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Brigand's 05 Researcher Application


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In Game Name: Brigand

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41610668

Job applying for: Research

How many Strikes do you have: 0

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I would like to join the 05 Staff Team because I have been looking for a role where I could create more opportunities for Research-related activity to coincide with the activities of other branches, especially 05 and site administration. I have, for a little while now, been trying to improve our branch's relations with other branches (Especially Gensec) and think that this would be a great role for me to take on in order to achieve greater unity within The Foundation! I really like the idea of participating in more larger-scale research projects that would include the 05 Council. I think that being a part of this branch would give me an opportunity to apply my efforts within the Research department to improving the overall capabilities of the foundation. Being a sort of liaison between the 05 Council and the rest of the facility would make our efforts more relevant to the actual needs of the facility. I think it would be really interesting to work on projects and reports that are actually requested by the 05 Council for the betterment of The Foundation and that could make for really fun RP experiences. I think that by taking on a role that has a more special designation, it would really help me achieve my goals of making the different branches within The Foundation work more cohesively, amicably, and efficiently! 

Why should we accept you: I think there are several reasons why I would be a great fit for this role. As a current member of research command, I have spent quite a bit of time doing research for The Foundation and have done (In my humble opinion) some pretty damn good work. Every one of my test logs have received a grade of A and were all deemed "Quality". I will link some of my work here (Example 1, Example 2, Example 3.) (I will also upload the PDFs of my logs to this post because some people have told me that the PDF sharing website that I use has had some problems). Just yesterday I performed my biggest test yet which was a statistical treatment on how viable it is to escape SCP-106's pocket dimension which went off without any major hitches (and only one minor breach). As someone in research low command, I think I have proven (at least I hope so) that I can be trusted with responsibility and am able to be a good representative for our branch. I think that I have also built up some reputation on the server (Perhaps more in D Block than in Research 😞 ) and I hope that people on the server see me as a reliable, trustworthy, and friendly. I also think that I have very good organizational skills as can be seen in my creation of the D Block Italian Mob which has its own SOP and Strategy Guide (If you want to take a look at either just PM me) and I think Gensec can attest to the fact that we are a certainly a force to be reckoned with, especially if we have recharged our power with a Cha Cha Slide. I think generally speaking, my attitude towards game-play on the server is a good one, and it's essentially that there should be a place for everyone here. Those who want to mess around a little bit, those who want to do some hard RP, and those who want to do everything in between. The important thing, in my opinion, is that people can have fun on the server in a way that doesn't detract from others' experience and I think that shows in the way I carry myself on the server. Thank you for your consideration!  

TEST LOG - 7445 [03_03_2020] (1).pdf TEST LOG - 7442 [02_28_2020] (1).pdf TEST LOG - 7437 [02_25_2020] (1).pdf

Italian Boss Vincent "Vinny" Vincenzo     /   Research Command    /    O-5 Council Research Staff


Sixx's Pussy is NOT mediocre even if SMT says it is!

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40 minutes ago, BadAim said:


+LOADS of effort in this application


+Research CMD

Good luck!

Great guy in general, deserves a spot.

  • Heart-Eyes 1

"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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