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Everything posted by KetchupBox

  1. What is your name?: Bonez What is your rank?: Senior Aviator How long have you been an Enlisted?: 2 days What rank are you applying for?: Pilot How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?: I do not have any strikes Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?: I am more than capable of leading Enlisted, with previous experience in other regiments such as (Being ST VCMDER, COL Tank trooper). I am able to host tryouts for SF knowing that ill be able to recruit new members for the battalion. What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?: I can assist Officers by hosting tryouts, Guiding Enlisted, and making fair judgement in certain situations. What is the main purpose of an NCO?: The main purpose of an NCO is to host tryouts, assist Officers, and Guide Enlisted Question, what would happen if you see a enlisted not following orders and they are messing around?: I would get evidence of said Enlisted, and immediately report it to officer+ Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?: I understand completely
  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Box (Tank CPT Box TT5682) 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Tank Troopers 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would love to become one of the first selected Vice Commanders through application. Its a new branch to the server, and theres a lot that i could do to make it a fun, welcoming, and interesting branch. I still want to be that one commander that you can come to for help or give suggestions to, this greatly helps the Regiment and improves it to be the best that it can be. Tank Troopers is a new Regiment i want to be able to show the server how capeable it can be during events and passive events such as escorts or resource runs. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 891:49 https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/932901080 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of being a Vice Commander is to Assist the Commander of the branch, and take in suggestions from Officers, NCO, and Enlisted. They are there to also slove problems in the branch and solve problems between troopers who are disagreeing with each other. As a Tank Trooper Vice Commander you are there to coordinate the troopers with formations during escorts, resource runs, and battle postions during attacks. From time to time certain situations arise within the regiment, and the Vice commander is to take action in the correct manner when it comes to these type of situations regarding a member of the Regiment. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I can be trusted to take this postion with confidence that it will strive. I have previous officer and Vice Commander experience with Stormtroopers. I'll show initiative in bringing ideas to the commander and high command overseer from myself and fellow troopers in the Regiment. I've also had previous experience in being the ST Engineer lead, i took ideas from other engineers and gave them to the lead engineer team and gave those suggestions to the High Command Overseer. I am a likeable guy and can be fun to be around, I strive to make others laugh and have fun until its time to be serious. I know the in's and out's of being a Vice Commander and the knowledge to make the decisions that are necessary. 7. How often can you be Online? : Thursdays I can be on all day. Depending on my schedule for Wednesday or Friday I can also be on all day unless i have to be away for a shorter time, if that is this case its a possible 5-8 hours. Saturday 7 hours, Monday and Tuesday most of the day or (8 Hours). I am trying to limit myself from being on the server too much so i dont get burnt out. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 1 Current Inactive warnings [LTAP, RDM] No Current Warnings or Strikes in the Regiment
  3. HUGE MEGA SUPPORT!!!!!!! 1. Great guy to work with 2. Fun to rp with 3. Takes his role with confindence 4. Knows what hes doing 5. Should become the next Vice Commander Good luck "Spy" *cough cough* I mean Unknown! (Forever Spy to me)
  4. +Support -Active -Great guy to work with -Great guy to have fun with -Knows what hes doing
  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : ST Vice Commander Box 2. What Regiment are you applying for? StormTroopers 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be the Commander of this Regiment, becuase i believe that i can make this Regiment great once again as it use to be. With the recent Roll Call being concluded the Battalion is going to need a Commander to Lead them into battle and regain newer and better Members for the Battalion. Though im still gaining the experience as a Vice Commander, the Regiment is going to need a Commander rather leaving it empty with two Vice Commanders to lead the regiment without a Leader. Whats a Battalion without its Commander? I desire to become the newest Commander for StormTroopers. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 734:39 https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/932901080 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The biggest purpose of being a Commander is being able to Command and lead your troopers into battle. There is always more to being a Commander than just leading your troops into battle, you also have be able to come together with the Vice Commanders and work as a team to solve problems and update the battlion when it is needed. You need to be able to make sure your officers are always doing their job too and keeping active. Be ready to help support new players into the regiment or join other regiments. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Being a current Vice Comander, ill continue remaining active and keeping the battalion active with interesting things to do. I'll continue my dedication to the regiment that i grew to love and still love today. I'm still greatly active today, and many of the other commanders and HCOM have seen me active and interacting with the ST Battlion. Some of the Officers have already stated that they would enjoy me being the next Commander for ST's. I'll put greater effort into the battlion as a Commander. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can usally be on for about 5-8 Hours on Wednesday and Thursday, from Fri-Tue about 5 hours or more depending what i got going on 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I currently have 1 inactive warning, And no stikes or warns in the Stormtrooper Regiment
  6. Denied Unfortunatly ST Command doesn't think your ready to join the ranks of Officer. Please continue to do your best in the regiment and for the Regiment. You have till next ST Meeting to create another application.
  7. Accepted Please speak to a CPT+ for your training
  8. Pending Command is still deciding. Please continue on your activity to the best of your abilities until Commnad comes to a decision.
  9. Denied Unfortunately, Stormtrooper Command does not think that you are ready for the position of Officer, and your application has been denied. You may reapply within 1 week, Please consider the following How am I representing myself in-game? Does my application reflect the actions of an Officer? Have I answered every question effectively?
  10. Accepted Congratulation on your promotion, Speak to a MAJ+ for you training. Welcome to the Officer core!
  11. Accepted Congratulation on your promotion, Speak to a MAJ+ for you training. Welcome to the Officer core!
  12. Accepted Congratulation on your promotion, Speak to a MAJ+ for you training. Welcome to the Officer core!
  13. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : ST ENGL MAJ Box 5682 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Stormtrooper Vice Commander 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a Vice Commander for this Regiment because I see that the current commanding team needs an extra hand to help out with the regiment with such things as LOA/ROA and updating the Roster. That's not the only reason why I want to be a Vice Commander for Stormtroopers, another reason is that I love the regiment I'm in and I dedicate myself to it I'm an Engineer Lead who performs very well in the sub-branch. I've looked at Officers as somebody you can go to for help, but always looked at the Commander or Vice Commander that you can do the same but shouldn't. I want to be THAT Vice Commander you can go to for help and look for guidance without worrying about any unnecessary repercussions. I like to see myself as a leader from time to time, but I believe I can make myself a good leader by being a Vice commander. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 559 Hours https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/932901080 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The purpose of this postion is to assist the Commander, help the entire Regiment in any problems it may have. Thats not just all, Vice Commanders also conduct SIMS, Update LOA/ROA and Roster. When a Officer, NCO, or a Enlisted need help the Vice Commander is there to help the trooper in anyway they can in a professional manner, so that way they can always come back to the Vice Commander knowing that their willing and wanting to help that trooper strive for the better. Lastly but the most important purpose of being a Vice Commander is to be a great leader and Perfect example of a leader. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I should be trusted on taking the role of Vice Commander as I am true to the Stormtrooper Battalion. I'm dedicated, helpful, fun to be around, and respectful to those who need my help. I'm willing and looking to help improve myself and others in the Battalion this way, everyone can look to me for help and guidance when needed. I want to be able to keep the Roster updated as much as possible so that no trooper asks why it hasn't been updated when it should, I'll even be able to update it while I'm away from the server when I can. And when a trooper asks why the Roster hasn't been updated, I'll be able to tell them "I'll get to it as soon as possible, don't worry." I like to keep my dedication to the Stormtrooper Battalion as much as possible, for the fact that it's a great stepping stone for all newcomers to be guided in the right direction into the regiment or into a different battalion altogether. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can usally be on for about 5-8 Hours on Wednesday and Thursday, from Fri-Tue about 5 hours or more depending what i got going on 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I currently have 1 inactive warning, And no stikes or warns in the Stormtrooper Regiment
  14. 1. What's your in-game name? Box, in game rank SFC 2. What is your SteamID as shown on roster? (STEAM_ format, not the one with all numbers) STEAM_0:0:520052864 3. How long have you been on the server? (As shown on the tab list) 2 weeks 4. How many warns on Gaminglight servers do you have? Currently 1 but its been many months since I've received it 5. Why do you want to be an Officer? I want to be an Officer because I desire to lead the stormtrooper regiment. I've always looked at officers as somebody you can look up to, I want to be that person, somebody to look up to for support. I'm very active and helpful to those who have questions and need guidance about which sub-branches to choose. I'm a good leader when it comes to directing and commanding those on where to go when the ISD is under attack. 6. What time zone are you in? PST 7. What can you do to improve the battalion? I'm plenty active. I can host lots of sims and tryouts (especially for Engineers as a senior engineer). When it comes to battalion updates I can provide feedback before a forum suggestion post is made. The ST battalion is usually seen as mingy to most people, I believe it's time for a change and make it a regiment that's worth looking at as helpful, friendly, and enjoyable to be in. 8. How do you differ from other applicants? I used to be a MSG in the stormtrooper battalion, and a former SFC in shock. I am able to lead and direct enlisted with confidence. If I do get selected, it'll be a good start to my Officer experience.
  15. +Support Would love to see anything new and anything that would help benefit the regiment.
  16. What is your In-Game Name: Box What is your In-Game Rank: LCPL/Apprentice III What is your STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:520052864 Are you Purge or IQ: Purge/IQ
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