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Squash's Research Field Agent Application


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My name is Johnathon, but people refer to me as "Squash". I show understanding to most of these anomalies, some not so much. I believe everyone is deserving of a second chance, as long as they don't mess up that chance, by doing something ridicouslous. I like to stick to a certain group of people, but i'm always accepting to new faces. I feel as it is harder to come up with ideas with a set amount of scps that you can test on, becoming a Research Field Agent would  make this obstacle a lot easier.


I was called to the scene, as they have had sightings of 4 scps that attack swiftly and kill any creature they see, (but themselves) then they proceed to REDACTED then liquidfy the organs of the organism they just killed. The case stated it was hard to capture these anomalies as they linger around in a forest and always seem to catch the MTF off guard. split up. My plan is to bring  8 Nu7, 4 of them is to be armed With a Barrett M82, incase the plan fails they would shoot the anomaly as a last resort. They are to be at all times aiming as the anomaly. The other 4 would be waiting 25 feet away form the anomaly ready to shoot it with a horse tranquilizer gun.  This anomaly is to be classed as Scp-3199. On average they are 2.8-9 meters tall. MTF have reported that the anomaly lays eggs, then more instances comes out (reason theres 4 instances) My plan is to use d class to lure them out of the forest by making the d class make noises, they are not told what this scp is or what it does, they are threatened that if they don't comply they will be killed/terminated. After the scp is lured out they are to be shot with darts, like I said above if the plan fails then they are to be terminated as a last resort. Once the scps are either, docile because of the darts or dead they will be dragged into a truck. Each anomaly is to be driven in the back of separate trucks, incase any of them decides to wake up, they cannot use all of there force to break out.


I would defuse the situations, by stating that the scp is to be contained for the greater good of mankind, as it is very hostile and it can easily kill a human. If the CI don't backdown I would ask them how much they would sell the scp for then pay them. IF they don't still don't backdown then I would have to order the plan be to do whats nessacery (Shoot them as there is 8 MTF).


I would first before trying to contain, put each one in separate cells. I would order termination of one to find out that the scps have eggs inside them so it insures that no matter what that the species cannot die out. I would put each two in separate cells for reproducing. The cells are to be built with 3 inch with two layer of thickened titanium. There is to be a balcony high up so that if needed they can be shot by a horse tranqiulizer gun. The scp is to be kept alive until it lays its egg, then it is to be killed. Further testing shows that the egg resists damage done, but can be destroyed. If the cell is being damaged both of the instances are to be shot with dart guns, removed then put in a cell while its being repaired.





Edited by Squash

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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