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Leaving the yukis


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Well it has been some adventures  times but I think my time as being a yuki is over  I had some ups and downs  lost a bit of good friends who I hope of getting back yes the yuki family actually did felt real  and it does hurt a bit but stuff happens for a reason I hope I could fix  the bad times I have had as being   a yuki  like countless  shooting the pd, I also want too say sorry too all pd departments who had too put up with my bullcrap and I also want too thank you guys for still role-playing with me.. if you have any problems with me please private message me  or comment on this,  I also want too say thank you too the swat  commander @myandabeast for  listening too our complaining  and I Wanna thank the commissioner  of the pd @Nolan for all the work you have done for us. And  I think I really should thank all the pd actually for actually role playing with us in General  after all of this.  I do owe a few sorry's too a few people once again if I do something wrong I'll always admit too it. Ryan the epic guy I  have too give you a sorry as that one day you warned me and my response  was ' at least I don't break as mush rules as you do' that was disrespectful and uncalled for of me for saying that too you for doing your job. Cert garry I kind of remember about our problem with going too the prison  and refusing too go in at one point and just fail rping. @asuna we had our ups and downs in the past but I Wanna say thank you for giving me a chance too be in your family.. and the last person I can not forget is my little brother @Fame  I do not even think we ever had problems and I have major respect for you and I hope that you become superadmin. And the rest of the police rp community  I hope too role play with you all soon.  @Strider™ thank  you so much for being my first friend on police rp we had our ups and down as well  and you didn't give up on me that is what  I call being loyal. And thank you toxic for all the stuff you have done for our family you must have had a hudge  headache  from dealing with it consently  


Edited by Hannah Yuki


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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Wow, I’m not thanked after I tried to solve so many problems....okay

Lol, and  Hannah, you were following the rules and knew what to do. You were a great yuki.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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Wow, I’m not thanked after I tried to solve so many problems....okay

toxic your going too be added don't worry <3


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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Don't sweat it. I know you had a lot on your plate. Your best friend vanished and left you in charge of the Yukis...

Wow, I’m not thanked after I tried to solve so many problems....okay

We're sorry daddy please don't be mad!

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