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Maple Darth Vader Application- Denied

Friend Maple

Does Maple Deserve Vader?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Maple Deserve Vader?

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-=Section 1=-

In-game name:

          MC EMS DIR COL Maple 3141

Steam Name:

        [GL]  Friend Maple

Steam ID:





-=Section 2=-

Why do you want to become the role of Darth Vader?

A little background on me is that when I joined the server I took a pacifist pledge not to kill another person or AI directly. In doing so I believe I have actually enriched my experience on the server by always having to think of clever ways to get around this hurdle. It has also opened my eyes to many things which this server does that is great as well as not so great. 

My main driver to become Vader is to help solve that not so great. To me Vader is not simply an excuse to push people around, but instead a privilege which allows you to interject excitement into parts of the ship that might be slowing down. Being Vader would allow me to do a lot more in getting player involvement up during non-event periods and ensuring people always feel like they are experiencing something as opposed to simply passing time.

Darth Vader is a potential new font of fun and immersion for the server, and I, simply put, want a part in ensuring that the role is able to achieve its full potential.


What experience do you have that would be relevant to the role of Darth Vader?

When asked a question like this it is important to answer the question “What experience IS relevant to the role of Darth Vader?” first. The three categories of experience that I believe are key here are: Leadership, Creative Direction, and Administrative Management.

My leadership experience begins off the server in real life like most of the players. Without spewing out my entire resume I can start with the one which I believe reflects closest to what Vader would be doing. This is holding the job of VP for my old campus’s Residence Hall Association. There I learned how to manage three separate sub-organizations without directly having my hand on the wheel of any. I would have constant communication with each team's leadership ensuring they were remaining on budget as well as working towards the higher vision which the President set out for us. During that time I also was in charge of training any new execs who needed help learning how to run their groups.

This applies to Vader as I see him not as a direct hand on any one regiment, but instead as a leader to leaders. Someone who can take the wheel if needed, but would rather allow the other chosen leaders to perform what they were elected for whilst providing guidance and direction.

That though begins to bleed into the second category of experience, Creative Direction. Creative direction is very similar to project management, but instead of working towards an individual project, creative direction moves towards a larger image. My relevant experience here I believe lies within what I am doing on the server currently.  As a Game Master I have been able to begin 4 individual conflicts which the ISD is going through: ‘Plants from Antliona’, ‘Creatures of the Familiar Mist', ‘the Prototype Shield’, and ‘the Long Range Base’. Each of these conflicts I have written a base plot and details to build the “world” which they live in as well as their introductions. Then after each introduction I record how the ISD reacts. I then take the time to write a follow up event which pushes the ISD towards the desired conclusion. There is no hand holding, but instead steady nudges to get to the grand conclusion which I desire.

In the end this experience would aid Vader as it allows them to make the people on the server feel more fulfilled. More fulfilled in knowing that they accomplished their goals without a safety net, and without the training wheels. This also would allow the server to grow as this process nurtures independence and pushes people to RP outside of events to figure out their role in the grand scheme of things.

The final important bit of experience is a simple truth of all VCMDR+ jobs. How good are you at ensuring there is a paper trail for everything, Administrative Management. This I’ll keep brief. I gather my experience here though from being a Parliamentarian. I ran the elections in my College which as everyone might know at this point, gets poked and prodded at a lot. Everything I did had to be documented. This goes from writing and finalizing citations, talking to the Dean about verbage for Elections emails, and formalizing a process to distribute over 10,000 emails to only those who are allowed to vote. If anyone would like to talk more about this job feel free to message me and I can share with you the horror stories of working with soon to be / want to be future senators.

I have other experiences under my belt, but I believe the three I cherry picked are what prepares me most for the role of Vader.


 Why do you think I should pick you over other applicants?

I do not envy the decision of picking Vader, so to make the decision of deciding on me easier I will highlight a few things about me that I believe makes me unique beyond my experience.

My judgment over people is always equal. I always welcome new STs with open arms the same way I will open any of my fellow Medical. I believe this is unique as I have done research as an undercover ST PVT before I got my Game Master tags. Doing this I believe is a pilgrimage all Officer+ should do to get a feeling on how the server is treating new players.

One of my hobbies is creative writing/storytelling, so I believe this has mentaly prepared me to make unique situations from otherwise mundane tasks. These creative muscles I believe help me ensure that unique situations are happening at a reasonable pace in multiple environments.

I have practice in persisting a unique playstyle. As mentioned before my current role/life has taken a pacifist pledge not to directly kill people. This practice in not only restraint, but character building can help Vader truly hold a distinct personality and aura throughout the ship.


Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as Darth Vader:

Some of my ideas are principles and I hope whoever becomes Vader uses them as I know personally I would enjoy them.

Corporate with GM’s to not just help in storyline events, but also make sure when an event is occurring you are not overstepping and simply solving things by ‘being Vader’. Be a unique personality to an event, not another IQ chasing the action. Instead work with the GM to use his force sensitivity to either push the ISD in the right direction like ‘I sense a large amount of greed among these ISB’, or to introduce a potential event such as ‘There is a strong energy coming from sector 23B on Hoth I wish to investigate this immediately’.

Vader can also add value to Jedi’s whenever they are around. For example, if a Jedi is onboard the ship don’t bull-rush him. Instead simply wait for them to get captured, which they almost always do, then in interrogation do some RP like “I sense hate in you”. You then can go through the process of having them duel an IQ to prove their strength, and then have them swear fealty to you. The Jedi won’t due to rules, but then the ship can execute the Jedi after milking their presence for all its worth. The Jedi were rare at this time, so whenever they are seen Vader can help make their presence a special event.

Another idea would be to enforce rules among divisions by using gentle Vader tactics. A Naval talks back to a superior, gently choke them. A 31st leaves EC whilst they are supposed to be protecting, pull a ‘Kylo Ren’ and begin breaking things. Medical is shooting more than healing, stab them and make them heal themself so that they are ‘Using the right tool’.

Vader could also do some very specific SIMs such as ‘Testing his 501st’ to see if they remembered anything from the Jedi Temple and have them try and take on a respective number of ‘IQ’, a good training for both regiments. Vader then could evaluate the Purge using the 501st’s time after to see if they are still a project worth investing into (of course they are, but Vader can kinda be mean).

Walking around and overall being a presence honestly would be a mini event in itself. I have seen how people swarm the Emperor. Last I saw that man he had half the server on as Royal Gaurd purely because they wanted to be near him. Vader might not hold as much of a pull, but people always want to be near the top. Being a public figure like that with the looming threat that he might just kill you for forgetting something simple helps keep people on edge and that can be exciting.

I got more ideas in the brewing, but I feel like these convey the general idea of what I would want to see Vader doing.


-=Section 3=-

In your personal experience with being a player, what issues have you come across?

  •      The issues I have noticed are as follows:
  •     Treatment of STs is poor
  •     Passive Roleplay can fall flat at times
  •     Innovation occurs at a slow rate
  •     Ideas flow up, but are never checked down


In response to the question above, how would you handle and fix these issues?

     To improve treatment of STs one idea I mentioned earlier is to have people go undercover as them. No Mic, new name, and if possible removed tags for the day. This would not only allow these higher ups to view how STs are treated VS how they would like to be treated, but also allow them possibly identify any individuals who might need to be watched.

    To improve Passive RP people generally need some interesting task or friendly competition. I recently forced different regiments to raise ‘Meat children’ so the ISB may research and monitor their growth. The two divisions which didn’t break it and allowed the child to grow to adulthood were Medical and IQ. The ship was bustling cause they were curious what the others were doing and that is good. It raises interest in regiments and makes people want to be more involved.

    To improve the rate of innovation I believe there should be time in command meetings to discuss “What do you want to see changed”. This would help High Command see where the ship wants to head and they can compare it to where they are heading it. Taking the difference from the two they can then try and implement something to amend the desire. This is not talking about ‘adding weapons’ like changes, but more of adding documents and rules kind of changes.

    To follow up on these ideas that are shared I believe it is important for command and High Command to take the temperature of their regiments more frequently. For example, Medical got new guns and we were super pumped, but after about a week we realized that they are not quite what we wanted. Like a good waiter, command needs to make sure their changes are being enjoyed after being put on the table. It is putting too much on the enlisted to assume they will complain about things especially when they want promotions.


Anything else you would like to add?

    I know I type a lot, so I apologize for the long read. I have high expectations for whoever becomes Vader, and I hope whoever gets it takes it seriously and tries to make it more than just a promotion. The responsibility which comes with this role I believe runs deeper then what even I have been able to cover in this essay and a half, so as the great Ms. Frizzle from ‘the Magic School Bus’ once said… “Seatbelts Everyone!” this is going to be a long and exciting ride.

Edited by Friend Maple
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  • Manager


I believe you just recenetly got a Command rank

You need more experience as Command

I do not think you are a good pic for Vader at this time

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

〖  Lead Account Manager  〗

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53 minutes ago, Nimo said:


I believe you just recenetly got a Command rank

You need more experience as Command

I do not think you are a good pic for Vader at this time


Imperial RP] Ex-Gamemaster| Ex-Starfighter Corps. Officer| Ex-Onyx Squad Officer| Ex-Inferno Squad Squadron Leader| Ex-Shadow Guard Officer VII| INO Chad. 
Retired-Nu7 1st Lieutenant| Ex-GENSEC Master Sergeant and Junior Warden| Retired-Chaos Insurgency 1st Lieutenant| Zeta-19| Epic Payday Gang(2nd ever)| Ex-A1 Guardian| Ex-Event Team Member.
"You are a quarter of a million strong, and you shoot well, but what if I showed of with 500,000 men? What would you do?" -Kaiser Wilhelm II "We would shoot twice, and we'd go home" -Swiss Militiaman

naruto shippuden GIF

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1 hour ago, Nimo said:


I believe you just recenetly got a Command rank

You need more experience as Command

I do not think you are a good pic for Vader at this time


SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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Although this application is well made with very many points; it can not be disregarded that the rank of Vader overlooks the entirety of RP and has final say in a lot of things. To distinguish yourself as a person of experience and talent enough for the rank, you must uphold being able to make the right decisions for the rest of the server, and must not "micromanage" otherwise you would be counted off as a mistake, however command of IQ, High Command Positions, and Naval Command, as well as decisions for all them (VCOM+ Promotions, PassiveRP additions/suggestions, et cetera) do not seem to be in your best interest with in this application. You can go back on this:

23 hours ago, Friend Maple said:

  To improve the rate of innovation I believe there should be time in command meetings to discuss “What do you want to see changed”. This would help High Command see where the ship wants to head and they can compare it to where they are heading it

To improve the quality of "innovation", you plan on asking "What do you want to see changed" as if this were innovative to say... This is something that's asked everywhere, and while yes I do believe it is helpful in many occasions, this isn't something new meaning it doesn't distinguish you from many other applicants. 


-Correct me if I am wrong but I believe you joined ImperialRP sometime within the past 2-4 months. Although seniority in many cases does not matter towards a candidate, it does matter when it looking at your previous experience as well as a level of notoriety within the server. To further expand on this:
-Previous Experience While I do not doubt for a second that you have experience in command positions, it is not stated. You seem to have a lot of experience in real life, in which is very nice and that's great for you in all honesty; however it doesn't really correlate to roleplay? It does display a sense of trust in a way, however I just do not feel that there is anything resonating in this application to show that we can trust you on the server nevertheless the Highest position a User can get

-Notoriety  As stated by the format anyone can get this rank, meaning an ST PVT can get Vader as long as they applied. Experience, ability, and performance will likely increase your chance. I don't know who you are, I don't recall ever talking to you, nor having a conversation, however I am not basing my opinion off of that... I have asked some people about you (don't worry nothing bad lol) and none of them have seen your name or recognized something "great" about you (this is not regarding  you in a bad light, just nothing we've noticed personally). I'd recommend putting yourself out there and making yourself known to many, not in a bad way, but in an appealing manner.

23 hours ago, Friend Maple said:

This applies to Vader as I see him not as a direct hand on any one regiment, but instead as a leader to leaders. Someone who can take the wheel if needed, but would rather allow the other chosen leaders to perform what they were elected for whilst providing guidance and direction.

The statement above is a really good point, and a reliable factor when picking someone for Darth Vader, so good on that.


-You make very many good points with being interactive with a lot of people such as doing sims for 501st or IQ, et cetera so no complaints on that spectrum, however I will mention that to constantly be interactive with the battalions, you will be overriding what an Army Command member (VCMDR-GGeneral) would usually be doing, this would be considered part of micromanaging. I do believe it should be done on occasion, however taking these features away from them because you are interacting with those battalions too often, often results in those command members feeling burnt out or like they don't have anything to do, essentially just making it so they are only holding a position. Now I am certain you don't want that image painted on you, however it is what I feel is implied off of what you have stated. 


 +You seem to have been active enough within Medical, nothing bad on that front.


-You bring up very interesting topics which I absolutely believe most of them exist and should/could be resolved with a good Vader, and I show an interest to what you may be able to do with gamemasters for certain branches and how you would resolve the issue with ST mistreatment; the issue takes place when you take into account that a lot of these issues have pre-existed this server meaning it will likely not be cured, but  rather treated.

-Issues like the ST Mistreatment topic are everywhere, and no-one can exactly see the intentions of a person when giving them a promotion or reward for performance, the best that can deal with it is to see it happen and start laying the hammer on the player if they end up mistreating ST's.


To the best of my critique, I believe you show some interesting qualities of a candidate, however your application does not show interest in many things for resolution, all in all I believe there is more suitable candidates who would better befit the position.


Former Grand Admiral Thrawn

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2 minutes ago, ClassyBuck said:


Although this application is well made with very many points; it can not be disregarded that the rank of Vader overlooks the entirety of RP and has final say in a lot of things. To distinguish yourself as a person of experience and talent enough for the rank, you must uphold being able to make the right decisions for the rest of the server, and must not "micromanage" otherwise you would be counted off as a mistake, however command of IQ, High Command Positions, and Naval Command, as well as decisions for all them (VCOM+ Promotions, PassiveRP additions/suggestions, et cetera) do not seem to be in your best interest with in this application. You can go back on this:

To improve the quality of "innovation", you plan on asking "What do you want to see changed" as if this were innovative to say... This is something that's asked everywhere, and while yes I do believe it is helpful in many occasions, this isn't something new meaning it doesn't distinguish you from many other applicants. 


-Correct me if I am wrong but I believe you joined ImperialRP sometime within the past 2-4 months. Although seniority in many cases does not matter towards a candidate, it does matter when it looking at your previous experience as well as a level of notoriety within the server. To further expand on this:
-Previous Experience While I do not doubt for a second that you have experience in command positions, it is not stated. You seem to have a lot of experience in real life, in which is very nice and that's great for you in all honesty; however it doesn't really correlate to roleplay? It does display a sense of trust in a way, however I just do not feel that there is anything resonating in this application to show that we can trust you on the server nevertheless the Highest position a User can get

-Notoriety  As stated by the format anyone can get this rank, meaning an ST PVT can get Vader as long as they applied. Experience, ability, and performance will likely increase your chance. I don't know who you are, I don't recall ever talking to you, nor having a conversation, however I am not basing my opinion off of that... I have asked some people about you (don't worry nothing bad lol) and none of them have seen your name or recognized something "great" about you (this is not regarding  you in a bad light, just nothing we've noticed personally). I'd recommend putting yourself out there and making yourself known to many, not in a bad way, but in an appealing manner.

The statement above is a really good point, and a reliable factor when picking someone for Darth Vader, so good on that.


-You make very many good points with being interactive with a lot of people such as doing sims for 501st or IQ, et cetera so no complaints on that spectrum, however I will mention that to constantly be interactive with the battalions, you will be overriding what an Army Command member (VCMDR-GGeneral) would usually be doing, this would be considered part of micromanaging. I do believe it should be done on occasion, however taking these features away from them because you are interacting with those battalions too often, often results in those command members feeling burnt out or like they don't have anything to do, essentially just making it so they are only holding a position. Now I am certain you don't want that image painted on you, however it is what I feel is implied off of what you have stated. 


 +You seem to have been active enough within Medical, nothing bad on that front.


-You bring up very interesting topics which I absolutely believe most of them exist and should/could be resolved with a good Vader, and I show an interest to what you may be able to do with gamemasters for certain branches and how you would resolve the issue with ST mistreatment; the issue takes place when you take into account that a lot of these issues have pre-existed this server meaning it will likely not be cured, but  rather treated.

-Issues like the ST Mistreatment topic are everywhere, and no-one can exactly see the intentions of a person when giving them a promotion or reward for performance, the best that can deal with it is to see it happen and start laying the hammer on the player if they end up mistreating ST's.


To the best of my critique, I believe you show some interesting qualities of a candidate, however your application does not show interest in many things for resolution, all in all I believe there is more suitable candidates who would better befit the position.



𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 | 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙣 

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