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General Suggestion - MC&D Different weapons to sell [Completed]


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What are you suggesting? - Having MC&D jobs sell different guns than just the exact same ones as d-class supplier, maybe have it sell extremly unique guns for a large price maybe like laser weapons for like 1M each or something

How would this change better the server? - It'd make MC&D stand out instead of just being a d-class supplier clone that spawns on surface

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A

Who would this change mostly benefit? - MC&D users & Civilian roleplay

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -

Remove tfa_uzi

Add tfa_contender : $4250
Add tfa_m24 : $10000
Add tfa_csgo_awp : $17500
Add tfa_dbarrel : $10000
Add tfa_browningauto5 : $5000
Add tfa_m14sp : $6500
Add tfa_m16a4_acog : $8250
Add gl_medkit : $2500

Thank you panda 😄

Edited by Tazza
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Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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Remove tfa_uzi

Add tfa_contender : $4000
Add tfa_m24 : $10000
Add tfa_csgo_awp : $8750
Add tfa_dbarrel : $6500
Add tfa_browningauto5 : $4500
Add tfa_m14sp : $6000
Add tfa_m16a4_acog : $8000

you should put this in your suggestion for a better shot of it going through, otherwise a +Support

(If you cant edit, just quote the reply)

Edited by PandaInShitpostLand

The God Gamer of the Shitpost Squadron    


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22 minutes ago, PandaInShitpostLand said:

Remove tfa_uzi

Add tfa_contender : $4000
Add tfa_m24 : $10000
Add tfa_csgo_awp : $8750
Add tfa_dbarrel : $6500
Add tfa_browningauto5 : $4500
Add tfa_m14sp : $6000
Add tfa_m16a4_acog : $8000

you should put this in your suggestion for a better shot of it going through, otherwise a +Support

(If you cant edit, just quote the reply)

Those prices are way too low lmao. 


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+/- Support (Leaning +)

All of these weapons are easily accessible from the armory, and this makes MC&D a redundant class. There is no reason to make deals and sell things to people and actually attempt to make a profit or anything because both the current and proposed weapons suck.

Instead, a new idea, give MC&D the ability to sell branch exclusive weapons (Freedom SR, Volk, Minimi Para, ETC) for a MUCH larger price (likely several million)



This gives people a chance to experience these weapons without having to spend months in an MTF branch earning reputation and experience to get access to an SF job. I understand that SF's are meant to be exclusive and have lots of privilege and whatnot, but there is no way to make MC&D an actually viable class in the server without giving it a special element, in this case, the ability to sell branch-exclusive weapons.

Additionally, MC&D should be non-combatants, so no running and gunning in the foundation, and perhaps a cooldown for selling the guns? Who knows.


In my opinion, the following weapons should be sellable:






and perhaps some other guns in the Infinite Warfare weapons pack, but this is just a proposal.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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+Support on the MCND being able to sell diffrent weapons but - support to eins additions of the Volk and etheral, the Volk is a SF weapon and the etheral is literal foundation Tech

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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I feel like MC&D should be able to sell special weapons but not super OP ones. I feel like it could be a way to buy heavy weapons but at a highly increased price if done right.

Maintenance > other branches

Retired Head of Maintenance and Engineering

Former D5 2LT | Formerly RRH Logistics "OL-13" | Former Alpha-1 Captain 'Antarctica' Vulcan Award Winner |

Former Senior Admin/Forum Diplomat, Former Event Team Member

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19 hours ago, Silence_ said:


I feel like MC&D should be able to sell special weapons but not super OP ones. I feel like it could be a way to buy heavy weapons but at a highly increased price if done right.



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