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Indicud Player report- Accepted

the gremlin

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Later at night on 7/22/2023 12AM -7/23/2023 2:30AM I had to deal with UMC mostly Indicud harassing me and bullying me, they got a BOS member to also say stuff in chat to me. MiniEpic at the time and RussTime were the people who got them to stop.

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I've seen this dude harass many of my family members. Then you have the fact that he has clips of his own rule breaking saved for anyone able to see, makes it seem like he is untouchable.

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lmao bro incriminated him self oh and also quick question why didnt you report when he did that were you just trying to make him look even worse? kinda weird not gonna lie sorry that might be considered toxic idk ohhhh and also new thing scrolling through his medal is a little weird and getting DF's armor is too ngl

-Support(I will try and not be bias if I am im sorry)

-https://imgur.com/a/KHF9wyD this is harassment???? lmao

-" It's clear that he has some feelings about being blacklisted from SL and is taking it out on SL and Blaze members." how is he taking it out on SL and blaze members???? lmao

-" This screenshot shows Indicud randomly calling me out in ooc for a robbery cooldown even though I hadn't robbed a store in over 12 hours then calling it trolling. This was about 5 mins after we had gotten out of a staff sit where I reported him for going up the elevator during a gov raid." what does this have to do with anything lmao

-"This image is more family targeting" that is not a rule

-" Here you can see Indicud tell a staff member he isn't gonna make a report on the player unless the admin is going to warn the player. As shown above he is very warn hungry. " lmao what rule is this again?

- "This clip shows Indicud sitting on top of the Tac Parking lot fence, bordering the KOS sign, closing the gate as the SRT are trying to leave the parking lot. He does this for absolutely no reason and even clipped it and uploaded it on his medal. The SRT member who he has the interaction with is also a member of SL. Basically being a minge bothering a SL member." lmao once again what rule is this

-"in this clip you can see Indicud shoot Huncho aka Illusions then continuing to shoot his dead body which is a sign of disrespect." lmao this is not a  rule this should be dealt with his command 

-"These two clips and two screenshots show a situation where Indicud had made a sit against SL Cursed for RDM. Mr Blaze gave Cursed a 10 min jail and verbal warning. Indicud was noticeably unhappy of the outcome due to Cursed not receiving a warn. Then after this situation, he starts to antagonize Mr Blaze in OOC as Mr Blaze was handling a child predator in a sit. He taunts Mr Blaze in OOC about inviting the guy into The Blaze Family. You can also hear his discord chat where him and someone else are talking about the OOC and Mr Blaze showing a strong interest in the matter and Mr Blaze. Indicud decides to interrupt Mr Blaze's sit while taunting him in OOC. Mr Blaze grabs him, drags him off to the side and asks if he has any issues and Indicud states basically nothing proving it to be a waste of staff time. We believe Indicud was trying to bait and make Mr Blaze look as bad as possible as this clip was sent to Seb but obviously not with the full story and context.This is to show the twisted and toxic ways of Indicud. He brought it to seb saying Mr Blaze didn't handle it professionally but honestly don't see anything wrong especially when Indicud is obviously harassing and player targeting Mr Blaze then interrupting a very important staff sit. Mr Blaze asked if he had a problem and when not stating one he told him to stop "some people when someone says whats your problem or do you have a problem and whats your issue might take offence to that lmao and Mr Blaze did not have to take Indicud and question him because he did nothing wrong at the point where he asked him how did you get up here I thought he just wants to warn him because he dis likes him and lmao he does not have to talk to him about anything and when Blaze said be quiet in chat it was clear that he was looking at his PRIVATE MESSAGES lmao which are meant to be private 

-"This clip shows Indicud running out of a robbery to kill 2 Gov members and also using." lmao whats wrong about this? lmao

-This clip shows Indicud watch 3 Blaze members show up to park capture point and as those members are pulling up, with no guns, he starts to advert to the cops and then he sees a gun and adverts to call the cops. Blatant metagaming. lmao general question are you ok lmao please re watch this clip https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uT7SvMrEuUT3OzGvLTzd9g7SE_JmKTgk/view?usp=drive_link

-"This clip shows Indicud use /pm to see how many Blaze members are online before raiding the Blaze base." since when was this a rule?

-"This clip shows Indicud 1. Metagaming by using voice chat while running around the barge to see if anyone is on the barge and 2. Buying the barge doors which is not allowed." lmao so talking isnt aloud now and buying doors is not aloud now crazy

-"This clip shows Indicud ARDM an OFC and RDM a civilian" lmao sorry but it looked like he was trying to kill the cop because he had a gun pointed at him and the civilian was crossfire and if it was that deep don't you think Matilda would have done something? lmao

-"This clip shows Indicud step into our base, past the KOS sign without an advert, to open a garage door and raid the Blaze base. He only adverts as he opens the garage door." lmao so stepping 3 feet into a base is not aloud without adverting raid lmao so here is an example if I walked up to an SL base or a UMC base and they were all inside you would have to advert raid to get in and talk to them??????? lmao sure


Edited by Slasher
sorry had to prove more things
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i dont care GIF 

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16 minutes ago, Slasher said:

lmao bro incriminated him self oh and also quick question why didnt you report when he did that were you just trying to make him look even worse? kinda weird not gonna lie sorry that might be considered toxic idk ohhhh and also new thing scrolling through his medal is a little weird and getting DF's armor is too ngl

-Support(I will try and not be bias if I am im sorry)

-https://imgur.com/a/KHF9wyD this is harassment???? lmao

-" It's clear that he has some feelings about being blacklisted from SL and is taking it out on SL and Blaze members." how is he taking it out on SL and blaze members???? lmao

-" This screenshot shows Indicud randomly calling me out in ooc for a robbery cooldown even though I hadn't robbed a store in over 12 hours then calling it trolling. This was about 5 mins after we had gotten out of a staff sit where I reported him for going up the elevator during a gov raid." what does this have to do with anything lmao

-"This image is more family targeting" that is not a rule

-" Here you can see Indicud tell a staff member he isn't gonna make a report on the player unless the admin is going to warn the player. As shown above he is very warn hungry. " lmao what rule is this again?

- "This clip shows Indicud sitting on top of the Tac Parking lot fence, bordering the KOS sign, closing the gate as the SRT are trying to leave the parking lot. He does this for absolutely no reason and even clipped it and uploaded it on his medal. The SRT member who he has the interaction with is also a member of SL. Basically being a minge bothering a SL member." lmao once again what rule is this

-"in this clip you can see Indicud shoot Huncho aka Illusions then continuing to shoot his dead body which is a sign of disrespect." lmao this is not a  rule this should be dealt with his command 

-"These two clips and two screenshots show a situation where Indicud had made a sit against SL Cursed for RDM. Mr Blaze gave Cursed a 10 min jail and verbal warning. Indicud was noticeably unhappy of the outcome due to Cursed not receiving a warn. Then after this situation, he starts to antagonize Mr Blaze in OOC as Mr Blaze was handling a child predator in a sit. He taunts Mr Blaze in OOC about inviting the guy into The Blaze Family. You can also hear his discord chat where him and someone else are talking about the OOC and Mr Blaze showing a strong interest in the matter and Mr Blaze. Indicud decides to interrupt Mr Blaze's sit while taunting him in OOC. Mr Blaze grabs him, drags him off to the side and asks if he has any issues and Indicud states basically nothing proving it to be a waste of staff time. We believe Indicud was trying to bait and make Mr Blaze look as bad as possible as this clip was sent to Seb but obviously not with the full story and context.This is to show the twisted and toxic ways of Indicud. He brought it to seb saying Mr Blaze didn't handle it professionally but honestly don't see anything wrong especially when Indicud is obviously harassing and player targeting Mr Blaze then interrupting a very important staff sit. Mr Blaze asked if he had a problem and when not stating one he told him to stop "some people when someone says whats your problem or do you have a problem and whats your issue might take offence to that lmao and Mr Blaze did not have to take Indicud and question him because he did nothing wrong at the point where he asked him how did you get up here I thought he just wants to warn him because he dis likes him and lmao he does not have to talk to him about anything and when Blaze said be quiet in chat it was clear that he was looking at his PRIVATE MESSAGES lmao which are meant to be private 

-"This clip shows Indicud running out of a robbery to kill 2 Gov members and also using." lmao whats wrong about this? lmao

-This clip shows Indicud watch 3 Blaze members show up to park capture point and as those members are pulling up, with no guns, he starts to advert to the cops and then he sees a gun and adverts to call the cops. Blatant metagaming. lmao general question are you ok lmao please re watch this clip https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uT7SvMrEuUT3OzGvLTzd9g7SE_JmKTgk/view?usp=drive_link

-"This clip shows Indicud use /pm to see how many Blaze members are online before raiding the Blaze base." since when was this a rule?

-"This clip shows Indicud 1. Metagaming by using voice chat while running around the barge to see if anyone is on the barge and 2. Buying the barge doors which is not allowed." lmao so talking isnt aloud now and buying doors is not aloud now crazy

-"This clip shows Indicud ARDM an OFC and RDM a civilian" lmao sorry but it looked like he was trying to kill the cop because he had a gun pointed at him and the civilian was crossfire and if it was that deep don't you think Matilda would have done something? lmao

-"This clip shows Indicud step into our base, past the KOS sign without an advert, to open a garage door and raid the Blaze base. He only adverts as he opens the garage door." lmao so stepping 3 feet into a base is not aloud without adverting raid lmao so here is an example if I walked up to an SL base or a UMC base and they were all inside you would have to advert raid to get in and talk to them??????? lmao sure


Ya ya l ain't reading all of that evidence is clear.


Fat +Support  

Bro recorded his own doom💀


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This has got to be the first time I have seen the community collectively dislike someone this much on a server in ANY game. That being said, I have been playing PoliceRP (again) for almost 3 months now and can confidently say that over the 50+ RP/nonRP interactions I've had with the player I have not had a SINGLE positive interaction with him. He has made himself the videogame equivalent of "My way or the highway." Meaning if things don't go EXACTLY  how he wants them to go, he instantly slams his clip bind and makes a staff report. Regardless of rule breakings or not on either side. This player has proven that they can not be relied on for RP situations, can not be based with because he has a pathological NEED to be in charge of everything(which is likely why he's blacklisted from the more popular families), and cant go more than 30 minutes without complaining about something.


Now addressing the evidence box, hilariousness that he clipped his own downfall aside, there's some pretty minute things in here and some pretty serious ones. All of which I can confidently say if anything that he did in these clips happened to him, a report would have been made in record times. Proving that the player is a hypocrite as well. I understand some rules are less "enforced" than others on PoliceRP, however the rules the player is breaking here are definitely not those. These clips alone, while one or two should just be warnings, are definitely enough (when stacked together) to warrant a ban in my opinion. 

Indicud, I know you're reading this post. This last bit is directed to you, and I'll keep it respectful as I have the rest of this post. I genuinely hope that this report makes you understand that you need to change, both as a player and as a human. You're more than old enough to understand some of the levels of disrespect towards other players and to staff is completely unacceptable. Would you treat people this way in real life? To their face? If this report gets accepted and punishment is issued, please take it and don't make a fight about it. If this report gets denied and nothing happens, still understand that you have tarnished the GamingLight PoliceRP community, and that you need to do better  for that wound to heal. Please understand nothing I  have said above is personal, and that I will still treat you with the same respect I treat every other player on this server. 


Signing off,

-Mitch Robinson

Edited by Jbane56
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The amount of rules broken and toxicity is  unreal especially in the span of only 20 days The evidence given shows and That’s dead embarrassing

Edited by PRP Jack


EX Secret Service Command | EX EMS | PD SGT |EX PoliceRP Staff | UMC EX SCO19 | EX SERT

 EX North Carolina Deputy

EX Delta Force Captain Jack 1J45 

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