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Noah Lee

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Noah Lee last won the day on December 17 2023

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  1. Accepted Applications If your name is on this list, please contact a FTO listed on our roster to get trained! Denied Applications Warper Jamal If your name was not listed here, this means you were not accepted for anonymous reasons! Please reapply in two weeks!!!
  2. What you want to see? - Ore Collection box be allowed during non cash surge or a similar box for more money during non cash surge Why should we add it? - The ore Collection box would bring more players to AFK on the server during the day, and not only at night and give the server a little more pop. I and a few other people would want to base during the day or leave our accounts on but simply baby sitting the drills during the day so the entities dont bug and you loose what could be a dark matter is a very boring and dreading task. What are the advantages of having this? - Player Count Who is it mainly for? - Criminals
  3. -Support I've had several interactions on crim and gov lead me to believe you wouldn't be a good fit at this time
  4. +support there has been many times that major criminal family's get on and do crime, then once we do it, some gov that was police normally hops on EMS to prevent us from getting away and some times gets off simply off after the situation
  5. God speed man, its been a ride, you will be missed even though we've fought alot o7
  6. +support But what about no NLR for anyone on a gov raid and its just a fight for the box?
  7. Welp who would of guessed that this would be coming so soon? the people that i talked about this happening know my true reasons, but im heading back to my PRP world. not leaving gaming light but just going to a different game mode. if any of you SCPRP people ever come over to PRP dont be afraid to reach out and ill help you out with some starting money all my other Security command keep it going and hold it down!
  8. -Support I was driving near spawn at the time that i saw you place down that sign that says "being gay sucks" there was no flag up at the time... and if the flag you are referring to she didnt even make that flag, it was someone else that is gay that was sitting on the dumbster at the time... you can even see from the screen shot that LT Russtime made the arrow, not even her and if you are talking about this flag that was done a couple of weeks later where yet again she didnt make it
  9. Hey man, i still remember you back on SCPRP back in the day before you came on over or came back to policeRP, and its been a long ride all around, welcome to the retirement club, and i hope you well into the future sir!
  10. Your In-game: Noah Lee The admin's name in-game: Scor The admin's steam name (If you know it): What warning did you receive: LTARP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): b r u h Why do you think this warn was false: Scor was trying to warn a guy that i arrested for disconnected, but he copied my id instead of the guys. Any extra information:
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