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Hitbox problem


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Hello im the owner of guts 

I think my model was corrupted or something like that, due to the hitbox looks like a   error , but I'm not sure.

https://medal.tv/clips/44951510/d1337qD1Arjn (clip hitbox test)

Also I do not know if it has to do with the hitbox, but when I try to change something with ! Wardrobe (the cape that is seen in the PM) it is not removed when I leave the wardrobe

https://medal.tv/clips/44951635/d1337QrhKHAg (clip cape test)

And if by chance you ask me, it's not that the model has always been like that, the model I've had from guts was always good. I'm not sure about this but I think it was the last update when the problem started.

this is the pm i use for guts


and this the path 



Note: I wasn't sure if I would put this post in cc or in bugs, but I decided more on bugs, which I think it is.


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                Former CI CPT|  Guts Mexican                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


                              “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. ”

                               —Second Ideal of the Windrunners

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1 hour ago, RedKnight said:

Some model makers make their hit boxes bigger than the model to save time 


Yes, but these models had good hitboxes before. They only recently started having broken hitboxes, hence the bug report.

It's especially a problem when some of us paid $80+ to put these models on. We test them before we spend the money, and I can assure you it wasn't like this because the model maker made it like this.

Edited by [GL] Fizz-y Soda




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I remember that in the past something similar had happened with a mtf cc.

i think is the same problem

Edited by MexicanGuy

                Former CI CPT|  Guts Mexican                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


                              “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. ”

                               —Second Ideal of the Windrunners

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2 minutes ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

I hope we all don't have to make mass posts in the CC section for this to get fixed...


                Former CI CPT|  Guts Mexican                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


                              “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. ”

                               —Second Ideal of the Windrunners

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The problem is the Models have the hitbox of an error, I believe this is due to the fact that the models were (I think) removed from the server. All of the models that are no longer in the C menu (Zer0, Guts, MW2, and the Advanced Warfare/Zeta-19 models) all have error hitboxes, and have been reported to be errors by a handful of people.

Imperial RP] Ex-Gamemaster| Ex-Starfighter Corps. Officer| Ex-Onyx Squad Officer| Ex-Inferno Squad Squadron Leader| Ex-Shadow Guard Officer VII| INO Chad. 
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"You are a quarter of a million strong, and you shoot well, but what if I showed of with 500,000 men? What would you do?" -Kaiser Wilhelm II "We would shoot twice, and we'd go home" -Swiss Militiaman

naruto shippuden GIF

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5 minutes ago, Rangiatea said:

Post will remain open for now so everyone with this issue can pit their models workshop in chat ❤️






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removed ci general toaster


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this model is also missing


i dont wanna pay extra $30 😢

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We're examining this bug!

If we find a fix for this bug, or we find that it is unfixable with reasonable attempts, this post will be updated with an appropriate response.

"A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt."


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