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Everything posted by KetchupBox

  1. +Support Though I may have just went into reserves and think that willow still could use some improvement of their character, it's the best SF will have. And I can say that in the SF doc Squadron Leads can apply for command position as I was the same rank when I went into the command team.
  2. +Support -ISB command needs someone who will actively add new members and will be active. The current garrick versio is on a LOA for a whole month! Give this man a command position
  3. +Support -I personally haven't had much interaction with this man, but his app is decently good and would make a good fit into the Naval Command team
  4. Accepted! Please see an Aviation Officer+ for your training
  5. KetchupBox

    Faye NCO App

    Denied Unfortunately at this time, the SF Command team does not see you experienced enough to join the NCO Core. You can reapply in a Week.
  6. +Support -would make a good officer -good app
  7. +Support -active -great trooper -highly recommend -lots of experience
  8. ACCEPTED! Please see an Aviation Officer+ for your training
  9. ACCEPTED! Please see an Aviation Officer+ for your training
  10. +Support -good app -has good experience to take on the position
  11. -Support Basically everything Sly mentioned
  12. +Support -Great Officer -Plenty of experience
  13. ACCEPTED! Please see a Aviation Officer+ for your training!
  14. ACCEPTED! Please see a Wing Commander+ for your training!
  15. ACCEPTED! See a Aviation Officer+ for NCO training
  16. YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN ACCEPTED! Please see a Wing Commander+ for officer training
  17. ACCEPTED! Please see an Aviation Officer+ for your NCO training.
  18. ACCEPTED! Please see a Aviation Officer+ for NCO training.
  19. +Support -I've seen him apply for the position many times and hasn't given up yet -He's improved from all other applications -I believe he deserves a chance at the position
  20. -Support -Poor communication skills -Has had a disciplinary action not too long ago
  21. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Bonez 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Starfighter 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I aspire to become a commander for this branch because I believe I possess the qualities necessary to steer starfighters towards success. My commitment to this branch is unwavering, and I actively recruit new members to create a vibrant and engaging community. If selected as a commander for starfighters, I aim to introduce innovative ideas and implement necessary changes. Drawing from my extensive experience as a former ST VCMDER, Tank COL, and Nova LTCOL, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to the advancement of the branch. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 1,301:21https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/932901080 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of being a commander for a branch is to lead, support, and guide the regiment. As a commander it's your job to ensure that the officers, nco's, and enlisted are conducting themselves accordingly and striving to do well in the Regiment. They oversee operations, collaborate with high command, and ensure the branch's success and unity. Additionally, they create a positive environment, nurture professional growth, and maintain organizational values. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Its not about why you should, but why you can trust me to be Vice Marshall for starfighters because of my unwavering dedication to the Starfighter Battalion. My commitment, helpfulness, and respectful demeanor make me a reliable and approachable leader. I am constantly striving to improve myself and support the growth of my fellow Battalion members. Entrusting me with the responsibilities of Vice Marshall means entrusting someone who is dedicated, capable, and committed to upholding the highest standards of leadership within our Battalion. Not to mention the amount of experience I have from being a former ST VCMDER, Tank COL, and Nova LTCOL. 7. How often can you be Online? : 3-4 days a week minimum, 4-5 maximum, 3-4 hours minimum, 5-6 maximum 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 1 Current Inactive warnings [LTAP, RDM] No Current Warnings or Strikes in the Regiment Notes: Heres what I plan on bringing to SF if given the chance to become a command memeber for SF. SOP update, Update job loadouts and health + armor, looking into a subbranch addition, lastly a possible model update
  22. -Support -Short -Uninspired -Plenty of spelling errors -Doesn't seem like a good candidate for ST VCMDER
  23. +Support -Dedicated -Trust worthy for the position -Has lots of previous experience
  24. What is your name?: Bonez What is your rank?: Operations Pilot How long have you been a NCO?: 9 Days What rank are you applying for?: Aviation Officer How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?: Currently 0 Strikes Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?: I have plenty of experience being an officer, such as (Being COL/VCMDER ST, COL Tank, and Former Regiment Nova LTCOL). I find myself to be quite familiar with the SOP that i can confidently say that i can lead NCO's and Enlisted. What can you do to assist command with this rank?: Joining the Officer Core ill be able to assist the command team in promoting NCO's/Enlisted, give advice to the command team on certain decisions, keeping the battalion active and fun, lastly keeping the battalion a place to grow and learn. What is the point of been a officer?: The point of being an officer is to assist the command team, lead NCO's and Enlisted. Continuing Tryouts to grow the battalion, doing SIM's and Trainings keeping the battalion busy and entertained. Giving promotions to those in the battalion who deserve it. What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?: If i were to see a officer messing around and leading NCO's/Enlisted, i would record evidence and give it to the command team for proper actions to be taken. Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?: Yes
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