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SCP 343 Playermodel suggestion - Denied


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343 is a platinium job, and has like the worst model on the server,  this would really help increase rp since no one really plays on 343 seriously

+support on model #2


Susel - Retired MTF person - "Teamwork makes the dream work"


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+ support 

i love that wizard player model

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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