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Mervin's Forum Diplomat App


Should I Get The Rank  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become a Forum Diplomat

    • Yes
    • No

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In-Game Name: Mervin

Steam Name: [GL] Mervin

SteamID: Will add can't rn

Are you a Moderator+?


How many posts do you have on the website?

449 but my other account that had to be deleted cause of tag issue it had 600 something

How often are you online on the forums?

Every day I check it when I wake up before I go to sleep and multiple times through out the day

What timezone are you in?


Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team?

I would like to join the Forum Diplomat team because im constantly on the forums. I already report post that are not needed or inappropriate. I would also like to be apart of everything that the Gaming Light community has to offer. As I have made it on to the support team and I have also actively worked my way up through ranks on Military Rp and Police Rp. I believe I could be a great part of the team due to me constantly being on the forums through out the day.

Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how?

I do believe that I have a correct since of judgement due to but not limited to my many post's on the forums. My ability to understand when an argument is brewing or tensions and help prevent them before they get worse. I have also gotten my way up to Senior Mod based on good judgement inside in game situations and trying to act professional at all times

How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers?

I would delete the spammed messages and then tell him to refer to the ban appeal section for the proper server and inform him that he will receive a punishment if he continued to spam the chat box

Edited by Mervin


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Speak with a Head of Staff+ for you Forum Diplomat tags in Teamspeak and on the Forums

~Head Forum Diplomat Gaur

(Also Speak with me before using any of your Diplomat Permissions so I can give you the rundown on how to do it.)



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