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Mockingbird false warn appel


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AdminName - False Warn Report Friendly Steve



Your In-game: Mockingbird Umbrella Corp

Your SteamID: 76561198141276307
The admin's name in-game: Friendly steve
The admin's steam name (If you know it): i dont
What warning did you receive: failrp blocking off a open road
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):  image.thumb.png.ace274b11d8d6234876248c316425dd8.pngas seen b
Why do you think this warn was false: I thought it was okay because at the time we had enough people to own every house in subs and the pres said we could have taht land so i was building a gate because we were mega basing and no where in the motd says no mega basing now to mega base we had to block off the roads so i thoguht it was okay to do that.
Any extra information:  
also i got warned when i was afk so thats why im appeling since i didnt get to say my side of the story 
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35 minutes ago, CHIKEN said:


He warned you while you were afk, he simply could of minged you for 1 second to remove your props. Would of definitely been a verbal if he would have just spoken to you. Also it is not allowed to block off roads NO MATTER WHAT.

@Friendly Steve Lets hear your side aswell please



i thought it would be okay in that case cus we were mega baseing


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Thanks for the tag! @CHIKEN

Here's my side (I just got to work so I can't check if I have video of this incident but will update that part later tonight): I had multiple reports of the "Rebels" creating a checkpoint and not allowing vehicles to go into Suburbs. I tpd there and you were in the group of people I had talked to about the rules and building on a public road(one of the few CC's there) I'm 90% you were the one who challanged me on the rule and asked about what if everyone owned every house then could you block off the road and I explained again you cannot block off public roads to take over an entire space such as that. I explained to everyone if you were in apartments and have everyone in a room throughout the building you could block off that floor, that's okay but not the entirety of suburbs.

10 minutes later I get another call that the Rebels are RDMING now, due to a KOS sign being at the entrance of suburbs. I get that taken down and didn't give anyone warns despite watching for a few minutes and seeing Rebel family members shooting past the "KOS" sign that had been placed.  

I get ANOTHER call that someone is now building in the road AGAIN and blocking it off (which brings us to your warn and sit). I come and tp and take a look at the area and I'm unsure why you're saying you were afk as from what I remember you just coloured the one wall black and were working on blocking off the other section of the road with another large wall. You received the warn due to me JUST talking with you before this and the entire family about blocking off public roads which you didn't follow. 

I then TP'd the entire family to me because there were Rebel family members prop climbing onto roofs, and over fences in suburbs and the entire family needed to be addressed for their mingeyness. Once I TP'd everyone I explained the rules once again and didn't have a problem again before I got off. 

That ends my involvement. 


Edited by Friendly Steve
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He said that you where not afk at the time. (Video evidence would be nice)

I was on at the time and I have seen the rebels doing all of these. I also seen when Steve brought all the members.

This would be a -support but I need more evidence. Until I can see logs, pictures ex it will be a +/Support.


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Wooaahhh man nah what happened is you minged me without warning for 600 seconds then after that you tped me to you and said hey you can’t be building on the road at all so like okay and I was minged so I couldn’t talk back then since I was minged I decided to afk to get some food as I was afk and minged I got warned cus I came back and I had like -0 seconds of minge left 

Also that last post made it sound like I’m angry sorry about that I’m just confused is all 

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46 minutes ago, MockingBird said:

Wooaahhh man nah what happened is you minged me without warning for 600 seconds then after that you tped me to you and said hey you can’t be building on the road at all so like okay and I was minged so I couldn’t talk back then since I was minged I decided to afk to get some food as I was afk and minged I got warned cus I came back and I had like -0 seconds of minge left 

Also that last post made it sound like I’m angry sorry about that I’m just confused is all 

That's just simply not entirely true. In my video it shows that I get another call for you guys not listening once again and I go up to it and see you completely blocking off the road so I warn/minge you all at the same time. You were in the middle of typing and right when the props despawn you started to run away.

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woah lemme see that video cus I didn’t get a verbal warning of hey remove theese props u probs said it to the other guys but not me so I was building then after that i got minged and I was ticked off so I decided to afk near industrial cus I thought the situation was over and all I would get was a minge for 600 seconds 

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You got your verbal warning when I talked to you guys when you were all at the check point. You were the one who I mentioned who challanged me on the rule and I clarified it further for you. 

Also verbal warnings are not a requirement it's up to the staff to issue the warning or choose to do just a verbal. 

Can you please expand on when you said you were AFK  when I warned you? I'm asking that because I warned you before I minged you.. So I'm not quite sure if you understood the situation correctly. To me atleast it feels like you're stretching the truth / lying for your benefit but I could be mistaken. 

Like I said I'm at work and viewed the video on my PC through TeamViewer. I will upload it when I get home later tonight. In the meantime I'll try to upload the screenshots I took here. 

Picture of the wall and another sign placed up after being removed

Picture of the prop climb by the REBEL family

Picture of you being AFK as you mentioned 

Picture of you running away, please note the slider on the bottom of the screen as it hasn't moved very far since you began moving again

Picture if the warn/minge to debunk you saying that I warned you after your minge was up

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Okay do I think I am confused af do I checked my warns after I was unminged so I understand you did it befor and I didn’t notice and FYI the text screen isn’t mine also you said you told me not to build there before giving me the warning but I never received that verbal 

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Verbal warnings are the staff members choice and cannot be used as an excuse for “I never got the verbal” in an effort to get a valid warn appealed.

Seems like this warn was valid, however video evidence would help Steve.

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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7 minutes ago, MockingBird said:

Okay do I think I am confused af do I checked my warns after I was unminged so I understand you did it befor and I didn’t notice and FYI the text screen isn’t mine also you said you told me not to build there before giving me the warning but I never received that verbal 

Like I said previously I told all you guys who were present not to build there because its against the MOTD because it's public property. That would have been the verbal warning that I gave. 

Edited by Friendly Steve
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yeah but i wasnt there cus i never got it otherwise i would have removed it right away. And i thought it would be okay cus w e were mega basing and the pres said we could have it as our own "country" but i see that wasvery wrong anyway my argument is i didnt know it was wrong other wise i would not have done it

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Sorry for taking so long but here is the video.

Please be advised as I mentioned earlier I had talked to Mocking about building in the road as he was in the group of people who were setting up the checkpoint and blocking off the road previously as well, which is why I did not go up to him first before warning. I also did an /admintellall as a reminder to everyone on the server to not be building and blocking off public roads.

In the video you can see the first wall and then the second one for a brief second being phys gunned and moved into place thus proving Mocking wasn't AFK.


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okay see i wasnt given a verbal i didnt know you warned me fore saying anything to me and the only reason i ran is cus i tried to find a admin to tell me what was going on so i went to the large group of ppl i didnt know he was right there i swear man if you were to tell me just remove it i wouldhave done it like in a snap

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17 hours ago, th3 said:


Verbal warnings are the staff members choice and cannot be used as an excuse for “I never got the verbal” in an effort to get a valid warn appealed.

Seems like this warn was valid, however video evidence would help Steve.


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