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Norththejoker's Warn appeal


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Steam Name:  North/the/Joker

Ingame Name: Norththejoker

SteamID:  STEAM_1:0:181101264

Admin that warned you: Philip Bellington

Reason for Warn: FailRP/Stealing a truck

Dispute: I don't really get on this server that much.  The only time I do is when the MRP server has nobody on it.  I hopped and went AFK for a while to go get food.  I came back and I was jailed.  I asked to get unjailed and the staff did so.  Later when I was driving around my blue Lambo, I see in chat I was warned for stealing a truck and shooting at cops.  I pulled over and took a screenshot.  I hope this is enough evidence.  I looked at who was on and there was somebody named Northtthejoker on.  His name had two t's and I got warned instead of him.  If you will look closely at the console, you can see I high lighted the person who was wanted by the police.  He had two t's.  I tried to tell the staff member that but he just got mad and told me I was wrong. He also told me i'm lucky I don't get warned again for making him look through logs.  







Edited by PXRPs

Retired General of the Armies | | Retired State A. Lieutenant Colonel | | Retired Super Admin


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5 minutes ago, Joe Mama said:


- Looks like there was a misunderstanding and he got the wrong guy

- Dserves getting it removed


Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
Ex. Admin - Clonewars Ex. Admin - DarkRP 

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5 hours ago, Joe Mama said:


- Looks like there was a misunderstanding and he got the wrong guy

- Dserves getting it removed


Jason Tucker



If any of you think that a post i made is offensive, wrong, or just plainly don't like it. please contact me within the websites messaging system as I will take care of that post. Thank You. 

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