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About Jrshafer

  • Birthday 05/29/2007

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Jrshafer's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. I didnt know you to much but damn you has passion for EMS so thank you man!
  2. Hello! with a tear in my eye i must say that jrshafer has had a heart attack after eating a shit ton of taco bell! the best of the best EMS tried to save him but it was too late! uhh im resiging btw like globally! i didn't get used to policeRP and after 3 years of SCPRP im just tired of garrys mod so yeahh im only gonna mention one person and thats my father russtime uh thank you for letting me into EMS im sorry that it wasnt as long as i was hoping but eh shit happens! But keep up the killer work in not only EMS but throughout Police RP Idk if ill ever be back but time can tell that! Without further adieu Elvis has left the building...
  3. you better keep our streaks tho i swear to god!
  4. you were amazing baby girl imma miss u pooks COME TO EMS POLICE RP
  5. What... that fuck! i know you were disliked in a disliked branch and we really never talked but you had amazing ideas that yeah some may have not agreed with but not everyone will with you in life and thats okay! D5 did lose a good one (even tho ur a furry)
  6. +support! would be a great, active pickup for the staff team
  7. Thank fuck yo! Ive been waiting for this for a while now and im so happy! all jokes yo dont take anything ive ever said seriously yo! You were alright
  8. -support yeah nah you gotta get a decent reputation before applying! I know im the last person to be speaking but you got to proof yourself like we all did and that’s certainly not a cool look dude!
  9. What is your in-game name?: Jrshafer What is your steam name?: Scared To talk to Women! What is your steam ID?: 76561199229498974 What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): paulie.lombardo Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I do on gaminglight SCP I was previously a Senior mod What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Jan 1st 2021 What date did you make your forums account? jan 1st 2021 How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124043767649943733/1208559655702495302/image.png?ex=65e3b9e3&is=65d144e3&hm=a85ed437761ac97821a9d0384fe47aeb3abe336da5ba566a110e81cda07964b3& What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) Platinum Are you a staff member in another community? No Have you read the staff handbook? Yes Timezone: EST What rank are you applying for? Tmod Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I deserve to be a staff member to get a second chance and to be able to help the server and community since the original situation I've seen many people progress through staff and join so I'd like to rejoin and prove that what I did was a stupid mistake. I also believe I deserve the rank because of my experience and dedication to the server. I have spent a significant amount of time on the server, familiarizing myself with its rules and what I believe the server needs. Throughout my time here, I have actively engaged with other members, resolving situations, providing assistance, and trying to make the community more fun. Not only will I demonstrate my capability to fulfill the responsibilities of a staff member, but I will also strive to make contributions that help improve the server's environment and overall quality. Additionally, I also believe I deserve staff because I'm quite active and am always on the server or available on discord. Scenario questions: Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are assessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? At first i would gag them and ask the person reporting what happened specifically. I would then ask them to explain, If someone has gathered a clip of the situation i would get that i would also get screenshots of the blogs showing the rdm incase an attempt at an appeal might get made i would then continue to warn the person for Mass RDM & NITRP and possibly staff disrespect I would then give another staff member the persons steam I'd and ask for a 3 day ban on my behalf. Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation? I would first start by removing the people from the sit that aren't directly involved and do not have the proof or evidence that is actually relevant to the sit. If both of the people from both sides continue to cause issues/arguments I would gag them so I can explain to everyone what I'm going to do. If they refuse to listen at this point I would just close the sit after receiving no evidence and getting nowhere. Eventually if another sit is made and they don't shout and scream I'd deal with the issue then and there.
  10. Fuck! Uhhhh idk what imma do with RnD but I’ll figure it out! I head big plans for you boba and honestly this hurts like hell! You will be missed and you’ll be welcomed back at any point! ill be on the roster tomorrow after school but you will have reserves! Please come back soon boba! You were one that i actually liked lol! Sad to see you go but i wish you luck and hope your girl breaks up with yo… i mean good luck on your future endeavors!!
  11. Chaos Insurgency Branch Update 1/31/2024 With approval from: O5 council: O5-3 Site Administration: BB, Fool, Bucket, Stolas D5 HCMD: Fruit, Shadows Nu7 HCMD: Purp E-11 HCMD: Blackout, Darby Utility HCMD: N/A Research HCMD: Cintal Alpha 1 HCMD: (on LOA) Security HCMD: Jones, Assassin CI Gamma Command Gun Additions Cross_arms_infront_swep cross_arms_swep Model Removals (If Applicable) models/player/Suits/male_02_closed_coat_tie.mdl Model Additions (If Applicable) models/player/Suits/male_09_closed_coat_tie.mdl, models/hazmatcitizens/p_hazmatmale09.mdl Old Armor 250 New Armor 225 CI Senior Delta Command Gun Removals arc9_bo1_l96 Gun Additions arc9_cod4e_m82 Attachment Removals arc9_att_bo1_bipod_integrated Attachment Additions arc9_att_mwc_optic_as50 Old Armor 225 New Armor 200 CI Conscript Old Armor 175 New Armor 200 CI Hotshot Gun Removals arc9_bo1_ithaca Gun Additions Ci_smoke_v2 arc9_cod4e_w1200 Attachment Removals Has no attachments Attachment Additions arc9_att_bo2_muzzle_suppressor_shotty Old HP 175 New HP 200 CI Longshot Gun Removals arc9_bo1_l96 Gun Additions Ci_smoke_v2 arc9_bo2_m82 Attachment Removals Only has a bipod Attachment Additions arc9_att_mwc_optic_as50 Praxede’s Fist: Apollo New Job Name (If Applicable) CI Praxede’s Fist: Apollo Gun Additions Ci_smoke_v2 weapon_hdevice_pro arc9_bo1_l96 Attachment Removals Only has a bipod Attachment Additions arc9_att_mwc_optic_as50 Old HP 200 New HP 225 Old job speed 275 New job speed 295 CI Mangler Gun Removals arc9_bo1_ithaca Gun Additions arc9_cod4e_w1200 Attachment Removals Has no attachments Attachment Additions arc9_att_bo2_muzzle_suppressor_shotty Old HP 210 Old Armor 210 New HP 225 New Armor 200 CI Deadshot Old HP 200 New HP 225 Old job speed 290 New job speed 300 CI Shades task force Trauma Unit Gun Additions Medical_inspect surgical_knife weapon_defibrillator Old HP 200 Old Armor 200 New HP 225 New Armor 225 CI ‘Eye of Intelligence’ Operative Gun Removals arc9_bo1_python Gun Additions Arc9_bo2_fiveseven arc9_cod4e_p90 Model Additions (If Applicable) models/player/suits/robber_tuckedtie.mdl Old HP 150 New HP 125 CI BioEngineer New Job Name (If Applicable) CI Bioengineer (Make the E in engineer lowercase) Gun Additions radiation_broom Attachment Removals Only has heavy stock Attachment Additions arc9_att_bo2_muzzle_suppressor_80s_1 Old Armor 125 New Armor 175 ** Needs the ability to spawn a Radiation Suit ** ** Needs the ability to spawn a Temporary Infection Cure ** **Changed from 4 slots to 5 slots** CI RND Agent Gun Additions Medical_inspect surgical_knife Doctor Maynard Gun Removals arc9_bo2_mp5 Gun Additions arc9_mw3e_fmg9 CONTENT ADDITIONS!!!!! Surface War Mode: Mech A Gamemode in the Surface war menu in which both sides will fight to procure a mech. A Member from either side can start a majority vote for the opposite team! If the other team votes Yes! A surface war begins! Each team will have a set of 50 lives! The goal is to kill the other team until they have run out of lives! The winner of this surface war will get a mech! The team who wins will have someone randomly selected for the Mech job as long as they have more than 5 kills! Mode Requirements 5 MTF and 5 CI 3 hour cooldown until it can be played again Can only be played for 75 Minutes Job Name Zenith Warlord Description Zenith Warlord, a formidable war machine shrouded in mystery. This bipedal mech, built for both precision strikes and heavy assaults, is a fusion of otherworldly power and advanced engineering, making it a coveted asset for both the E11 Foundation and the Chaos Insurgency Weapons Arc9_bo1_stoner Arc9_bo2_stormpsr Arc9_waw_ppsh41 Arc9_bo2_nma Attachments Model Models\arachnit\wolfenstein2\supersoldaten\supersoldaten_1946\ HP 1000 Armor 500 Salary 250 Content with file size https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1433238305 75 mb (if we cannot remove that sticker and replace it with CI/E11 Logos we can always use this one) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727976558&searchtext=robot 36 mb P.s Love you donny thank you so fucking much yo!
  12. AHHHHHH WELCOME FULL TIME TO THE FAMILY! We really never saw Eye to Eye and yes we may have petty arguements but i think your gonna shape up to be a hell of a leader for your sub branch! i wish ya goodluck.. haha its not like i determine your future anyway
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