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Starstep's Forum Diplomat Application


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In-Game Name: Starstep

Steam Name: [GL] Starstep

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158218293

What is your staff rank and the server you work in?
I am currently a Senior Administrator on SCP-RP.

How often are you online on the forums? Whenever I am available; various times throughout the day.

Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? (100 Words Minimum)
I believe that I am qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat as not only am I well-versed with the forum rules and Forums Diplomat Handbook, I also have quite a lot of experience; not only as a Senior Administrator on SCP-RP, but also, as a Forum Moderator on another community in the past. Although I don’t post very frequently on the forums, I have the tendency to view various posts within the forums from all servers, and ensure all are doing well. As a Senior Administrator, I have been assisting lower ranking staff members in need of assistance, and I have been ensuring they would learn from experiences in which they took the wrong course of action, or guide them to the correct course of action when they are unsure of what to do. I have noticed that various Staff members come to me when unsure of something, which goes to show that they are comfortable with my assistance when in need of help. Along with that, I am available for most of the day, and I am willing to review topic reports or move processed applications, reports, etc. I have also posted more than 350 times on these forums, and I have been on the forums for upwards of 8 months now. Unless I don’t have access to a computer and/or mobile device, I will be able to get on the forums; despite being on LOA or not.  I have made my way up to Senior Administrator with a mere Trial-Moderator application, which takes a lot of dedication, activity, and in general, work within the staff team; with a lot of experience obtained from this position, I have also been within the SCP-RP Event Team in the past, and I am currently the Deputy Head of Research, which takes quite a lot of decision making, alongside handling punishments, reports, promotions within Command, or other situations that may arise between my branch and others. Thus, I believe I am qualified for a position within the Forum Diplomat team.

Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?
Yes, I would consider my judgement to be good. On a day to day basis, I take various staff sits and generally make compromises for both parties involved, or issue punishment when necessary. Not only that, but I am also currently the Deputy Head of Research; which requires good judgement when handling punishments and promotions, especially with my Command members. Furthermore, I have situations that arise within the Staff team that I have to settle from time to time. Either staff disagree with each other, or they begin putting rules and how they are enforced in the air. Also, on occasion, a staff member making an infraction on either the rules or the staff handbook; whilst not occurring frequently, does occur from time to time. In those cases, I handle situations as professionally and as fair as possible. A direct example: The other day, a good friend of mine and a fellow staff member, broke the rules; due to the misconduct the individual partook in, I had to issue a formal warning on the individual. Despite my relationship with the individuals that may have a situation at hand, I always look for all sides of the situation, and ensure they are treated as I would treat any other individual; especially when they make poor decisions. Thus, I believe I have good judgement.

How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?
I would hide the topics that the individual had posted and send a Private Message to the individual clarifying why their topics were hidden, and close by asking the reason they were banned, what server they were banned from, and for how long. Once they reply to my Private Message with this information, contingent to their answer, I will guide them to the right ban appeal section alongside the ban appeal format, or clarify that they can't appeal Community Blacklists (If it is a Community Blacklist). Not long after the situation is done with, I would contact the Head Diplomat and inform them of the outcome of the situation, alongside what precaution was taken.

How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warn appeal?
Depending on how belligerent the posts are, I would either hide their post or not. If I hide their post, I would send them a direct message on the forums with reasoning as to why their post was hidden. I would also leave a message on the topic stating to keep replies to + or - Supports, and continuing to argue, with such a hostile tone, would likely result in further repercussion and the post to be locked. If they continue to h each other, especially with such truculence, hide the new posts, lock the topic, and inform the Head Diplomat or other SMT members to take action on those individuals. If they don’t, I would inform the Head Diplomat in regards to the outcome of the situation, and what precaution was taken.

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+/- Support

Reason for this being number of posts is comparatively low compared to other applicants, but other than that Starstep does an absolutely stellar job at staff and has good judgement.

Edited by [GL] Zeus

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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Is a fantastic staff member, he is dedicated to his position and is highly active. He might not have a lot of posts like others do, but his reputation and activity will make up for it in the future. He would make a great forum diplomat!

SCP-RP - Former Assistant Head of Research | Former OMI-9 2LT | Former GenSec 2LT


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6 hours ago, Your Local Soviet said:


Is a fantastic staff member, he is dedicated to his position and is highly active. He might not have a lot of posts like others do, but his reputation and activity will make up for it in the future. He would make a great forum diplomat!


Admin For SCPRP , Vice Commander In Nu-7.

Former Major/Head FTO In Omicron-9


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9 hours ago, Your Local Soviet said:


Is a fantastic staff member, he is dedicated to his position and is highly active. He might not have a lot of posts like others do, but his reputation and activity will make up for it in the future. He would make a great forum diplomat!


 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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18 hours ago, Your Local Soviet said:


Is a fantastic staff member, he is dedicated to his position and is highly active. He might not have a lot of posts like others do, but his reputation and activity will make up for it in the future. He would make a great forum diplomat!



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On 12/28/2020 at 3:46 AM, Your Local Soviet said:


Is a fantastic staff member, he is dedicated to his position and is highly active. He might not have a lot of posts like others do, but his reputation and activity will make up for it in the future. He would make a great forum diplomat!





Former: DT CPT , CGO - Tenn Graneet 31st VCMDR -> Havoc CMDR

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