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Security Rollcall [10/25 - 11/1]


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Current FTO Rank (if applicable):n/a

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable):n/a

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):n/a

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: no

Disclaimer: If you lie about your rank, FTO rank, or Wardens rank, you will be subject to a FULL removal from security.

Overseer- Purge COL- Admin 

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Current FTO Rank (if applicable):JFTO

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable):N/A

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):N/A

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: None



Current FTO Rank (if applicable):JFTO

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable):N/A

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):N/A

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: None

Ah fuck I looked at 96 . . .


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Name: Ape

Rank: COL

Wardens Rank: HWD

FTO rank: SFTO

Reasons why I should stay command: I have been in command longer than everyone below me, and have been in security longer than even our HOS. I have a job and university so I don’t play every day, but on my days off when I am not busy I play for many hours and make a large impact still. Even if I don’t play as much as I did when I was a low command, I still make a large impression whenever I do play because of how I play and the length of time I dedicate. I got to COL for doing better than those who were in the same rank as me, and I still attend all my duties as a command member. Meaning I attend all the meetings I need to, and run the branch I am in charge of. I climbed all the way up to the head of senior command not because of immense activity, but normal activity and a better impact and work ethic. Security is also my only branch so that is pretty poggers.

Ret. Security Colonel || Ret. Head Warden || D-Class High Council || Former MTF Alpha 1 'Red Right Hand' Juliette 69             

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Name: Yato

Rank: LCPL

Current FTO Rank (if applicable): N/A

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): N/A

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:  None!

Joined 09/30/2020
Retired 11/12/2022
Former Security SFC || Former MTF Omi9 MSGT || Former CI CPT/MAJ || Former Nu7 LTCOL/VCMDR || Former E11 CPL || Former Maintenance Professional || Former D5 CPT || Former Senior Medic || Former Advanced Researcher |


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Name: Seeker

Rank: CPL

Current FTO Rank (if applicable):

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable):

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: No concerns. Ever since the new D Block was introduced, Security has been doing a better job.

There are three types of people... There are hunters... There are prey...

And then I, Alex B, comes back after so long to Security with the new name of Seeker that nobody remembers me anymore, but I don't care and I just want to shoot D-Class.

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Name: Raptor

Rank: Sargent

Current FTO Rank (if applicable): N/A

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): N/A

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: I have no questions, notes, or concerns at the current moment

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Name: Sprink

Rank: 1LT

Current FTO Rank (if applicable): DHFTO

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): PWD

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I know that I should keep my rank as 1LT because I am active, trustful, and dedicated to completing my duties as part of command. I usually end up playing till late at night just so I can continue to help hold down d-block and encourage the other security members. I also dedicate most of my free time to security and I also use my time efficiently when online.  I also like to see most of security as friends and most of CMD are close friends also so its really easy to have a great time in security and I am happy with spending a lot of my time on security. I have said this a lot but when the day I retire from security is the day I retire from the whole server and trust me that will not be happening any time soon. I like to think that me being here lets other NCO's or Enlisted that I share similar traits to be able to look up to someone and help them along with there journey in security. I also have gained the DHFTO position and in my opinion that shows that I also have good leadership skills and am mature enough to hold this position. Finally I hope that this lets you know why I should keep my rank and I promise to keep chugging strong in security till the very end of the server as we know it.

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Not that I can think of at the moment but, I am happy that we are doing a rollcall once again.


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Name: Assassin

Rank: MAJ

Current FTO Rank (if applicable): HFTO

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): PWD

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I feel i should retain my rank as i take it serious when i'm on the job. I also help and tell people that if they have any questions then they can ask me them on Discord or DM me about.  I always put my best when I'm on and always look for skills in the one's i promote. I value NCO's as much as I value CMD, which is why I find it hard to either promote then to SGT or to MSGT.  Another reason i should retain my rank is I do my best to host an Off meeting or a PT when i can and when i deem the moment is right. I'm in D-Block calling binds and tending to researchers when there isn't an NCO online. When the days i cannot be on due to family wanting me off the game i will either be in the Teamspeak or try my best to be active in the discord.  Yes i've taken an LOA and even when i did that i tried to be online and active, i don't like taking LOA's since it means there will be times i won't be on. I do promos when i can and i take action when i can. I also lead the FTO branch with care and honor as i know it is the one thing GENSEC leans on to continue to flourish and thrive in the community.  I'm a proud member of GENSEC and will always be proud even after i'm gone.

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:  My only concern is NCO activity, i've noticed it dropped a little and has a little steady pace but it could be a little  more explosive.

|| Deputy Chief Of Security || Security OFTO || A1 LT WENDIGO || Former Delta-5 WO || Former Delta-5 DHRO || Former Delta-5 FTO || Former GT4 VALI || Former RRH Echo 45 || S.T.A.R.S || S.T.A.R.S  || Mr. Golf

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Name: Faloof

Rank: SGT

Current FTO Rank (if applicable): JFTO

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable):N/A

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):Not Command.

Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: None.

Current: Nu7 2LT | Event Team Former: Nu7 2LT | RRH Guardian Tango 18 | SCPRP Senior Moderator

Schoodst Gaming | The Goofiest | "You get drunk you stop checking corners" - IPAIDFORPIXELS, from that one Dust 2 Casual Game


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Name: Sarge

Rank: MSGT

Current FTO Rank (if applicable): FTO

Current Wardens Rank (if applicable): N/A

Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): N/A

Edited by Sarge

SCPRP Admin Sarge

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