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HOMS Blarg Bye Bye


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So huh this is it… I'm resigning from medical. It's kinda just getting boring at this moment. Do I plan on returning some time? Hell yeah i'll be back just i wanna leave for now. I've had one of the best experiences I've ever had on gmod on this server. I'll leave some of you stinky people some notes. 


Beanz- You've gone far… And you will go farther.

Cookie- I remember watching you get HOJ.You've gone far as well. ( he resigned oh heck)
Brandon: Honestly Brandon I kinda miss the old days of my time in medical and I'm upset that I only saw you TWICE when I was HOMS.

Nico: Mingest member of medical i know. “ Very Fast”

Smokey: An interesting individual….
Nefario: I've recommended you for promotions multiple times. I believe you can do great.

Trap Hunter: You confuse me in so many goddamn ways. 

Jackweeb1112: I'm CONSTANTLY getting recommendations for promotions for you. 

Protege: Weeb.

Medical staff in general: You can do anything. If you work hard enough you can succeed.


Final note for now: With my recent events that are happening i cannot dedicate my time to SCPRP anymore...

  • Sad 2
  • Gaminglight Love 2

SCPRP Former Head Of Medical Staff | "I was hom" | PhD in botching surgeries
ImperialRP Former 69th Medical Corps Senior Commander and Former Commander "What do you mean the patient needs to have a spine to survive?"-Some researcher (probably)  Former ImperialRP Senior Admin


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See you Blarg, it was great leading Medical with you and I wish you luck.

"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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