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Posts posted by Damien

  1. +support 

    I +support this for the reason that every time I see someone one a judge job they like to explore where they shouldn't this creates a lot of hassle for the staff team to deal with because they know they are not supposed to go there.


    Well sometimes thief's lockpick the door and a lot of gov go offline, I rarely see a PD officer close them back and lock then (To where the should!) and when I hop on a judge job I like to close it.

    Overall +support


  2. What you want to see? -
    More entry props, the limit is 15 entry props 

    Why should we add it? - 
    well I personally hate the rule, including if you wanna make walls it kind of gets in the way of a base you spent time and creativity on just to have it called "Fail base" I personally see no reason for this to be down this number, I am here to ask for a extended amount like maybe 25 for example, its even harder if you don't have a base and its night plus there is a cash surge and all you wanna do is set up printers.

    What are the advantages of having this? -
    well it certainty won't take forever just to make a base because you don't have to double check it as much, it will really make basing a lot easier for the rest of us, it might give PD more of a challenge as some of them are interested for, or you just don't have to look and count every entity you spawn.

    Who is it mainly for? -

    Links to any content - N/A

  3. You are absolutely right, the first clip I was joking, but I do not have a joking voice where I figured I was joking. I was mainly directing to my IRL friend I invited to the server FittedBoar and Kenny, However I shouldn't be joking like this in anyway as it is uncalled for including without context, all though non of these are where I was on staff job so try a player report as it would be more fit,

    I do apologize for my actions and will clean up my act, some times I come across a little hostile, if you would like I can actually say sorry to you in voice if you want. thanks for your report and feedback, 

    I would also like to add, when it comes to my staff role, I will act highly professional, maybe not on criminal where I should but I do have countless sits that are justified with level headed maturity, regardless my actions are not justified in any means, but as I stated I recommend making a player report, as I was not on staff in any of these

    also sorry if I offended you in any means -Damien

  4. +Support 

    Active/friendly (He also has experience on the server knowing he is SWAT)

    Knows the rules and MOTD

    Level headed can definitely deal with heated situations (He is very mature)

    He helps out the community regardless of being staff

    I truly believe you're a good person and are deserving of staff

    Good luck.

  5. -Support

    Incorrect format so probably not enough time into mod study

    New forums account

    not really active as far as I can tell, I haven't see you around.

    replied to his own staff application 

    Lying on his staff application 


    What date did you make your forums account?:02/21/2020

    not enough words

    Immature in game and causing problems

    I don't think you are ready to take on this role, re-apply later on in the future respectfully and I will think about a +support.

    Edit: also questioned my motives in PM's about my support on the application.

  6. 9 hours ago, Kevinn said:

                                                                        +/- Support
                                       +It would make spawning ammo and other things faster
                                        - Keep in mind this would be for everyone including minges,
                             which means they could prop minge with entity instead of props now

    Leaning on the -support because of minges, also what's the point of the platinum box then?

  7. +support

    I thought I seen him prob climb but I made a mistake, I referred him to check "Warn appeals" to undo these new changes, what he actually done was used people to climb the hospital, 

    Side notes: Sorry hunter, I will be more observant in the upcoming, thank you for taking this to the forums and being respectful.

    also it wasn't him that prop climbed it was someone else right beside him.

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