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Clearance Card Change Suggestion

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What do you want to see?: Mainly a rework to something that is a major In Character issue. The Clearance Cards as well as the power that they hold aboard The Consilio and Lothal Base.

Why should we add it?: Solely from an In Character standpoint, there are multiple issues caused by clearance cards. It is nonsensical as to why Cards are the same through almost all of Naval, I myself as Ship Captain have the exact same clearance card/level as a Naval Crewman as well as the same Card levels as trooper enlisted men. I say that there needs to be some degree of change in that. As it is from an In Character view, the Captain of The Vessel should be able to go to The Brig and other area's of great importance to vessel. I'd like to add, the ranks that do have CL-4 do not make sense as much as it does for others, such as how The Captain of his own vessel, has CL-3. But a ARC trooper has CL-4, or how The Captain has the same clearance as all other Naval including INTEL, SO, and regular Crew. To counter the argument of "If you want CL-4 get a CL-4 rank," why is the Highest Non-Command ranked individual in the Navy not CL-4 seeing as how a Naval Captain is equivalent to an Army Colonel? 

What are the advantages of having this?: I believe it would aide In Character interaction better as it would allow those of Higher Clearance the ability to go to a wider range of locations aboard The Consilio and Lothal Base, thus leading to better/more consistent roleplay in area's that tend to go unused due to such high security clearances or lack of people with clearance to enter them. 

Who is it mainly for?: Officers and NCO's.

Links to any content: N/A

Edited by C l o u t l e s s J o s h u a
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-The reason certain jobs like a Captain in Naval aren't allowed to go certain areas is so you don't just go running around places, for example brig, that's Shocks area, if you are in Naval and want to go in there join Security Officers or request permission, Vice versa Shock cant just freely roam the bridge.

- I can kind of see Higher ranks having a higher clearance but I don't think it's a good idea to let people go more places as a lot of places of the ship are controlled by a certain battalion/battalions. It would just cause drama in my opinion.

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

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I see where you're coming from here, but I just don't think it's necessary. I think how the card levels are distributed as it stands is fine, and that if you want the authority of a cl lvl 4 keycard then you need to become a cl lvl 4 rank. 


| Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos |

| Shadow Guard VII Stage (2020) || Shadow Guard Lead Ren Blackstar (2023-2024)|

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 In lore there would be little to no reason for a Captain to go into brig or really any other important areas.

Also all COL = jobs that arnt spec-ops are CL3, not just Naval Captain

Also if you want to get technical, in lore Captain in the navy is = to a MAJ in the Army

You are a Captain on an ISD, not "The Captain" of the ISD

Highest General Resin

Head Admin



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Unfortunately, we do not feel that this suggestion is suitable for implementation. 

However, we do appreciate your attitude towards trying to help us improve, please feel free to show us some more ideas!

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