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Imperial Goblin

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Everything posted by Imperial Goblin

  1. -Support -barely no one goes in water so what's the point
  2. +Support +Helpful +Active +Professional
  3. What is your in-game name?: GoblinYT What is your steam name?: [GoblinYT] What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:832522415 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No only on Roblox What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) OCT, 20-31 2023 What date did you make your forums account? March 1, 2024 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? User How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot) What rank are you applying for? T-MOD Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No! Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I'm a Active, Helpful member and I think I deserve the rank because I'm willing to help other's a lot all the time. I'm always open so you could see me on the entire day! I will stop Rdmer's and Minges! I Staff in Roblox I'm a Roblox Owner and Manager! Me I will treat all with Respect and Honor and show Higher Ups that I'm a Good Fit. In a Sit, I will Act Professional at all times and follow handbook. I have Read the !MOTD so I know all Rules! Me getting Staff I'll show JMT-SMT and Admin's+ That I'm Ready and keep Going. I have read the Handbook a lot I mean a lot due to me wanting to get Staff so If I get this I'll Promise that I'll be Active so so much. Other's Told me about Staff and to Join so here I am Applying for Trial-Moderator. I Love seeing SMT and Others get to be Staff and they inspire me a lot so here I am. I have 1 Week played, but used to play back then, but took 2 Month break. So this is a good Opportunity for me. Staff, I'll follow Handbook and MOTD at All times! How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? As in Handbook I would jail/warn for MassRdm and Staff Dis. Then Gag other Person for 5 Minutes
  4. Due to my stuff not lagging I'm am able to do getaways with Craft I think I hope so.
  5. I'll be coming back on sunday If it works out Craft I'll be waiting for you
  6. Major +Support Vid 1, It was his car don't be a asshole let him drive. Cece owns it. Vid 2, He can be in there It's not a fucking private channel. That's just fucking Disrespect. Vid 3, He was having a problem So let him be. [GoblinYT]
  7. Hey Gaminglight! I'm going on a resignation due to me getting big lags that I can't Stop. First, @Craft You helped me with PD and I will always remember that getaway we did. Second, @Leaky You helped me at a Staff Interview when I was so nervous, and I will always remember Ming. Third, @Robert Peel Why did not give me a hotdog at the PD Meeting, but good luck. Fourth, @Fudge Good Luck is Staff. Fifth, @aschlotman10 Make sure to DM in Discord and try to get a new graphics card. Sixth, @BruceyBoyo I hope you keep moving up in Staff. Seventh, @Aaron Faustin Have Fun in State. Eighth, @Scor I hope I find you one day. Ninth, @Maskedfoxgamer Good Luck in PD! Tenth, @Shell Simpson Keep it up in SL. Eleventh, @DuckeyWizard Good Luck in PD High Command Twelfth, @Curtis Always Remember Team Turtle. I will come back to visit sometimes all y'all, but until then I will see you Guys soon. Bye Gaminglight
  8. Thx and I forgot about that so thx for reminding me.
  9. It's about time for me to go for EMS. I met cool people like @RussTime @Craft. Reason is cause I'm trying to focus on PD. Good Luck to all!
  10. Hi

    1. Arlo


      So did you just edit the message to hide what you said?

  11. Can I be moved to retired on the roster
  12. @MiniEpic The best Commissioner ever. Best Lead Admin. I'm Finna cry after this. I will miss you and everyone will. I know we had one trouble time together. I hope you come back soon. Please come back as a guest in TS for some PD Meeting's. Hope you enjoy it. I hope one day we could meet. I remember you from Super-Admin to Lead-Admin. It's sad seeing you go. You will be forever missed by everyone inside the community. o7
  13. Name of the Event (So we can announce it in the discord) Murderer town Event rules: Murderer is picked by someone random. Must have evidence to call a meeting. No disrespect or you will be removed from event. It's a fun event for people. If you die don't spawn you will be revived, then taken to a box to spectate. No killing someone for no reason must have evidence then call a meeting to kill him. Detail of the event (Please go into detail): You go to a small town and everyone gets a Glock 18, but there is evidence so you can find out who is the murderer. There is 40 minutes to find who it is. 1# gets 1,000,000 2# gets 500,000 3# gets XP Who's the event for (Government, Criminals, and citizen's) It's for all. I hope this is a event! +Support I think lot's of people will enjoy it. Major +Support Could this Happen?
  14. I say a strike +support It shows everything you need. It shows he is metagaming. Idk why he would do that.
  15. Im very active on the server.


    Try to become staff. 

    20 Reputation

  16. Denied Thanks for your interest on joining Swat May Reapply in two Weeks Enjoy Retirement Just kidding
  17. Wtf is going on. Rising/ Best Ems ever always fun to hangout with. Enjoy retirement Home. RISING CALLSIGN: COMMAND1 RANK: DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Bye Rising
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