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Otter's O5 Logistics Application


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In Game Name: For the purpose of this application - Otter (Otherwise Lars and Dan)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34212074

Job applying for: O5 Logistics (Elite Field Medic)

How many Warns do you have? - 3

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I'm always looking for different kinds for RP and gameplay, being part of O5 staff is one of those things I wish to try out as It'll be a vastly different experience than what I could as any job in any branch I'm part of. I'd like this involved role in a more serious environment with a bit less of the military vibes and less shooting which I get while playing as MTF and CI, that is also why I'm not applying for RRH. Well, also to put is simply Logistics appears to be on the very interesting side of things.

Why should we accept you:

I may have 3 warns on my account, however the last one is from about 3 months ago and none of them were acquired on the branch jobs, but by accident on SCP and Class D jobs.

I've never received a blacklist or strike since I've started playing, I'm responsible and never caused problems for the branches I'm currently in and been apart of in the past.

As part of the special forces I've already learned some procedures and how O5 staff operates, there's also been some involvement during RP with them in the past.

I've been a dedicated member of three branches for a long time and still now, so I know how to work with plenty of people.

Roughly half a year on the server.

I usually don't mention it, but I've been involved in full text serious/high RP for about 5 years on various games and websites, so when it comes to immersion and seriousness you could count on me for that when needed, but I'm also pretty chill and like the light rp which is why I joined the server in the first place. Love ya guys!

For better or worse I'm EU, so I'll usually be on during earlier hours.


Edited by Yeppes


  • Retired MTF Nu7 Commander (Lars) / HSU General (Majestic)
  • Retired MTF E11 CPT | SFTO | SCE | SMS | SNM (Lars) / D4 Vanguard (Hypnos)
  • Retired Medical Supervisor | HFW | SFTO | ACM | O5 Logistics | RRH Engineer (Lars/Otter)
  • Retired Maintenace OS | SCS | SFTO - (Lars/Otter)
  • Former Gensec MSGT (Lars)
  • Former CI SM | Hotshot | Longshot | Sawbones (Dan)
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He deals with my antics when I'm on med command so I dont see why he wouldnt be able to deal with skelas, In any case otter is an amazing Field Medic and does his job admirably

~FWM Price/OL2

Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent ~Captain Price (Modern Warfare 2)

Former CMD Positions: E11 1LT, Medical Chief Manager, CI LT and SRIC, Alpha 1 CPL, RRH Squad Lead.

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On 2/3/2021 at 11:05 PM, [GL] Dtscalice said:


He deals with my antics when I'm on med command so I dont see why he wouldnt be able to deal with skelas, In any case otter is an amazing Field Medic and does his job admirably

~FWM Price/OL2


Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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I have like zero clue who you even are, But if other's have had good interactions with you, Then I guess your fine.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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Woah Larson Daniels is applying for Z6 😳 
+ Support
Great guy


Knows his stuff

Joined 09/30/2020
Retired 11/12/2022
Former Security SFC || Former MTF Omi9 MSGT || Former CI CPT/MAJ || Former Nu7 LTCOL/VCMDR || Former E11 CPL || Former Maintenance Professional || Former D5 CPT || Former Senior Medic || Former Advanced Researcher |


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Congratulations, your application into the O5 Staff Program has been accepted. Please speak to either myself (O5-5) or O5-7 to receive training.



Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

Current SCP:RP Head Administrator

"I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon"

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