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Changing the utility trainer and room - Denied


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What are you suggesting? - 1. Give utility trainer handcuffs and mabye a revolver S&W 2. Add a keypad too the utility training rooms that would help stop D class trying too hide in their and mingey utility trainees running out of the room the trainers have a level 3

How would this change better the server? - it would stop 2 problems I see a lot 

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - their is no disadvantage 

Who would this change mostly benefit? - utility trainers and MTF branch’s searching for D class

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -N/A

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+Support on the handcuffs
-Support on the gun, maybe just give it the gun Security Trainer uses.
+Support on adding a keypad, doesn't make any sense why a Trainee could just walk out whenever. Make it a level 1 keypad.

Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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- I don't see many reasons to give a gun on that job. Just to kill mingy trainees? We have other avenues to get them off the job.

- Considering how easy it is to evade getting cuffed, it wouldn't make much of a difference

- The room can't be locked because of the door that's installed. That will mostly likely be fixed in a map update.



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2 hours ago, Sparkle said:


- I don't see many reasons to give a gun on that job. Just to kill mingy trainees? We have other avenues to get them off the job.

- Considering how easy it is to evade getting cuffed, it wouldn't make much of a difference

- The room can't be locked because of the door that's installed. That will mostly likely be fixed in a map update.




"The first draft of everything is Shit" - Ernest Hemingway

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