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Note the following is not meant to cause drama but to state some facts to hopefully bring up creative discussion and stuff we can do to further bond as a community. Please only provide useful criticism and do not flame or you will be reported. Thank you for reading!

I'll be listing individuals sections and my opinions on them!


Departments vs Departments:

So for myself personally as command of NSA & SRT, I strongly believe that the current state of drama is starting to drastically reduce, things are changing in a way for the better, Minges & ''fire starters" are starting to get punished and overall I feel that divisions are starting to become close knit with each other. SWAT - SRT - CERT are all working together like a well oiled machine and command are dealing with less and less issues! I love the current status of the departments and I really hope that this trend of greatness continues!

Staff vs Staff:

This may cause some controversy but I will try my best to keep it 0 flame. I strongly believe that the staff team needs to start working together again. As of right now I can see that staff are working together in individual groups rather than all together as one big perfect machine. I know we will always have that some individuals you don't like it happens at work, school, gaming communities you name it. But regardless of that we need to do one thing and one thing only. Work together for a common good, to enforce the MOTD to help the community for the betterment of the community. I do feel as if lately there has been a rise in 'nonsense' reports. (A report designed to target and defame) I personally believe that we need to try and stop these. Forget about reporting, forget about the hatred and just come together and honestly start working together as a team. We need to balance the times on staff, we need to try and make it so we don't have staff being on for several hours on end only to get off for 5 mins then be forced back on for the staff ratio to be met. I understand the 1-20 is a strictly enforced rule and should be very easy to maintain but there isn't a day that goes by that the ratio is met consistently. I believe we need to start by coming with a plan a staff together, try and help each other out, try and do staff allotted times or something so sometimes we can all enjoy the server equally, through staff and RP! Ultimately we became staff to help out, but sometimes we all deserve a break and I hope that everyone can recognize this! Let's start creating equality, let's start improving so the players are not affected, let's stop with the rumors and the spreading of hatred, let's just put in 100% every time we are online. Let's all be honest with each other, if we hold any gripes against anyone let's all just throw them away and start helping each other for the better, so we can stop with trying to cut everyone off for promotions or start trying to get each other demoted.


Ultimately, all I personally want to see is the drama and the rumors to be thrown away, to hopefully have a community that can be fair for all staff so we can enforce and have fun, and for players to have an enjoyable experience no matter what department they get into. I hope that with this post it can shed some light on some issues and in the long run potentially have these issues fixed without the need of SMT to intervene. I have high expectations and I hope we can see change for the better :)

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I agree 100%. In the past, this has caused many issues and even led to some staff members leaving due to the stress. I also believe the drama is decreasing, but note there will almost always be drama, it is just how much. After all, nothing wrong with a little drama ;D.(Just joking).

In my opinion, the staff team is also a family. Everyone respects each other and everyone is willing to help if someone is struggling through something. I think I say this for not only me, but for most of the staff team.

We are seriously privileged to have each other on this team :D.

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No matter what there will always be drama here and there but it depends how people respond to it is what matters the most.

^^^^ this is true if some people would mature in certain situations everything would be Gucci 


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After re reading I picked up on something you state “we should have allotted times or something so we can all enjoy the server equally” see I get this if the position was given and not applied for. If your staff you chose to be here if you want allotted time to rp then don’t be staff your first priority is making sure that people on the server get the help they need. Just saying :)


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I came from a community with alot of drama.

Here's my tip: Think about it, was it by accident? Was it not meant to offend? Determine that then just drop it maybe forgive, then move on.


No matter what there will always be drama here and there but it depends how people respond to it is what matters the most.


"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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