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  1. As much as I like the thought, one of our current head admins Rux has previously suggested this exact addon before and was denied. Was apart of the server in the past but had issues according to Beckett. nontheless +support if it can work
  2. +Support Purge were literally seen with E-11Ds in Kenobi Purge has been needing something new for over a year now This is a great job to get people to want to join and work hard in purge to achieve Although Purge specialize in jedi combat, their kits are still rather weak against most jedi, this is completely fair from my stand point
  3. +support understands the requirements for being command and has the experience in IQ very active some will argue this application is on the shorter side but its bout the same size as my accepted ninth sis app, quality>quanitity Goodluck!
  4. +massive support -Theta is by far one of the most caring members of this community -truly helps anyone in anyway he can to better themselves, their battalion, or the server -has the knowledge and experience to handle anything that comes his way (in both command and staff) -very professional when it comes down to it, yet still knows how to have fun -dedicated to the gaminglight grind (he gave me my first warn on the server back in 2021 lmao) ->actually communicates with others about improvements that could be made<- 100% deserving of JMT
  5. Joker has been apart of shock command for almost 3 months now, I know of multiple previous high command members who didnt hold a low command position for barely a month (if even) before being promoted and they've done great things for this community as high command. Joker understands his responsibilities fully and is willing to put in the effort to make AHC, big +support from me
  6. +mega support tons of command experience wrote a behemoth of an application carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion interacts with every battalion dedicated to the gaminglight grind
  7. +support its a meme song. ive had literal groups of command members in teamspeak vibing to this song before lmaoo, understandably shouldnt be played in game but if he played it for ~3 seconds like claimed and didnt even receive a verbal before being gagged and warned I feel its excessive formally warning him, as I have heard higher ranked staff than the admin in question play this song fully before and nobody batted an eye
  8. 不乱穿马路斗争 2021 年 11 月 13 日。#NeverForget. Rho 帮派斗争 #Grand General Remington #SlideforVon 泡菜聽歌詞november 13th甜膩AHC Coupe便宜他we remember
  9. +support for one simple reason, ive heard multiple people throughout my year and a half in gaminglight drop the hard r in game over radio multiple times (arguably a much worse offence) and they would at most get like a 2 week ban, how at all is that fair to lafoursh who posted a clip of an (old) gaminglight staff member saying it. Understandably the wrong way to go about it posting it in ooc yes, but my point stands he should not be perma banned lmao
  10. +support I have too many perma pistols, needa give em away
  11. +support New job with new rules, not everyone is gonna know everything first day + definitely shouldve been brought into a sit to let him explain himself. I understand it was overwhelming with all the new criminal update stuff but considering teamspeak + people talking in game sometimes people cannot hear the warnings that were being said over radio, hence he should have been issued a verbal over a formal warning for this in my opinion
  12. I will say, for Klondu, absolutely no need to tell people to leave purge checkpoint if the purge/iq guarding it arent already telling that person to leave, seems unnecessary + kinda toxic. Definitely not rdm, but also cant be malicious towards people who are just chillin not breaking rules, makes inquisitorius as a whole look like the bad guys
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