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About SeniorDeer957

  • Birthday 06/16/2003

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  1. Well guy it's been fun I have been on this server for 2 years and a couple months, While I had a good run, I just don't have time for the server like I used to. So, I'm going into retirement. I'll still join with my reserves from time to time. Before I go, I want to thank some of people in thus server. Jabronnie - The Goat. I had a lot of fun under you sir Talren - The scout Glazer. Supreme trooper when? Resin - You were the Second Tank CMDR bozo. I will always be number 1. Much love tho. Keep army going without me. Osiris - Roblox nerd. Harry - your bald. But I'm finally joining the retirement home Tyrannis - IQ Goat Zap - Who? Jk much love brother Colossus - Make tank great again Kyle - I miss the Old Kyle Salt - Regimental Medics When? Mox - 501st Goat Rusty - I'm your 1 Hater ong Noshow - don't resign within a month I know I didn't get everybody, but This list would keep going if I kept putting people on it much love to everyone. Maybe I'll be back one day. This is General SeniorDeer signing off the ISD
  2. Denied We appreciate your want to move up and help your battalion
  3. I ain't going nowhere bozo o7
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