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ultraextrode's (DroxzyClean's) Unban request- Denied


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Steam Name: ultraextrode (DroxzyClean)

Ingame Name: TSB FBG Chief Executive Clean


Ban Length:  Permanent 

Admin that Banned you:[GL]Magic

Reason for Ban: Mass Racism

Dispute: So someone named Raze, an admin thought i was saying the n word, i wasn't, i was actually saying Yeagoor, they sound familiar and my mic sucks so you get now what happened. Another thing is that he didn't even give me time to explain, he first said you are banned for 4 hours, than later i saw it said permanent,. I was shocked because he didn't even give me a chance to explain to him.  Anyhoo, i  am sorry and i will never even say yeagoor again. I am very very sorry. Like really sorry.  I will never ever ever do it again.

-P.S if you see another one of my posts, ignore it, i didn't see that you had to copy and paste the format but i guess it's ok.

Thank you...

Edited by DroxzyClean
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IF you have any evidence to support your claim that would help.. otherwise it pretty much comes down to an Admin's word over yours. So if you have evidence recorded that could really help clear things up. And it what scenario would you even say "Yeagoor". As of right now, I'm gonna -support cuz i don't 100% believe it. And racism is not something taken lightly.

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More than one person thought you were saying the n word.

Why would you just be saying Yeagoor?

Perma ban was done by RookieBlue and it wasn't false

This has already been denied??

Edited by Mag1c

State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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