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Found 25 results

  1. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Just GJ 2. What’s your SteamID STEAM_0:1:614209203 3. What is your Rank? Elite Medic, Senior Combat Medic 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 2 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8 7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member Now why I should I be command, Well I know a lot of medical staff which are very cool. I all so been in very diffient branchs like, e11, Sec, and CI. I have all been learning a lot about what command does over time when I'm free. I have been very active on medical to the point that the only thing that I play is medical on GL. I have all so been training alot of trainee the two week so we could have more medical. I would like to end this off by saying that I hope we have more medical in the near future so we can grow medical further and make it better. 8-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do? The first thing I would do is ask how he got into HCZ and why he is in HCZ if he says that he got in there by accident I would warn him not to go back in there and explain to him why he is not supposed to be HCZ. Now if he went in there on purpose I would ask why he is in there if said like he is squading with MTF I would not mind but if he is not with someone I would take him back to LCZ and tell him not to go to HCZ and give him something like a stike in a way. 8-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? I would make sure that he can be trained for FW by checking the Roster then I would train him by explaining what FW does in the first place. I would next give him the SOP to FW and tell him to read over it. Then I would whitelist him and log it the utility promotion logs channel in the discord. 8-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? Now if i see a EXM shooting D-class I would ask him why he is shooting the the d-class in the first place and why he is in d block and I would explain why he should not shooting the d-class. But if I see a Combat Care Unit shooting d-class I would most likely think he is shooting the d-class because they pass the red line(I didn't know if to add CCU so added it anyway). Now if it was a Field Work I would ask him why he is shooting the d-class in the first place and explain why he should not shooting them. (I would all like to say that I would not ask why the FW would not be in d block because he can be in in D block at his rank)
  2. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Snowwx 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:0:464519709 3. What is your Rank? Senior Medic 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 2 for inactivity when I came back for the 2nd time in Nu7. I was simply just not playing anymore. 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? One warn on January 11 2021 for LTAP 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9 7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)? Personally, I think I would be a great add to the medical command team. As a former Nu7 MAJ/HSU/RRH/Moderator I think that I gained a lot of experience with interacting with people and solving problems. I think that it made me a better leader. I feel more comfortable giving out orders and leading my people to get better as "players". I am a very "talkable" person. What do I mean by that is that I am always open to listen to you if there is a problem or anything. I am always open to suggestions on how to improve things or anything else. I like helping people, I like solving problems and I like having important tasks or responsibilities on my shoulders. It would not be the first time I am a Command Member. I gained a lot of experience with my past journey in Nu7 and I know how being a Command Member works. I really love to be in this branch, I think that this is very enjoyable and fun. I get to meet new people each days and I have a lot of fun playing on Medic. If I get accepted into the Command Team, I swear to remain loyal to the Medical Branch and lead our people forward. I will train people, answer to questions, guide our medics into the right path, help the facility and of course, have fun! It would be my pleasure to be part of this wonderful team! [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do? I would definitely talk to that Resident Medic before doing anything else. First, I would ask him if he was squadding with people before I found him. If he didn't, I would inform him calmly that this place is restricted for Resident Medics and that he need to stay in LCZ except if he is squadding for a patrol for example. I would tell him to not do that again because it could lead to punishments like a strike. If it's just an involuntary error because he just joined the branch, that's how I would deal with the situation. I usually refer people to the SOP when things like that happens but I feel like it's important to explain the situation too to make sure the person understood. 8-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? I would double check their medical rank to be sure if they are eligible for the sub-branch, if they are then I would tell them to come with me in the bunks so I can train them for Field Work. I would give them the link for the SOP in-game or in TS and then start reading/explaining it to the trainee. I would explain everything in the SOP so they 100% understand how everything work ( I would make them test the items afterward like the defibrillator ). I would give them the whitelist for the job then log it in #utility-subdivision-training-logs when everything is done. 8-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? I would take the Experienced Medic with me to the bunks and make him listen to me. First, I would explain it that Experienced Medic may only enter D-Block if there is no Field Medics on, and if no protocol is called. ( Let's assume there was a Field Medic ). I would explain him that he wasn't supposed to be there in the first place and that it's written clearly in the Medical SOP. I will additionally tell him that Medics are non combatants and that they can only fire their weapons against others if they get shot first. If he seem to understand what I am explaining I will simply verbally warn them and the next time they do something like that it will result in a strike.
  3. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Tanner 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:1:82838569 3. What is your Rank? MA 4. What’s your time on the Server? 4 weeks 5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? Non 6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 1 and it was for Doctor Bright like 1 years ago from Failrp and helping D-class escape. But got 0 since then 7. Who gave you permission to apply? Stolas 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8 9. Why do you believe you are fit for Mobile Mop Force (75+ words)? I believe I would fix perfect for Mobile Mop Force as I have been a hard working Maintenance, Truly want to stop the terrible D-class killing the innocence D-block Security by giving them Armor for them to work harder and longer to kill more D-class Supporting them. It would also allow me to work better with MTF and Support them In Heavy Containment. Doing the job I was hired for. Secure. Contain. Protect. And clean all the Trash for the facility. 10. What is the main purpose of MMF? The Main Purpose of MMF tasked with cleaning and disposing of on-site biohazards suchs as bodies, bullets, and dangerous SCP deposits. 11. What would be your preferred pseudonym (name) if you are accepted (must be a name of a cleaning product/brand)? [Domnule curat]Romanian/ Mr Clean
  4. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Walker 2. What’s your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:85605170 3. What is your Rank? MP 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 1 but that was from quota due to me missing the meeting. 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 2 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8 7. Why do you believe you should become a Maintenance Command member (100+ words)? I should become a maintenance command member due to be me being active, friendly, mature, respectful, and fun to hang out with Aswell showing new recruits that this branch is one of the best there is in the server, to me being command is something you must be well known with Aswell knowing that you will have more responsibilities due to such position. After seeing countless command members working on the branch to make things better, i decided to apply for such position. another thing is that I'm inspired on what utility command does and it has been my dream to be in such a position. i know my ins and outs of said server and can instruct enlisted on what to do and not to do. furthermore, I'm sure that me being in command will make more people to join the branch due to how active the branch is. [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. A Utility Trainee has escaped the training room and is refusing to return, how would you handle this? Although we have a door that locks the trainees in, i would ask said trainee to return in the training room and inform him about going out there could get you killed which would be unfun. if said trainee does not listed to me and instead runs from me, I would tell them to stop immediately and arrest them, I would bring them back to said training room and inform them that they can't leave said training room until they have been trained by a fto. if they don't stop running, I would pull out my Deagle and shoot them dead, making them respawn and tell them to wait and inform them why I killed him and tell him that it's not rdm even if he accuses me of such act. 8-2. Some enlisted members have begun RDMing each other in bunks as a way to pass time, what would you do in this situation? I would kindly tell them to stop as they may hurt others in the room, although it might be fun it will be still very irritating to let to continue. If they simple choose to ignore such command, they will be arrested and tied onto a wall although this might be harsh it's the right thing to do as you don't want to be killed by your own enlisted. once informed i will give them a verbal warning due to the fact this is unethical and unrespectable! (Do you know how hard it is to clean these bodies and blood?) after said verbal warning, if they continue i will have no choice but to give them an actual strike due to ignorance of such command! I hope you all have a great day and I'll see you later! sincerely, Mr. Walker
  5. 1. What’s your Ingame Name? Tanner 2. What’s your SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it)? STEAM_0:1:82838569 3. What is your Rank? MA 4. What’s your time on the Server? 4 weeks 5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? Zero 6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 1 and it was for Doctor Bright like 1 years ago from Failrp and helping D-class escape. But got 0 since then 7. Who gave you permission to apply? Stolas 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 8 9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words)? I think I would fit perfect for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha as I have been a hard working Maintenance for the facility. It would help me clean the site up more faster and stop the SCP 049 and SCP 610 from turning me and adding more to there force. It would allow me to also to go out during any code from Nuke to Blue even if I keep getting killed. 10. Chaos Insurgency is raiding and you see them breaching a Keter SCP (like SCP-035). What do you do? If Choas Insurgency is raiding I will right away report the CI to The Site forces and where they are heading
  6. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Cannibal 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:0:571098892 3. What is your Rank? SM, FM, CCU PVT 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 1 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 0 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 9 7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)? I believe I should be a Surgeon in the Medical department for many reasons. My activity is one, I am always active on medical, whether it's CCU or MR. My RP potential, I always volunteer for events in any situation, which has shaped my RP potential in many ways (less minging, more /me, etc.). I also think that the Medical department was a great one, hence why I joined so long ago. My leadership is also great, I am able to lead in any situation and I can communicate to fellow Medical members easily. [CCU purpose] I also know when to dive into combat and get into healing that keeps everyone healthy while enemies dead. [FM purpose] I am always gonna be there and reviving people, I will never ignore the call for action and I know all of the FM Guidelines. [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. You have found a Resident in HCZ, what do you do? I would first guide them back to LCZ, and telling them they can't be there. I would then ask who let them in as Resident Medics have Level 1, I would then report that player to a higher rank in Medical or a command member in their department. 8-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? I would get them in Medical bunks, and give them the SOP while telling them to skim through it. Then I'm going to guide them through some of the bigger subjects like D Block and the defib. Then would get them whitelisted and let them hop on. 8-3. You see an Exp Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? (Presuming its a first offender)I would first get the EXPM out of D-Block and inform them that they cannot under any circumstance do that again. I would then report the incident to higher command and send them on their way.
  7. deakoii


    In-game Name: deakoii SteamID: 76561199121912872 DiscordID: monster#4573 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? on a scale out of 10, a 5 or 6 Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I believe I should be in Chaos Insurgency because I personally find it to be my favorite team out of all of them, you also know I am determined because I am the highest donating rank (platinum) and I could be an amazing infiltrator, I am someone who constantly looks out for orders and who is willing to do lots of things for my superiors, whether that be stealing highly dangerous scps, or being a sacrifice to make a large distraction. Or solo infiltrating the facility to rescue tons of class d. I do it all, and im willing to do it all. Thank you. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I'm a determined person willing to learn and change for superiors to become a better version of myself. How active can you be? on weekdays, upto 3 maybe 4 times a week for 3-4 hours, on weekends, it depends on my schedule and if I'm free upto 8-10 hours each day Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes
  8. Your In-Game Name: Jarrad065 STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:51461518 How long have you been playing on the server for?: Since 2018 or 2019 List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.) : Currently I am PFC in E11 but I was a SM in gensec, PFC in OMI 9, PVT in Nu7 and PVT in CI, although they were all a while ago. What Command position are you applying for? (list two): CPT|MAJ Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words): I would like to become command in Delta-5 because I feel as though it would be a fun and new experience for me. At present I don’t have prior experience being command on the server, however I do have experience being a SM in gensec as previously mentioned so I do have some experience with giving orders for the best of the foundation. I would also like to help such a new branch grow and develop (as it really should). I believe that Delta-5 will become a branch that everyone would like to join at some point in their time on the server just like A1 and Omi9 (R.I.P). I would like to join so that I can help other people out with whatever they need and to train for subbranches if needed. I just want to help defend the foundation from any threat, and because I'm Australian I'm up when most other MTF and gensec members are not so I can defend the foundation during the late hours when the d class riot. I also believe that this would be an exciting challenge for me, and a great opportunity to learn new things. Leadership skills are an important aspect of a person’s character and I think that being a part of command would enable me to develop these skills. I feel as though joining the Delta-5 command would be an educational and enjoyable experience. I would love to try something new, this being Delta-5 command this would be a new experience to me I believe that this would be beneficial to my learning of how to be a good command member. Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): I feel as though I would be the best option for the role due to what times I can be on like most other foundation security members are not on at that time and yet there always seems to be a lot of d class riots. I have prior experience with most activities on the server such as training and different things like that due to all the branches that I've been in and being a FTO in gensec I can help with training if needed. I am fit for the job of command as I have learned leadership skills in the period of time that I have been in MTF branches. I am reliable, approachable, and willing to listen if someone has problems. I am willing to learn and ask questions if I need help. I also have a wide knowledge of the game which makes me the best fit for the position. Why should we trust you for this position? I would say I'm somewhat well-known on the server as I am on frequently and when I am on I’m usually on for a long period of time, although I'm not on a whole lot during peak hours as I'm either asleep or at school because of my time zone. Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please): I use to be in command on a military gmod server a long time back, however, if you mean on this server then I don't. You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking an SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?: I would report the situation in comms (If not done already) and I would go fight CI and re-contain the scp, this is because if I don't die during this and if the D-Class aren’t handles then I can sweep HCZ and LCZ to see if any did get past gensec. What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?: I would collect evidence depending on the situation and report them to staff if it is against the server rules then I would warn them and report them to the command above me unless I can dish out punishment to the offender then I will. How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?: Asking to be promoted gets you demoted and/or strike/warn and if it continues I would issue a DNP for a few days depending on the severity. I would inform them that you can’t get into Delta-5 without being trained or applying and if they continuously ask me to put them into Delta-5 I would most likely issue a DNT for a few days depending on the severity of the offence. Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group: It really depends on if the tip is failrp or if I’m in bunks, so it really depends on the situation. If no rules are broken, I would inform whoever I need to, move to the reported position the GOI was reported with reinforcements, report GOI's current position if they have moved somewhere else and prepare for an ambush and engage them with anyone I brought with me. Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?: I do promise to lead by example and to be committed to Delta-5
  9. In-game name: Theta (501st & Staff), Crimson (ST) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:167508049 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: JTO Lieutenant Colonel (501st), Sergeant (ST) Have you donated to the server?: Yes. I am currently Apprentice rank. Have you been banned on any GL server before?: Nope. Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: Nope. How much time do you have on the server?: As of writing this application, 16.875 days (about 405 hours) How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I am pretty well versed in Star Wars lore (yes, I am a big nerd). For instance, did you know that the genre of music the infamous Cantina Band from A New Hope is called "Jizz"? Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I was a GM before and I had to resign to focus on life. As of now though I am in a much better position to be a GM again and I am eager to start hosting fun SIMs and events again! Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I was a GM before (Tick IV) so I am aware of how a GM should conduct themselves as well as how to host SIMs and events. I am also a Senior Moderator and a former Vice Commander. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes, previously as a GM and as a staff member. Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I am fully aware of how a GM works and how to do such work. Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: On Ship: During our last refueling stop, Rebel Saboteurs boarded our ship and stowed away. They have disabled our hyperdrive and set a beacon for the Rebel Fleet to swoop in and finish us off. We must defend our ship from our attackers while our hyperdrive is repaired. From here the Rebels would assault the ship, trying to interfere with whoever is repairing (likely Havoc) and cause general mayhem. Eventually, the Rebels would make one final push before being beaten back. From here our hyperdrive would come online and the choice would fall to the highest ranking on to either A) enter emergency hyperspace to escape destruction or B) risk destruction of the ISD to squash the Rebel forces. Off Ship: Imperial Reconnaissance units have found an active Rebel staging area located deep inside the forests of Endor. Utilizing VTOL gunships and Imperial dropships, we will descend upon the traitors and eliminate them. Once arriving on planet, the Rebels will activate anti-aircraft guns, blowing any VTOLs out of the skies. From there, a Jedi Master and his Rebel Elites will harass the ground forces, keeping them away from the AA guns and main base as long as possible, eventually being defeated and allowing our forces to set timed charges on the base, setting them off as they use dropships to cruise back to the ISD. Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): I do know how. Example (excuse me for not knowing the exact pathing): !give theta tl40 !give SIM keys !give Rebel M45 !give @ tfa_fists Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): As before, I do, I am just not familiar with exact pathing without being in game. !model theta (model pathing) !model SIM (model pathing) !model @ (model pathing) !unmodel @ Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: I have. Thank you for your consideration!
  10. What is your IGN? (In-Game-Name) Manjini What Regiment are you applying for? The Imperial Starfighter corps Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? First, I want to prove to someone that I know that I can go further in the rank of SF. I also want to be the starfighter vice-marshal to help the battalion that let me in with open hands. I think as I started in SF welcomed me with open hands, and in a way, I feel like I have to bring all my power also to help people think the course of the battalion as I am, as someone said, "if you feel you are ready for something to do it"-a good person from SF. So in a way, I want to prove to people what I can do for this battalion and help as much as I can around the Starfighter community. And last but not least, I want to become the vice marshal of SF because I was to prove to everyone that the old Manjini is gone. And the new one that has been hardworking and tried his best for this battalion is going to new unreachable heights that people told me I could not make. How much game time do you have on the server? I have over all on the server around 4 weeks. What is the Main Purpose of a Vice-commander for a branch Well the first thing is to help the marshal as much as possible either it be with documents, roster updates, over all doing what the marshal needs help with. Then we also have to watch over the Star fighter community. and over all helping the battalion grow stronger and stronger. Then we also have to look over are Squadron (pretty much specialties) like Cobra, Sentry, Gladius, this battalions are one of the biggest and very important things you can do as a vice marshal for SF because its little branches you have to look over. Then you also have to work with High command to try to help them in any way they will need your help. And the most important thing I think that a vice marshal should do is make there battalion better and more efficient. Why should we trust you with this position. Well, you should trust me with this position firstly because people in SF had told me from when I started as an SF to when I ended. I have changed from when I began to the position I'm not right now in a good way about how I act and how much help I have gotten to people. I also right now have a prominent leadership position as a squadron lead for Gladius. You should also trust me with the time and work, and time I have put into the Starfighter community. Then also but not least, I also have had no problems with people in the Starfighter community. How often can you be online? I can be online in the week from the time shown below Monday <4PM-12 PM EST> 8 Hours Tuesday <4PM-12 PM EST> 8 Hours Wednesday <4PM-12 PM EST> 8 Hours Thursday <4PM-12 PM EST> 8 Hours Friday <1PM-3 AM EST> 14 hours Saturday <1PM-3 AM EST> 14 hours Sunday <1PM-12 PM EST> 12 hours AVG=8 hours a week Overall= 72 hours. Do you have any warnings? yes, i have 1 Ktap from 1 month ago Roberto or as most in this community knows me Manjini 5/13/21
  11. What is your in-game name?: Griffith De Santa What is your steam name?: [GL] Griffith What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:222321996 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, on an old server that shut down and icefuse mil rp What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Maybe around march What date did you make your forums account? August 6th Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Moderator How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 0 Have you donated? No What rank are you applying for? Senior Mod Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Lots of times Timezone: CST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Eternity, Zerg, Alex Raddish Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I deserve Senior Moderator for a couple reasons. First off I am very active on the server. I have been extremely consistent, getting on the admin job on a daily basis, for hours at a time, even with school going on. I've sacrificed a lot of time to help the server and the community become a better place for everyone. I believe I've helped in making the server better, and would love to increase my rank to be able to help even more. I've learned a lot since I first started, and the other great amazing staff helped me out along the way (thank you guys). I also have a lot of experience from the other servers I staffed, which helped me increase my skills immensely, and I believe I have the skills required to become a Senior Moderator. I've helped lot's of Trial Mods and Mods in their sits to render a good situation as well. I've also read over the rules dozens of times and know them very well. I've never been reported and have never gotten a warn before, ever, and that will never happen in the future. I also believe I get a good sit count, and I've already referenced the amount of time I've spent on staff. If I get this rank, I think I could enforce the rules even better, because all I can do is warn and jail people as a mod. Thank you for reading this, have a good one. Also I would like to hear some constructive criticism in the replies if anyone thinks that I could do better. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would bring the reporter and the person that was reported on to a roof, then I would ask them what happened. When they start to curse at me, I would ask them to please stop, and if they kept doing it I would mute and gag them. Then I would check logs to see all of the people that were RDMed. Then I would ungag and unmute them and give them one last chance to talk. If they still kept cussing, I would gag and mute them again and warn them for MRDM (maybe mic spam, depending on how the cursing was played out). Then I would ask someone to come and ban them for the correct amount of time.
  12. In-Game Name: Griffith de Santas Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:222321996 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank):N/A How many hours do you have on the server?:About 100 or so What is your general knowledge on the rules?:Advanced (read over the motd like 2 dozen times) How many warns do you have? (No more than 15):0 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I really like events in this server. It really makes the server fun. Whenever I'm feeling down or whatever I come to this server and hope there is an event on. I feel like I'm pretty creative, so I think I can bring that creativity to the team. I really like doing exciting things like this, and it would be very fun to help out behind the scenes and maybe make some of my own event ideas I've held onto for a while. I also really like the community, and I try to contribute as much as I can, with staff and all, but I think event team is the next best thing. I'd like to make people in the community happy and enjoy the server, because people come to escape reality and have fun, and doing events really fuels that, and if I can contribute to that, well, that would be great. I hope to keep people interested in the server, because I've made a lot of friends here. Thank you for reading this, and have a great day. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): A decent idea for an event I was thinking of is some sort of bank robbery thing. There are 4 teams, one is for the bank robbers, one is for the bank robbers police, one is for stealing money from a money truck, and the last one is for the police stopping people from stealing the money truck. For the bank robbing section, there is a big vault. The robbers can be stationed anywhere they want, and there will be lots of cover for them. They will also have hostages, and the robbers will be allowed to kill them to make the police tense. They have to stay in the bank until the money truck arrives. They will defend themselves in the bank from the bank police, who are trying to stop them. (realistic rp, they can't all just rush in at the same time during the countdown.) Then the other side is a team of robbers that are hijacking a money truck and have to drive to the vault with a few cars to pick up the bank robbers. The truck is full of money, and the robbers have to find and steal it, while evading the police in a big car chase, which would hopefully be pretty epic, like gta 5. The police team on the money truck section also are able to make roadblocks and stuff like that to stop the truck, but can't shoot it (because the money truck would break down in like 3 seconds). Once the money truck arrives at the bank, the bank robbers and bank officers would start an all out war so that the robbers can make it to the transportation with the money truck. Once/if the bank robbers get to the transportation, they have to escape to their rendezvous to "escape" and finish the heist. If the robbers manage to get to the rendezvous, they will get a big cash prize, and if the government manages to stop them, they get a cash prize. I think it's a pretty cool idea, even though there might be some things that wouldn't work, hopefully you like it If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) Monday - Friday: 4pm-10pm Saturday and Sunday:9am-1am (16 hour timespan) Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? a ton of times yes
  13. TITLE FORMAT - [Vicious] Darth Vader Application -=Section 1=- In-game name: IC CMDR 1138 Boss Steam Name: [GL]Vicious Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79401933 Age: 23 -=Section 2=- Why do you want to become the role of Darth Vader? Because I can bring and make the Darth Vader role to be active and it will help me try to help the sever and i believe i can work with the IQ and the server to enforce rules and discipline. I also have experience leading on different servers but I don't believe I have been as high as the Darth Vader role in any server in In character. I can work with others and with the Darth Vader job i will try to help and work with as many of the other officers and command. What experience do you have that would be relevant to the role of Darth Vader? I do have experience as a IQ and I am serious when the time calls for it. The experience for Darth Vader comes from knowing when to step in to battle or letting the lower ranks enjoy and have fun. With the added part of making sure people work as a team and function as one unit. Also my experience comes from leading IC and working with other troopers to accomplish the mission, I have also been ground command in the evenings a lot and know each battalions area of expertise. I do think I can work with SMT's and make sure the server as a whole works for the players and continues to live and long and happy life. Why do you think I should pick you over other applicants? I do really enjoy being Boss and would not be even slightly disappointed if this is not approved. I understand I am likely going up against a lot of really great applications and other great people. But one thing that would separate me from the rest is the fact that i am on daily and I actively try to be on for several hours a day. Also I am a Commander though I am certain other higher ups are also going to apply and i wish them luck. Also I have no warns. Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as Darth Vader: If made Darth Vader I can see about performing more PVP battles during times when no GM's are on or working. The idea is to make sure there is something for people to do. Also pushing the defensive rule and not to run around near troopers with your light saber out. (I have been injured or forced to sit there and watch IQ die as they charge head first into 20 npc's its become a norm for me to get injured by them.) Also try to think of more passive things troopers can do in the down time. -=Section 3=- In your personal experience with being a player, what issues have you come across? CMD and officer activity with the rest of the ranks. Its like when you are a high rank you are not allowed to just talk to others anymore and make friends with the server. Or they just go afk and stand there like a statue and get murdered by a npc that's poking them during a event. Be active and work with others in the events, be the example to follow and work on the front lines as a support. In response to the question above, how would you handle and fix these issues? Be social and talk to people and not act like a king. Its one thing to be serious and another to be mingy, but there is a line that is a nice balance that people will take seriously when you are serious. But honestly try to force HC out of the bridge and talk in game with others a bit more. Anything else you would like to add? Nothing much and yeah i know this is short, and hopefully the grammar is well. I just don't want this whole thing being filler.
  14. In Game Name: AtomikFoxtrot Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:502389337 Your Discord ID/Name? (Example of One: [GL] Mike#2480): AtomikFoxtrot#2043 How Many Warns do Have? (Server Warns Not Mil RP or Imp RP just SCP-RP: None Why would you like to join MTF Nu7 "Hammer Down?" (125 Words Minimum): I feel like having an actual important role in the SCP-RP server, I want to be Nu-7 but I would really love to assist in containing SCPs, defending raids and any other things Nu-7 do. I will truly try my best to do my job, I have been inspired by how much skill you need for this specific job in SCP-RP and I think I will fit very well in Nu-7. I have good experience in weapons and (in-game) and I can use even the worst of them to finish a job. I'm active after 1 pm in my time-zone in weekdays and active after 11 or 10 am in my time-zone in weekends, I have seen how much amazing things Nu-7 does and there are so many nice people, I know only how to contain any normal SCPs like 049 so I would like containing SCPs in my training if this gets accepted. You are an Nu7 Enlisted Standing in your bunks and a Nu7 Officer (2LT) Begins to Diss and Argue with other MTF and CI. Who would you report them to?: Commanding member for every branch, lieutenant colonel in MTF and a captain in CI. If you have received a strike in another Branch: How long ago was it and why? (If you haven't don't fill this part out): N/A What other branches have you been a part of, if you are still in them what rank are you in the other branch?: Junior researcher and gensec OFC. Do you agree to be active and be dedicated to play on Nu7 for at least an Hour a day (If possible?): I completely agree, usually I play gmod 2-4 hours a day anyways. Did anyone recommend you for Nu7? (If not just say No): No
  15. Name: Femboy Current Rank: Lead Researcher Time in Research :A lot in my current life about 3 to 4 months I think to much to remember Why should you be a research command: So to put it simply, I'm active on research like a lot and I'm quite borred with how my work looks.My work is all about testing and doing test logs or training. I want to help new researchers in many ways. Like doing masstests,removing minges [by minge I mean Team killers, Mic spammers etc ].I have been Leading Researcher for such a long time. I want to do more important stuff and I think after all those months I'm ready for it.I want to help in the foundation and research department. I want to be a more important part of it. This maight be hard for me in the first week but after that I’ll do as many masstests,worthy promotions,and trainings if I get into the command I will do as much as I can What will you do to make research more active and better: As I said earlier I will be doing a lots of mass tests,worthy promotions,and other stuff to make research more entertaining and active. If u ask me how will I handle all of that I’ll just say. I will I have a lot of time for that and best thing for all of players My time zone gives it about 6 hours + to EST and that means I can play late at night in the time I always do but It will be the best time for EST Boys that are coming back forms school’s , Jobs , or just sleeping to 4 pm and that's what makes it good for me and all of u.
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/12ltIaZAvvPdkidVTLzd93ZVcqGX1E1n-Em_sg7vrBK0/edit
  17. In Game Name: Borad Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58658091 Job applying for :Researcher How many Strikes do you have:0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team:Because I want to be able to conduct more tests to the best of my abilities that are both fun for the Dclass and SCP's involved.Because who is gonna wont to be compliant during a test if it isn't fun for them too.The main reason I want O5 Researcher is to make it easier and faster to get my tests done. Why should we accept you: Why have a Role play server if it isn't supposed to be fun for everyone involved. Even if my application isn't accepted wouldn't it be better for the server as a whole if there are more fun tests for the Dclass to participate in which would make new players who don't even know if they wanna stay on the server getting sucked in to a really fun experiment and possibly enjoying it to the point where they actually become invested in the server and want to do more tests like that one they were in.I have a lot of ideas of really fun Experiments I would be able to do in the O5 Research team That i cannot do in the current foundation Research team.There also seems to never be any O5 Researchers on the server in the last 2 Weeks on the server maybe I have missed them but I haven't seen them. If my application is accepted I will be pretty active on the O5 researcher job. (No there isnt a word requirement BUT write how much you think will be needed to get your app accepted)
  18. In Game Name: Jog Hanson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:523088959 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Research How many Strikes do you have: 0 If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I'm not applying Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I want to Join the 05 Research team because of a couple of reasons. My first reason I want to join 05 research is because I can test on all the SCPs. If I can test on all the SCPs I can write more tests logs. I also want to join 05 researcher because I have been in research for four months and I want to Join 05 so I can help research. Like I can help with all types of tests. Another reason I want to be 05 research is it allows me to help people in another way. like I can help Lead researches and Senior researches test on the two most dangerous SCPs like 106 and 682. This is why I want to join 05 research. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I’m command. I'm a Euclid Containment manger. Another reason is that I'm dedicated to research and the server, Another reason is because I'm active almost every day. I also know SCP lore really well. My last reason is I love to help people out. I feel like my reputation on the sever is good. This is why you should accept me.
  19. ingame name: BryanDaBold/D Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:443243695 Applying For: 05 Research Staff Strikes: 0 Why do you want to join: I feel like it will help me gain lots of experience in research and teach me how to do better Why you should accept me: Ive written some decent logs in the past and feel like i can write better with more access and more help
  20. Name: Femboy Current rank: LR Time In Research Very long About 5 Months in this life But If U count all lifes then that's a lot more time the Possition being applied for:SCM Why Should I join : Ok Ill be real with U some of u know me as a big minge but I really want to change that I want to Join command for 2 reasons First of all I have a lot of time on the server and lot of it was spent on the Research Second of all I want to gain ability To: Do mass tests, Allow Others tests Grade tests and do a lot more I have a lots of time so i want to use it to help y'all I want to be active member of command and help all of u with ur work I'll try to not Let u down, mates. What will you do to make research more active and better : Okey as I said I have a lot of time that makes it easy for me to Promote,do mass tests,strike and do other fun stuff with y'all I might have a little problem with trainings but I will try to improve myself and I will help new researchers,old researchers ,because I have time to do it and i won't let u down. and I will never be rude to anyone for one reason, because I am like that I want to work with U not U to work for me and help U. Give me a chance
  21. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KwBTSmD-kTbfuSleh5I-GCpOzMJdAhLhxMbyUqANfTg/edit
  22. In-game Name:Gubby SteamID:STEAM_0:1:491903989 DiscordID:Some weeb#5752 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?Imma be really honest 6/10 I realize my basic lore is really good but I have much to improve on from the basis of amnestics and stuff like that Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) RP My RP has much to be desired nevertheless I feel I could make a great deal of impact within CI , My base knowledge of all the "standard" SCP's or rather the ones on the server , is quite good and I feel I could be a great addition in the sense of weaponization, learning more about the SCP's in general and looking to see how to control the SCP's to work for the CI. Knowledge of rules I feel I have a good deal of experience within the rp guidelines and as such feel that my knowledge of RP rules is better than most to say the least. I know not to power game and basic rules like that, so I feel like I should be in CI from that standpoint. Goals My Goals in R&D are to learn the main weaknesses and strengths of the SCP's so I may use that knowledge and branch it out for other things such as weaponization. I also hope to learn how to better manipulate SCP's into seeing what kind of effects they may have on the human body for torture tactics and tactical strategies. Experience I Have a lot of experience in research , I dont mean a shit ton but enough to know what I am doing and beyond I feel that my experience is one to be reckoned with. Whether that be SCP wise , Lore wise or general knowledge of the SCP Foundation. as such I feel I should be in CI from my experience in research and compatience with SCP's. From my experiences Lastly I feel I should be in CI due to my vast experience within the server the lessons I have learned whether that be the hard or easy way. The advice and knowledge imparted to me and my willingness to change, my past is all questionable however I have changed and have learned as such I feel that from my experiences and lessons that I have learned while on this server have made me more than capable to take on the task of CI I WILL DO MY BEST! Activity I will do my best to be active but as of currently I am going through a tough time the loss of my grandparents right before my birthday was is a heavy burden , but I will do my best in CI I believe I can do good in R&D and I will try my best to upload at least twice a day. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Well I would definitely say my experience I have been on this server for a good deal of time and I would say that puts me apart from other applicants as I do believe most have not got at least 6-8 weeks on the server... Another thing is my knowledge of RP and Goals for CI while I mainly believe my RP is a lot more unique , My goals are a lot more than the words on the screen. As for my RP I would say it is pretty good on SCP lore and generally all lore besides the amnestics and stuff like that I am mainly a MTF / SCP nerd and in order to know where CI comes from you have to know your MTF. How active can you be? kinda active I will only be able to post 2 tests per day Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:Yep! *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days *Acknowledged*
  23. In-game Name: Void SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116187076 DiscordID: Wemic#4630 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? Pretty good I read the SCP Wiki daily Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): I've been active on the server a lot lately, I'm good in MTF and Research So the combination of the two is perfect for R&D, I'm patient and I listen to higher-ups, and listen to higher command as long as it's not against my job rules, I liked doing raids and events a lot and I think i could be a good value to the CI during the raids, and I'm a really good shot. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: I'm Online often and I don't have anything to do besides for play games and do chores witch I'm on the PC more often. How active can you be?: 4-8 Hours a day sometimes even longer. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes
  24. What is your ingame name?: Mail What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15538889 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipmen What specialty are you applying for?: Security What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: ISB 021 Agent Kallus/Thermite What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? I believe I can improve the branch by doing shock and DT tryouts every day I am on, and keeping eyes on my piers in DT and Shock whilst also keeping my service to my superiors. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I am not the most longtime fan of Star Wars RP, but I definitely have invested a lot of time into it, at the time of me writing this application I have 636 hours of play time on Gmod, and I almost never play anything but SWRP. I have been playing SWRP since about January but I am a fast learner and have learned many things since then. Everything form this point forward is a personal story of my experience: My first ever SWRP server was a bad Imperial RP, It sucks, I hated it then I hate it now, The next server was a good Imperial RP which is one of the best servers I've been involved in and was the reason I still play SWRP, but unfortunately the server shut down and is now removed from the server lists, ever since then I have been in various SWRP servers looking for a replacement when then a friend of mine told me to try Gaminglight and I didn't like it at first because many people didn't trust me because I was an ST that didn't do tryouts and was a "minge", so I left the server. Until about 2 months ago I went back, and I became a Inferno Agent, It taught me a lot about being a good trooper. Later I went on a LOA for Vacation for about 2 weeks and I got removed from IF, then when I came back I joined Purge and later Naval. I believe my experience of being a trooper could help me understand these troopers better than other Naval. Why do you want this rank?:Security Director Egag is about the only SO I ever see on, and as I would like to be a SO due to my personal interests into DT and Shock I think I could help him out and enjoy a role i would interest in Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes I do, and I am fine with that What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:To ensure Security on ISD and defend It from any dangers It may face whether minges or rebels, syndicates or Jedi, We will end any dangers to our ISD Midshipman Mail || Purge Ulysses S Grant
  25. “HuntertheWolf” - Event Team App Name: HuntertheWolf SteamID: 76561198121753101 What is your ULX Rank?: User How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8-9 Do you have any experience as a GM or event planner in the past (If so, explain l): i have ran zues in arma 3 and i use to make ops on gmod before i left to play other games How Active are you?:this depends on if i get bored of gmod as i have played it alot but since i do only plan to be active in two communitys for gmod gaminglight will be one of those How many warns do you have?: from what i know of none Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: because i love running sims and i feel like some interesting sims could be made on the go and without being pre planned if you pre plan it then theres no room for expansion and in a world that is chaotic sometimes chaos is the best event ^_^ Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): ci enters the compound whilest trying to get into the compound ntf [being offsite] comes back to find the gates wide open and a sector of ci has entered the compound while the ntf try to back up the mtf the computer jams the compounds comms so ntf cant tell the mtf that ci is in the compound as such the ci head to 069 and free him then head to 049 and free him as well as they head deeper into the compound 3 heavys take root after thinking they heard something as the ci turn the corner the heavys light them up the scp" turn the corner and scare the heavy into the elivator nither the scp's or ci enter as they know the heavys would be waiting for them from this they wait for their informant to distract the heavy this then comes from a medical staff inside the compound the medical trys to head to the heavys but gets side tracked as a hr starts talking with him and brings him to a gate the hr thinking somethings up stops the medical informant and questions him by this time the ntf have catched up to the ci and are now engaging the ci the ci are slaughtered and just before the scp's goto attack the ntf the heavys re-enter the hcz zone to help contain the scp's the medical informant was not declared a traitor and let go What is your favorite SCP? Why? i sort like the female ones like the lizard and the fox lady and lets just say theres reason i just shouldint post here but if you want you can ask in private
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