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Criminal Stash Raid Suggestion - Accepted - In Progress - Completed


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What you want to see? - Another variation of the Government Raid System but instead it's criminals defending and Government attacking.

Why should we add it? - It adds more variety, instead of it only being Government always having to defend it can be switched up to criminals having to defend. So for example it would be randomly generated for the switch between the two crates, at one time it could be a Government raid and the next raid would be a criminal raid.

For the criminal raid it could be a family stash house that criminals would have to defend while Government would have to assault the base and instead of stealing they would secure one of the crates for a reward.


Rewards could be the same for securing the crate but the "Criminal Stash" could give out armor kits, small armor or health boost until they respawn, weapons, etc.


What are the advantages of having this? - Switches up from just being only Government Raids and allows for criminals to communicate and defend the stash all together.

Who is it mainly for? - Criminals and Government

Links to any content - Current Government Stash

Edited by Nimo
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〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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16 minutes ago, Dono said:

+support would be nice to also reverse the nlr rule for a crim raid (crim has 2 minute nlr while gov has none).

Yes, and it would be good to add a general reminder for NLR by the raiding UI depending on the type of raid (Criminal/Gov).


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THIS IS SUCH A GREAT SUGGESTION! I really do believe that this is a incredible idea and it would without a doubt keep more criminal players playing. This sounds like something very easy to do from a outside point of view but I'm not sure how it would be coded/done in game. Only problem is that they would have to add more locations and then somehow find a way to code so that it knows when gov are defending/raiding and vice versa for crim because I could easily see the system being confused on if crim are raiding/defending and not allocating the proper rewards to the correct side for completion/failure. If this suggestion were to be suggested I don't see them having it completed for quite some time because of the difficulty of this being implemented. I may be completely wrong here if so, please ignore what I just said

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Barret Deleter 28-7

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