeta-19| Epic Payday Gang(2nd ever)| Ex-A1 Guardian| Ex-Event Team Member.
"You are a quarter of a million strong, and you shoot well, but what if I showed of with 500,000 men? What would you do?" -Kaiser Wilhelm II "We would shoot twice, and we'd go home" -Swiss Militiaman

naruto shippuden GIF

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