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Increased Gov amount for Bank Raids - Denied


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Heyhey it's that time again.


What you want to see? -  An increased amount of gov needed to start the bank raid.

Why should we add it? -   Currently, the amount has been raised, the timer has been raised, and yet the amount of Gov needed has not, it is still set at 5.  So when 8-10 people raid the bank(mostly CC's) the low amount of gov on tend to be low level PD.  Which, let's face facts, are not equipped to deal with that amount of people or type of raid.  So they get slaughtered, the bank gets raided easily, and money floods the economy.

What are the advantages of having this? - Make it a bit more fair in terms of gameplay, also help prevent the economy from going out of whack.  I also notice that when there aren't TAC on, just a few PD, they tend to ignore the big bank raids, because they know exactly how it's going to end for them.  This would increase their willingness to at least try.

Who is it mainly for? - Mostly Gov, although honestly everyone, if the economy goes out of whack and we get reset on money again.

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And for you naysayers who were on when I mentioned it, no, this is NOT meant to knock the crims down again.  I've seen several successful bank raids with a flood of TAC and PD on.  This is to level the playing field, when it's early or late, and the Gov do not have the numbers anymore.

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The economy is not going to go out of wack because you need 5 government on to raid a bank, we already have increased the time needed to raid the bank. Government already outnumbers criminals most of the time as it is. Tac units have gas, most government has more shield. There are plenty of things that make it even. I dont think it is nessecary as 8 minutes to rob a bank is already hard as it is.

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23 minutes ago, Smoke said:


The economy is not going to go out of wack because you need 5 government on to raid a bank, we already have increased the time needed to raid the bank. Government already outnumbers criminals most of the time as it is. Tac units have gas, most government has more shield. There are plenty of things that make it even. I dont think it is nessecary as 8 minutes to rob a bank is already hard as it is

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- Support 


I don't think this should be added. I believe the current amount of government needing to be online is suitable for everyone. Like Smoke said above, Government outnumber the criminals (I say they outnumber them 3-1). In the situation, Custom Classes balance the two forces out and at that point, it is all about skill baby. 

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

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  • 3 weeks later...

Denied. The SMT team for this server has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason

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