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Ducky - Assistant Chief Application - On Hold - Denied


Should I be the next Assistant Chief?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be the next Assistant Chief?

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Rank You are Applying For: Assistant Chief

In-Game Name: Ducky

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:461672058

Current Rank: Colonel

How long have you been in your current rank?: 1 year and 5 months 

What timezone are you in?: EST

How many Warns do you have?: 0

Permission: MiniEpic

Why should you be promoted (251 words Minimum): 

Through the years of holding a position in PD Low Command and SWAT High Command, I have gained experience and trust to allow myself to tell you why I should be in the position of Assistant Chief. The server and PD need a person who is both prepared to work and acquainted with how to make new players feel welcome. Over the years, I gained skills that assisted me in making players feel welcome and reinforced my skills as High Command to lead and gain trust. 

As a Colonel, I spent a lot of my time hosting PD meetings and PD trainings. I never do it just to "tick the box." I value every meeting or training I host. I love that I can share valuable information during those activities and get questions or feedback from my fellow officers. With my knowledge of SWAT and general tactical training, I can give PD knowledge and training that others cannot. These trainings will always assist PD, not just in their personal day-to-day job, but will also help them show Tac teams and others on the server their professionalism and strengths. It is in my greatest interest to improve PD training, making them the best and the most interactive trainings they can be. Personally, I am always excited to see someone grow, not just in their ranks but in their maturity and the friends they make along the way on the server.

I've been in this community for a very long time, and with my knowledge of how the community works and my good knowledge of PD and tactical teams, I can bring diversity and ideas to PD like nothing you’ve ever seen before. I am always involved in the community and consider myself a very open-minded person, being as friendly as possible and putting a good name on myself and the departments too. I am a non-conflicting person, and I never was. I stay away from rumors or debates, as I do not like trouble for me, or for anyone else.

Along my journey, I have made a lot of friends who, to this day, assist me and support me in my decisions. I am very good at judging people and situations, which assists me in my critical thinking skills and does not allow me to make impulsive decisions.

I consider myself worthy and ready for such a position as PD High Command, and through rain and storm, through slow internet or crashes, I will always be there to assist PD, assist the server, and prove that there is no better choice for PD High Command than me.

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

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"Jimmy Can I minge With a Button?"

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Since the first day I met Duckey, they have always been a really fun and kind, but also serious and just person to be around. I don't know where I would be on the server without their help. The advice that they had provided to me when I was trying out for PD Low Command is unmatched. Not to mention, in SWAT where I am today because of them. Overall, they have always been fair, respectful, and professional when needed, but also just generally a great person to be around. I would love to see them as PD's Assistant Chief. I believe it will encourage many people to consider joining PD and playing it again. I know I would. Duckey is an amazing boss to everyone who they are above, and nothing but welcoming, kind, and respectful to those who are not under their command. Duckey is an amazing boss, leader, friend, co-worker, High Command Member, Command Member in General, Department Head, and they deserve Assistant Chief. I don't voice my opinion often about people, but really I mean it when I say Duckey is nothing but perfect for this position. From the day I joined the department, and to the day I came out of reserves, they welcomed me full-heartedly back into the department, and that is something that I believe they will do for everyone not only in the server, but for those who want to come into PD and come back to it. I have no doubts many people will inclined to play PD if Duckey get's the position. Lastly, even when the Assistant Chief position wasn't open, they continued to keep active on the role with no hope for promotion. The dedication to doing what's best for PD was unmatched. Although there are many Colonels, it was rare to see any of them ever play PD. However, I vividly remember Duckey playing Colonel at times for no other reason than to make PD Look active.

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Long time Colonel

Able to seek guidance

The entire paragraph Ion Davis has wrote is basically my same opinion, you are professional, kind and also can be serious in the time that is appropriate. I do believe that you are confidently ready to move up in the ranks and become what you have always wished for! Best of luck

(I cant quote ion so imagine i also quoted him)


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A very Respectful, Loved and Welcoming Person

Someone who knows PD and their functionality Exceptionally well

Great at handling trainings and meetings as Colonel, will be helpful if promoted to assistant chief

As well rounded person to both be strict and understanding


Additional Notes:

Ducky is a highly respected and loved person of this community.

Due to have a department head position in SWAT, it does limit the workload Ducky can Handle which does not give a great look into Assistance Chief


Upon receiving this position, the extra work load from SWAT will be no more, and Ducky will have all their time and effort put towards PD

This is exactly what Ducky knows how to handle Perfectly!


🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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+ Support 

Ducky has great attitude towards Any department, They put a lot of time & effort into PD, which in my eyes means they are a great candidate for this position!

many others don’t seem to bother to much, Ducky constantly hosts meeting, trainings etc.


whilst in SWAT command position Ducky has shown great leadership, power, control & gratitude towards everyone within the department. I certainly think they will pull things right within the PD command department, Whilst ducky has been SWAT Command you can understand maintaining a whole department through tough times & then going above and beyond to help run another ! 

I wish you the very best !


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Extremely Professional


Overall a great fit for the position, as I feel like they can handle themselves extremely well in all scenarios. They are the type of person that people can look up to for anything and they are also extremely reliable. Ducky is also amazing with leadership skills and is extremely dedicated to their positions. I feel like they would be an amazing fit for assistant chief! 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

|| Proud Member of GamingLight since March 2018 ||

|| Former MTF Alpha-1 MAJ || Former NSA Director || Former MTF E-11 CPL || Former SWAT CMDR ||

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