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Respect towards others within PRP


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So I've recently felt that couple of members are being 'targated' with driving jokes. I understand they are jokes, but once they are said couple of times they aren't funny, I've recived jokes since I was a SNR, do you think I see funny side of it now? Of course not. Do I feel like it verging towards harassment/bullying? Yes. Everytime I clip the pavement, or hit a car that pulls out infront of me, someone is always ready to bite back, weather it staff flying about, or witnesses. I understand I'm not the best driver, but you guys need to take into consideration that gmod wasn't designed for driving, cars aren't like IRL ones, and I have high ping since I'm in UK. I understand it started as a joke, but now I feel targeted.  I'm even getting staff flying along side me, ready to say something, this shouldn't be, gaminglight is ment to be a friendly community where everyone has respect towards eachother, but honestly I'm not seeing it. The most ironic part of this, is the people who comment on my driving, are the ones who cause others to swerve and crash. I don't purposely drive rubbish, I try to avoid smashing into people, and most of time I do. So please, focus on the good side of things, and not pick on little things people do wrong, cause I can guarantee, everyone has something wrong within, how would you feel if everyone judged you on that?

'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

'Success depends on the second letter'

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Hello Sion,

Like Eternity said, this is really not really a necessary for a post. Your best option in this type of situation, is to report the player or staff member, that you feel is targeting or harassing you! Staff members, should not be flying around and judging people on what they do etc, if that happens again, please report them on the forums. Gaminglight is a friendly and safe community, where we expect everyone to be treated with respect and kindness and of course people will have different ways of acting and have different personalities, which some may not respect or care about anyone. But you will always receive respect and a positive mindset from your friends and the people that are around you.

Bullying and Harassment is not tolerated in this community and should be reported, feel free to come talk to me, if you feel that someone is targeting, bullying or harassing you. You have a lot of people you can talk to and you shouldn't be afraid to speak up! I would be happily to help or talk about anything that is on your mind that is bothering you. I do not want to see people in this community or in the real world, being bullied or harassed. Don't let others get to you, speaking up is the best option, I have plenty of free time and space, for anyone to come chill in my room and just talk about anything that is on your mind! We're all friends here, no one here should feel left out or feel unsafe.

That's all I have to say, don't worry about what others say to you, but if you feel that people are continuing to target or harass you. Please report them and come speak to me or another JMT member, we will be more than happily to help you solve your problem! The best advice to give you in this situation, is just stick to what you feel is comfortable for you. Because at the end of the day, you're the one that is doing the right thing and just trying to have fun. But anyways, just report anyone that you feel is targeting or harassing you, we don't want to see people being upset or frustrated here on Gaminglight!

Kind Regards


"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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17 minutes ago, Munchies said:

Hello Sion,

Like Eternity said, this is really not really a necessary for a post. Your best option in this type of situation, is to report the player or staff member, that you feel is targeting or harassing you! Staff members, should not be flying around and judging people on what they do etc, if that happens again, please report them on the forums. Gaminglight is a friendly and safe community, where we expect everyone to be treated with respect and kindness and of course people will have different ways of acting and have different personalities, which some may not respect or care about anyone. But you will always receive respect and a positive mindset from your friends and the people that are around you.

Bullying and Harassment is not tolerated in this community and should be reported, feel free to come talk to me, if you feel that someone is targeting, bullying or harassing you. You have a lot of people you can talk to and you shouldn't be afraid to speak up! I would be happily to help or talk about anything that is on your mind that is bothering you. I do not want to see people in this community or in the real world, being bullied or harassed. Don't let others get to you, speaking up is the best option, I have plenty of free time and space, for anyone to come chill in my room and just talk about anything that is on your mind! We're all friends here, no one here should feel left out or feel unsafe.

That's all I have to say, don't worry about what others say to you, but if you feel that people are continuing to target or harass you. Please report them and come speak to me or another JMT member, we will be more than happily to help you solve your problem! The best advice to give you in this situation, is just stick to what you feel is comfortable for you. Because at the end of the day, you're the one that is doing the right thing and just trying to have fun. But anyways, just report anyone that you feel is targeting or harassing you, we don't want to see people being upset or frustrated here on Gaminglight!

Kind Regards


What my mans said bb

Hau you doing 

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If you really feel harassed by this. Tell them to stop. If they don't, make a report. However if the person that made a joke against the person, and both sides are cool and joke around with it. Then nothing will be done, because they are having fun. So if you don't like it, just tell them to stop and not to do it around you. 

PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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