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Found 14 results

  1. ***Gonna preface this with the fact that it seems like I am the only one that cannot access it under any circumstances. I have already submitted a bug report per JMTs advice*** Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to potentially fix this issue while I wait on a response from SMT regarding my bug report. I figure I can't be the only person that has ever experienced this issue, so somebody is bound to know a potential fix. I have relogged, redone addons, even fresh installed GMod, none of which have had any effect. Banker just 100% will not open whatsoever.
  2. I was wondering if anyone could help me out i just got on police rp and i noticed that i didn't have my emp grenade i called staff and they told me to make a post on the forums so here i am. I already tried the basic stuff like relaunching and toggling it on and off in the toggle menu so idk thanks.
  3. What's Wrong: When using the emote swep it does not display the animation for any of the emotes. It doesn't show for me when using the swep or for other players when using the swep. What Have You Done to Fix the Issue: This has been happening for over a week and I have been trouble shooting a way to fix it with no avail. As far as I'm aware a few other players have had this issue and can't get it fixed. I don't know if it is client sided or server sided. Any Clips to Show: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/oKU4Jq-zh_HzT/d1337wdNGJTX?invite=cr-MSxkaWQsMzIzMTA5Myw
  4. I was just on the server, and I hit tab and my playtime got reset to 0 hrs. This happened yesterday. I tried relogging and nothing happened. I contacted staff and they said I should make a report. I had close to 2 weeks of playtime.
  5. SCP-2191-1 invisibility has stopped working recently. He can still drain blood and gain health though.
  6. Hello, it's me MrAnnonimous, i'm having a issue joining the game in SCPRP, so basicaly what happens is when i join with all the server addons installed the game freezes my screen in "Downloading,/resources/Dogrowll.mp3" i don't remember if it's exaclty that but it's something similar, if i join without addons and Allow every custom file my screen freezees aswell, but if i join without addons and only allow map files i can enter but everything is a ERROR i already tried: Factory Reset. Verifing the game files Unstalling and installing my Gmod deleting the cache addons folder (that makes me wait for 2 hours to the server download again) I have installed: CSS Content Half life 2, episode 1, episode 2 Content Left 4 dead content Tf2 content. i have everything installed and i tried everything but this shit keeps happening to me, Please Help. also it's not my drivers or SSD.
  7. Hi, it's me again, having another issue as always, this time i'm having a issue with the workshop addons, Every single guns in the game are ERROR, i can't find the addon which is responsable for the gun models, if you know which one is, send here or in mine discord: MrAnnonimousTv #4065 Thank you! and have a good day Guns which are ERROR: Gensec's guns MTF guns Nu7 guns Etc...
  8. Hello, my name is MrAnnonimousTv, and I am having a issue logging into the game, every time I try to log in after a long period of time I am disconnected by Timed Out, I spend more than 30 minutes waiting to be timed out, I I want to play but I can't do it. Please help! I've tried: Verify the game files, reinstalling gmod, unsubscribing from all my addons and content Pack, and tried to launch on all versions of Gmod such as 81x64 Chromium, also don't allow custom files,and timed out is not a problem on the internet, because on other servers everything runs normally. for some reason it doesn't work, if you have any suggestions please respond.
  9. So at the moment if you flag on to E11 enlisted your model will be what you were before your switched jobs EXP-your on 682 you flag to E11 enlisted you will look like 682
  10. Now whenever you throw a trench bolt it will just stay stuck up in the air bruh
  11. For some weird reason I am not able to buy armor from the armory as my CC D-9341 The Convict the pop up screen will not show up when I interact with the armory guy.
  12. Everything is an error for me. I've downloaded the content pack, relaunched my game a whole bunch but everything is still an error except for the 31st models and the E-11 Any help???
  13. After you make lean you have no one to sell it to.
  14. When you join the server you start as a class D, correct? Well when I change jobs to something better than a prisoner I am unable to backspace in chat, console and other menus. In my own local game or another server its fine but soon as I join the server the previous events happen. It sure isn't a client side issue as it has never happened before even on the server it started at, but it started after you added that FPS booster, I think its glitching the server/my game in not being able to backspace in any way. I have also been having problems with not being able to open console with the key which is normally used to open it (After the FPS Booster being added). Please remove the booster from the server or attempt to fix the problem, if not them two options please help me with some tech support as it kills me to cut every little spelling mistake I make that could be fixed in a second, not 5. I had to bind the "Console Opening" key to a different key every time I join the server, just so you know. The booster has been making some glitches and they are different for other people, but I saw a guy in chat saying he couldn't backspace, I couldn't think other than this isn't my issue only but it is bigger than I originally expected. Note: I've tried alt tabbing so please don't say that, don't think this is my problem only so you can say "deal with it", it affects others too. And I understand that this is maybe a minor glitch/bug but it breaks the game for whoever has the same problem, you can't backspace nor open console after playing on your server. It carries onto another servers or a local one which you would create yourself. My backspace and console key are fine thank you very much, they aren't broken and they're not binded to something else. This bug/glitch affects my attempts in creating events since I can't type as fast as I would normally would, I may mispell once or twice but the punishment is far harsher when you can't simply backspace to get rid of the problem. Either way please help with the problem and look into it, thanks. -Ham
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