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kingjackty77 3 day ban


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Steam Name: kingjackty77


Ingame Name:Dr monkey man

Ban Length: 3 days 

Admin that Banned you:rookieblue

Reason for Ban:server dis 


all i did was say that its unplayable to play on 5 fps i have no history of causing trubble and i belive this might be a faulse ban but im not sure i love playing on this server and i would never diss a server i enjoy playing so much if i did something wrong please get my attetion and reply. i hope i get unbannd soon and i belive i deserve to be unban.

from rookieblues perspective i could see how he was heveing trubble with people and i know its hard staying on top of things when the servers crashing but i hope this was just a mistake and if it is i completly for give anyone 

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~Major Grammer Mistakes

~From Rookie Perspective you did much more. you were dissing the server in general As he gain notes of you and a couple of people dissing in the Crash Screen.


    [SCP:RP]Retired Assistant Head of Medical|Former E-11 SM|Former GamingLight Admin|Minge of :V| Former OM1

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This does not give you an exception to diss the server, if you're having a bad time you can leave and take a breather. 

Also during this time my FPS was fine.

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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While we were having some crashing issues with the server you, among others, were disrespecting the server by calling it unsaveable, a dead server, etc. Others that engaged in the same conduct were banned if I was able to note their names down before the crash screen went away.

Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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1 hour ago, Squash said:


This does not give you an exception to diss the server, if you're having a bad time you can leave and take a breather. 

Also during this time my FPS was fine.


Retired MTF Nu7 LTCOL| Retired Nu7 HFTO | Retired OH1 |  Retired Admin | French Canadian Man
Custom Classes: Raptor Team Jeff the killer

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3 hours ago, Squash said:


This does not give you an exception to diss the server, if you're having a bad time you can leave and take a breather. 

Also during this time my FPS was fine.


Former E11 1LT/Head Ranger,  Former Event Team/Staff Member| GENSEC SGT Foundation Chef

ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif.133a59eca14307e607c6ed8c10b1d560.gif<- me when the quiet guy in D-block begins to reach into his pocket

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