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Simpington's Community Resignation


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Like a book, life has a beginning, an end, and a lot of chapters in between that propel you from one event to another, and well now is an end of a chapter in as i begin a new chapter in my life. I always told myself that I'd never leave this community until the community left me but here I am. I have had this typed out then deleted and re typed many times as I just couldn't find the will power to hit that "Submit Topic" button down below and say my last goodbyes to those who I've made memories with for years now.

I know its a rule on the internet to never tell anyone anything about you but i feel like I want to leave this community with something impactful and maybe useful for those who has been soul-searching within themselves to find a reason to keep pushing on in life. 

Hi, I'm Simpington or as my friends and family know me by my name bestowed to me as James. I remembered growing up in a very poor family, a family with just a single hardworking father with 3 children to feed. My father one day took me to a pawn shop with the spare change in his pocket and was able to haggle for an Nintendo 64 for me and my brothers as it would give us something to do since we lived in the middle of nowhere. I remember playing it for the first time and the game of choice was Super Mario 64. Ever since then I was an avid gamer who used gaming as his passtime to avoid all of his life's problems. I'm now 25 and still somewhat of an avid gamer although I don't game from dusk til dawn like i used to as I've got more things on my to do list in life. Im a proud father to a 3 years old son who is my sole reason to keep moving forward, hence why I'm here to talk about why I've got to say goodbye.

Gaminglight Police RP, SCPRP, and even the FiveM server will always carry a special place in my heart for aslong as live. I want to thank everyone who Ive met up to this point even those who disliked me or those I wish to say sorry for my wrong doings. I remember joining back in late 2018 when i was able to buy my fist PC. Its quite poetic how we all meet at a certain time and place. I say that because i never really planned to play GMOD during that time, all I wanted to play was first person shooter games but I was a reckless 19 year old with no bills and no concept of responsibility so one day i saw GMOD was on sale and remembered watching Vanoss playing it when i was a kid and bought the game. I'm not sure what made me pick Gamgignlight's Police RP server but believe me when i was its the first server i ever joined. I minged around with a few dudes and one guy said we all should have the same name to confuse the admins so I joined in on the shenanigans and that's how I got my first warn of only 2 i have total today.  

Gaminglight was a safe place for me when I had a hard day or when i was feeling stressed. Nowadays as I'm getting older and my mental health has taken a huge decline as of late it seems like nothing seems to be my safe place anymore. I don't want this post to be depressing so I want to leave a message to those who can relate. If your struggling with your mental health then you deserve to spends that extra bit of money on that game on sale, you deserve to find that safe place, and most importantly you deserve the best. Keep fighting regardless of what cards life delt you. Maybe, just maybe you might end up finding a group of people who are just like you, who understands you, and appreciates you just like I did when I first found gaminglight. I was welcomed by so many even though i was a massive minge. I remember this one guy in particular who saw potential in me and help made me feel at home with this community. His name is @Philosophy I don't think i ever told him how much i appreciate the hell out of the guy. at the time i met him I recently got out of high school and I felt abandoned by "friends" who made promises to reach out but never did, and when Id reach out it was only radio silence. Although this guy was a complete stranger on a random game that is almost as old as me, he made me felt like i could trust people again and break from my timid self and helped me realize that even people you meet online can be a true friend. SO thank you very much ol friend. I hope that your kicking ass in chess right now as we speak since i know you love chess a lot. Feel free to DM anytime brother you have my discord. 

I'm going to say a few things to groups of people.

Starting with Zeeptin, all the current and previous Support and SMT, and Ecott: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making a safe place for all of use to come together and blow off steam from life's problems. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keeping all of us connected and playing together for many years now.

to BOS:  We really did it. Even though this family is no more we was there when the server needed us most. Ill miss the fun time we had basing and playing games on the side while farming money. Nathan and I couldn't be more prouder of our members who joined us for the almost 3 years we ran the streets. If it wasnt for you guys I wouldnt have sunk almost 7000 hours into GMOD.

To UMC: I remember when I first started BOS and allied Bappo some years back, you shits really gave us a real run for our money. I remember that one fight that lastly roughly 2 hours from you guys raiding us to you guys hoping on gov to help them raid. Up to the first hour we was cracking jokes and having fun, The second hour felt like literal torture. After that I respected UMC as they had some real fight in them. Since then they had my back and i has theirs from thick and thin. Thank you guys for supporting BOS and taking us in when we was in shambles. @myan (for some reason I cant ping you)  @deathstriker124 @Smaug@Ganta@Noah Lee You guys are the real homies, you stuck with me thru thick and thin and could of ditched me anytime you wanted to but you stuck around and because of that I'm grateful to have friends like you guys.

To SL: Oh lord here we go... First of all, fuck yall, what in god's green earth is yalls logo anyway? Looks like a 11 year old went on Microsoft paint and told their self a skeleton ghost is intimidating                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Haha I kid. I missed our trash talks we had. Honestly I hated your guys guts for along time there but the family beef we had was fun for awhile I just wished both our our families had the nerve to know when enough was enough and call a truce.  Because of our long history of beef I feel kind of responsible for the servers decline in players back in late 2022. I loved our wars and some of your members became homies to me. Eventho @Trumpohas fucked me over more times than the number of fingers I have I respect and appreciate the hell of the dude for creating SL. I Loved when we'd base together and build these scary mega bases that gov hated. Altho there is one person in SL who no longer plays that I hope his food gets spit on every time he orders from a restaurant for the amount of anguish he cause to some of my friends. Seriously I know its only a game but when make some of my friends break down because of how you treated them then your just garbage to me. Hopefully you've changed and have became a better person. If you have became a better person then I'm sorry for what I've said and I hope no one makes your restaurant foods extra soggy with loogies, but I highly doubt it. I wont mention him to avoid drama or for him to write a whole lite novel trying to manipulate everyone to believing has a good person. Iykyk type of deal. 

Lastly to all GOV: Keep crying about my failbases, your just salty you lost. Once again that's a joke and I really mean nothing by it, Gov only had a few bad apples who would do that but the rest was really good people to talk to or roleplay with. Thank you to PD, SWAT, State, FBI, SRT, and Deltaforce for having me. I once was a GOV main when I first played and really enjoyed my time in theses departments. I have so many memories with all you gov mains and thank you guys for giving us Crim mains a challenge when we got bored

I might hop on one last time later today to make one last memory with everyone on the server. 

I have a lot more goodbyes and this post is already very long so lets play a game. If you reply with a "👋" emoji in your reply to this post then I'll reply back to you with my best memory we had and leave you with a message or some advice I've learned at some chapter in my life. 



Edited by Simpington
I've made some errors that I'm recorrecting.
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We don't know eachother Simpington, but after reading this post you seem like a really great person, hope life treats you and your family good and don't feel like a stranger later down the road. o7 Simpington


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Wow, did not expect to see this one Simpington I remember you from my early days on GL or maybe it was a fever dream but still. Best of luck to you in life man good luck! o7.

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What is the difference between supper and dinner?

Current: Police Department Lieutenant, Federal Bureau Of Investigation Senior Special Agent Hostage responder Rescue Team Operator First Class , 

Special Response Team Private First Class, Secret Service Protection Officer

Past: A lot/PoliceRP SNR Mod,PoliceRP Event Team, PPD/SS Deputy Director , FBI Deputy Assistant Director , USMS CMA, STREET CRIMES UNIT!! (Chief Soup95 1K-8 😢)

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Oh no not our 1000 ping guy leaving, very sad -support. You will be missed

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- PoliceRP Lead Admin & Mayonnaise lover -

FBI  Director 1K-21 | HRT Overseer  | UMC LVL 5 

Reserves: Trooper MAJ  | CERT 2LT  | State Head FTO  | EMS LT

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