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Hypa's staff app


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  1. What is your in-game name?: Hypa

  2. What is your steam name?: TheHypaOne

  3. What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:0:146569842

  4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) no I do not

  5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) March

  6. What date did you make your forums account? March

  7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Member

  8. How many warns do you have on the server? yea I got 14 4 is from police RP the rest are super old and I want a second chance to prove that I'm a good person as the other 10 warns are from mil RP one was supposed to be removed as it was a false warn I will have to figure that out

  9. Have you donated? no but I plan to like really I want to get VIP so I'm for sure gonna donate

  10. What rank are you applying for? Trial moderator

  11. Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: yes 4 times now I will keep reading it if I have to

  12. Timezone:EST

  13. Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A

  14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I want to join this wonderful staff team so I think of course I should start out as trial moderator I want to give back to this community as I love it a lot I want to become a TMOD so I can start my staffing career as my last staff app was denied I wanted to retry as I really love this community and I want to be staff so that I can help people and be an example to what players strive to be I want to be there for people who need help I want to be a staff member because being staff means that i can finally help people out and i can be there when other staff don't want to get on i can get on duty when needed i love the idea of being staff i want to be staff so that i can feel respected as i want to be that honest staff member that does his job right, all i want to do is be there for this community as i spend all my time here and i love being on this server i want to be staff here as this community is like the place i go to get away from reality and role play i think i deserve a chance to in do my bad reputation and make a good one by becoming a staff member thank you guys.

  15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would remain calm and be very polite no matter what If it does get out of hand them I must do what is needed and minge the person like the hand book says so but TMOD cant minge very long so I will ask for a higher staff member to assist me in the sit

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  • I hardly see you on
  • 14 Warns
  • Not fit for staff
  • More effort could of went into Question 15
  • Low activity on the forums
  • Feel like you need to be apart of the community a bit more and get known to the community

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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  • I hardly see you on
  • 14 Warns
  • Not fit for staff
  • More effort could of went into Question 15
  • Low activity on the forums
  • Feel like you need to be apart of the community a bit more and get known to the community

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  • I hardly see you on
  • 14 Warns
  • Not fit for staff
  • More effort could of went into Question 15
  • Low activity on the forums
  • Feel like you need to be apart of the community a bit more and get known to the community


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  • I hardly see you on
  • 14 Warns
  • Not fit for staff
  • More effort could of went into Question 15
  • Low activity on the forums
  • Feel like you need to be apart of the community a bit more and get known to the community

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  • I hardly see you on
  • 14 Warns
  • Not fit for staff
  • More effort could of went into Question 15
  • Low activity on the forums
  • Feel like you need to be apart of the community a bit more and get known to the community

very very big minge in my opinion, good luck though

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  • 2 weeks later...



  • I hardly see you on
  • 14 Warns
  • Not fit for staff
  • More effort could of went into Question 15
  • Low activity on the forums
  • Feel like you need to be apart of the community a bit more and get known to the community
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-low activity on forums

-Told staff to kill themselfs

MilitaryRP Trial Mod|CERT/Trooper SGT|PD SM

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” ~Lao Tzu

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  • I hardly see you on
  • 14 Warns
  • Not fit for staff
  • More effort could of went into Question 15
  • Low activity on the forums
  • Feel like you need to be apart of the community a bit more and get known to the community

SM Balloon 1A98/FBI Deputy Director Balloon RA5/State Major Balloon 1H02/CERT TL Balloon 1TL01/SPMU Head Patrolman Balloon 1HP01

Keep your head up and your eyes straight and everything will be fine

 T MOD Oct 9-15/21  MODERATOR Oct 15 - Nov 5/21 SENIOR MOD Nov 21 - Dec 12/21 Admin Dec 12 - Jan 14/22 Senior Admin Jan 14 - Current

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