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form for admin - Denied


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What is your in-game name?: El Gibby 

What is your steam name?: KEEMSTAR

What is your steam ID?: 76561198957858014

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) no i do not have any staff experience 

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) i started playign on this server 3 months ago ish 

What date did you make your forums account? Saturday May 2 2020

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP +

How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? i only have 2 warnings 

Have you donated? i have not donated but bought vip+

What rank are you applying for? Tmod

Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? i am not a staff on any community 

Have you read the staff guidelines at i have read stuff guidelines i have read the staff guidelines

? You will be tested on it: ok i would try my best 

Timezone: EST 

Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): M/A

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I feel like i deserve to be a admin to help out the community and make sure we can keep up to everyone rdm/ failrp and we can make sure everyone get there sit and                                                                                                                                           and  we can make sure to keep evryone happy and he can keep up with evryone when it gets to bussy to keep up with evryone and once i would also like to be a admin to                                                                                                                                    help out the other admins . i am verry resenable  i would listen to yur hole prooblem and i  am willing to do only this iff i can and help out the server for now on 

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

if we already knew that he was going around mass RDMing i would give him ether a warning or a a ban depending on how consistant of how much he is doing it and if hes just here to rune peoples time on the server consistent he is with his RDMing. but if we did now now i would be asking the person that reported for his story and get the other persons story and see if anyone of them have any proof like recording of what happend 


Edited by scrims3
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No POll


1 minute ago, scrims3 said:

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I feel like i deserve to be a admin to help out the community and make sure we can keep up to everyone rdm/ failrp 

Thats not 150 words..

- You can't just apply for admin you have to apply for tmod first 

- Last questions completely wrong, 

Low Fourms Account Post

Wrong Steam id 


This application needs some work, I reccomend you read over the format. 


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Major - Support

  • Didn't meet word count what so ever
  • Many questions are incorrect. 
  • Incorrect SteamID
  • No Poll
  • Cannot straight up apply for Admin, have to apply for Trial Moderator first. 

Read that... a lot

Edited by Ender

Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

COL Will 1L52 to admins: Max, you ain't going to scare them, you are on a female model and stuttering...

"So what're you doing?" - @SWAT LT Ender 22-D "Putting my clothes back on". - @SWAT SFC Nao 27-D

"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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20 minutes ago, Ender said:

Major - Support

  • Didn't meet word count what so ever
  • Many questions are incorrect. 
  • Incorrect SteamID
  • No Poll
  • Cannot straight up apply for Admin, have to apply for Trial Moderator first. 

Read that... a lot


TheJayden | Retired PoliceRP PD Colonel | Retired/Reserve Delta Squad Second Lieutenant | Street Crimes Unit Co-Commander | Member of Gaminglight since March 29, 2018 |

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52 minutes ago, Ender said:

Major - Support

  • Didn't meet word count what so ever
  • Many questions are incorrect. 
  • Incorrect SteamID
  • No Poll
  • Cannot straight up apply for Admin, have to apply for Trial Moderator first. 

Read that... a lot

I appreciate your enthusiasm to become staff! As I'm sure we all do. However, there are certain guidelines you must meet in your application 🙂

Edited by Alex Raddish
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  • Head Admin
39 minutes ago, Ender said:

Major - Support

  • Didn't meet word count what so ever
  • Many questions are incorrect. 
  • Incorrect SteamID
  • No Poll
  • Cannot straight up apply for Admin, have to apply for Trial Moderator first. 

Read that... a lot



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- Support

-Only 1 Forum post, which is this app
-No Poll
-Word Count
-Incorrect SteamID

Spend a bit more time on the server, build up a reputation within departments or overall, and look over the handbook a bit more. Also get active on the forums 

~Beelzebub | Gaminglight Member Since 2016
"If you want real happiness, you've got to find it for yourself! Not wait for someone to give it to you!"- Asuka Langley Soyru

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Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team!

Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. 

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


~Police-RP Senior Management Team


PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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